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CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR

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...and I admit to an actual LOL with the names! "Apprehension Height" and "Worry Ridge"? Well done, sir. Well done.

And, as others have said, your screenshots are doing a great job of showing what's what. Nice.

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20 minutes ago, IanL said:

Yes, looking good.

I have a small peeve for everyone else - where are the likes and up votes? Some posts something humourous on a whine thread and nets 6 up votes. These guys are writing up an amazing beta AAR and they have one or two on some of thier posts. Let's go people!

It appears you’ve only so many upvotes per day. I was doing a catch up on all the AAR posts and now getting a message saying I’ve used up all my reactions today. Never knew there was a limit. 

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Turn 2 :

Hahahaha, of course it turns out that assumptions made about Bil's options turn out to be wrong. This turn some of my Uncons get spots on units moving up just behind Apprehension Height and Worry Ridge ... because they're amphibious. I definitely did not see that coming, so "Bottleneck Bridge" immediately goes down as the most inappropriately named terrain feature on the map ! :lol:

CMSF2 0052 Something new 2.jpg

What appear to be 2 BMP-2's and one TOW-toting vehicle put in an appearance. At least one of the BMP's disgorges some men and the other probably does so too. So infantry are about to start peering over the crest next turn.

CMSF2 0055 Tow toter.jpg

The good news is that none of these vehicles are poking their own noses over the crest, so I should be able to suppress their infantry with MG fire ( if I can spot them ).
Naturally, if they have any kind of AT weaponry with a range greater than 300m, I'm going to be sad panda.

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On the far side of the map, two more bakkies are spotted behind the one my Watcher in the Woods KO'd. They begin to move, but the rearmost one moves into a new position that can still be seen ( shown with arrow ).

My Scimitar is not very accurate ( I read up about the UK's Rarden cannon and it's supposed to be more accurate than most to make up for its low magazine and slow reload. Hmph, not here it seems. Mumble, mutter ;)) but eventually lands some rounds near the vehicle - at the end of the turn, the crew have jumped out.
I'm not sure if it's still a viable vehicle at this point.

CMSF2 0045 Uncons vehicles.jpg

CMSF2 0046 Uncon vehicle 2-2.jpg


CMSF2 0048 Bailed2.jpg

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At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

CMSF2 0058 Puddlers endpoint.jpg

Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities:rolleyes:), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind :lol:

CMSF2 0050 Something new.jpg

Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

CMSF2 0061 Uncons A2.jpg

All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !" :D
( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).

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47 minutes ago, Baneman said:

Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

Spray and pray is not a winning recipe for achieving fire superiority.  :D 

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5 hours ago, c3k said:

There's a two vote per day limit, if I remember correctly.

It must be higher than that. I just gave out three. Each is tracked on its own clock though. The other day I had a backlog of five posts I wanted to up vote and I was able two one at a time here and there over the course of the day.

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Turn 3:

Overview pic showing the situation in the non-Uncon area - I moved the Scimitar that was near Obj Gold further to the centre, elsewhere most of my movements have completed.

CMSF2 0072 centre overview.jpg

He keeps the buildings between him and the bad stuff up on the 2 hills, but should be able to see and hopefully interdict any movement towards the Uncon area.

CMSF2 0073 centre scimitar.jpg

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Right Flank :

The uncon fight is furious, but sadly, Bil has fire superiority against my guys in the 2 houses.
At first we hold our own, causing 2 casualties to 1 of our own.

CMSF2 0077 A fight3.jpg

But then he scores a devastating hit with an RPG round...

CMSF2 0078 A fight4.jpg

And that takes the wind out of their sails...

CMSF2 0079 A fight5.jpg

I order the remaining men to Withdraw (crawling)

CMSF2 0085 uncons A orders.jpg

And try to move the rest of the force to get LoS to just the ditch and the one building to reduce Bil's force's fire superiority

CMSF2 0086 uncons A orders2.jpg

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The Watcher in the Woods has LoS to some of the buildings occupied by the enemy, so I order him to shoot them up a tad, hopefully this will get Bil's guys to duck for a bit.

CMSF2 0089 WitW targetting.jpg

I get one of my MG-bakkies close enough to see and take a few pot shots at some of Bil's guys near the centre mosque

CMSF2 0066 Uncon B vehicle.jpg

And I move the German Fennek HQ to a position where it can see and hopefully lob some grenades on the same units which have been seen crossing open ground.
The range is close to maximum though. ( this picture doesn't show all my units because, unfortunately for me, we're playing on Iron which I personally dislike - mostly because I have to keep remembering to deselect units to see other units or take screenshots )

CMSF2 0068 Fennek fall of shot1.jpg

The Sacrificial Lambs and their backup Scimitar reached their destination - now I want them to grab the Touch objective - against Bil, I think it's wise to get as many "easy" points as possible :)  ( I originally drove up to the zone, but I obviously needed to be more "in it" than the vehicle could get without crushing the wall, so this is a dismount order )

CMSF2 0091 lambs orders.jpg

The Puddlers reach and cross the irrigation canal - they will now lurk in this defile against any infantry incursion down from the heights

CMSF2 0070 Puddlers crossing.jpg

I also get the Orchard Scimitar to put some MG fire on the hills - note that the enemy icons shown are all spots from my Uncons who can largely see behind the hills

CMSF2 0071 target light.jpg

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Turn 4:

Infantry movement is spotted on Apprehension Height and my Fennek fires a few bursts of grenades at them ( the shot is zoomed so appears a bit foreshortened - the range is about 600m )

CMSF2 AH targetting.jpg

We have good cause for this Apprehension...

CMSF2 Cause for apprehension.jpg

Unfortunately, even at 600m, the GMG on the Fennek does not appear to be very accurate. Even the closest rounds aren't enough to make him duck

CMSF2 AH AT group1.jpg

CMSF2 AH AT group2.jpg

And at the end of the turn, he launches ...

CMSF2 End turn flight.jpg

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The infantry Recce team reaches Obj Gold ( Occupy ). They ignore it for now and head for a position giving eyes on the enemy Uncons' movements.

CMSF2 Recce.jpg

The Sacrificial Lambs have done their job

CMSF2 German Recce.jpg

So they're back in the saddle

CMSF2 Lambs remount.jpg

And their backup Scimitar moves around to get some more fire on Bil's moving Centre Uncons.

CMSF2 Lamb backup move and target.jpg

The Centre Scimitar is going to help out with that as well.

CMSF2 Centre Scimitar.jpg

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The guys I ordered to crawl out of the "hot" houses take more casualties while crawling - in the end, only 1 makes it out of each house. Sad. :( 

CMSF2 Uncons A.jpg


Remaining orders primarily boil down to a lot of Target Light on the infantry AT position.

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Those picture windows suck. They're worse than anything other than balconies, or so it seems to me. Normal windows offer far more protection. If I see a building with them oriented towards the enemy, I try not to enter that building.


Thought I'd mention that tidbit, now that you've learned the lesson writ in the blood of your men. And, yes, they thanked you for letting them teach you that. ;)

I like the screenies and how it shows your thoughts and tactics. Keep 'em coming!

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