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Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

Looks good.  Just make sure units have enuff charges.  It's irksome that most designs provide barely enuff (or too few).  Am assuming that an assault force would have plenty of charges on hand.

If it was supposed to be easy, the battle of Mosul wouldn't have taken 7 months - I think you'll find that you'll get what you're given.

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57 minutes ago, Combatintman said:

If it was supposed to be easy, the battle of Mosul wouldn't have taken 7 months - I think you'll find that you'll get what you're given.

The situation should be difficult.  It shouldn't be difficult cos one is given inadequate resources.  Eg:  Am playing Op Barras, and initially it seems easy as one has overwhelming firepower and Crack troops.  But, taking even one casualty is a calamity.  That's what makes it hard. 

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4 minutes ago, Erwin said:

The situation should be difficult.  It shouldn't be difficult cos one is given inadequate resources.  Eg:  Am playing Op Barras, and initially it seems easy as one has overwhelming firepower and Crack troops.  But, taking even one casualty is a calamity.  That's what makes it hard. 

Just as a reminder ... it was you who wanted a Mosul battle. What @Sgt.Squareheadhas been sweating over for the last few months with some assistance from me and LLF is something that reflects the tough fight of Mosul with a force (subject to unit pick limitations) that replicates what is being used there. It is a fact that the force being replicated is not well resourced with armour or engineers and have suffered some serious losses along the way and therefore you will have to make best use of what you are given in the same way that the Iraqi commanders are trying to do.

So to go back to the desire for a Mosul mission, perhaps be careful for what you wish for in future ;).

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I've finally got the CTS Core onto the map, into the correct vehicles and in place in the setup.....Here's an overview and a little preview of the toys on offer:


Not shown here are two CTS Engineer Sections (& their 4x MRAPs) which arrive at approx. H+0:05 and an F-16CJ that should arrive before H+0:15.

You even have a little 'help' from some friendly locals:


Next on the menu are these guys at approximately H+0:15.....They would have been here sooner, but VBIEDs, so they've used some ammo too:


At approximately H+0:45 you are served up with more of the same (these guys came the long way round, so they're still fully tooled):


Included among the two reinforcement groups above is a whole fresh serving of artillery & mortars, just in case you finished the first lot!

and finally at H+1:00 or thereabouts.....A SEAL Trident Team (These guys are just advising and looking for intel, on no account get any of them killed!):


If you feel under-equipped to deal with a hundred or so head-choppers with that lot in your quiver, you are in the wrong game!  ;)

PS - Notice the little cluster of six infantry units at the top of the pile in the first picture.....That would be these guys:


They're on the run and in trouble, they were headed for the mosque, but it looks like the spotter's up there and now they are pinned down by mortar fire with ISIS only a street away.....Can you save them from a grisly fate at the hands of the head-choppers?  (Bonus VPs if they survive the fight)

PPS - Almost forgot, at H+???, just for Erwin:


As an Iraqi national hero, this is another one you really do not want to get killed!

Other points to keep in mind:

The mosque is to be captured intact, artillery and tank fire are not to be directed against this structure (you can if you really want to, but it will cost you).  While you do have the means to level entire city blocks (I have tested and confirmed this), remember that civilians are still trapped in many of the buildings in this area.  ISIS have a nasty habit of taking potshots from the upper levels of occupied buildings, they are also known to booby trap them.  Every dirty trick in the book is a distinct possibility (and you know I've been experimenting)!  :ph34r:

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"It is a fact that the force being replicated is not well resourced with armour or engineers..."

Ok, I was not aware of that.  If in RL the force is inadequate, I can now understand better why the current operation in Mosul is so f^%$#ed.  So, yes, I agree re inadequate charges.  You misunderstood the intention of my suggestion.  No need to be snitty.  Others are much better at it.

SS:  Looks like a great job you are doing!  Looking forward to this.  Hope I can get Op Barras done quick.

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I wouldn't say the CTS force in Mosul was inadequate, while it may not match state of the art Western units, it's still pretty damned good and it has an awful lot of support from coalition air & artillery.....I'm quite sure if they slashed their ROE and let 9th Armoured plus the artillery & air-power have their full head they could liberate the smouldering, corpse-strewn ruin of Iraq's second city fairly swiftly and with minimal losses to their own forces.  :unsure:

The same goes here.  ;)

It's going to be a few more days before this is ready, firstly I need to amend the AI for the new map, this will in turn almost certainly require some further remodelling (so the AI controlled zombie-jihadists can at least attempt to sneak up on you).  I will also probably need to mess around with the timings on the new map, so the reinforcement schedule above is somewhat provisional (the sequence should remain unchanged).  Finally I need to amend the VPs to reflect all the other changes, I'm particularly poor at this right now (inexperience) so I will no doubt be asking for yet more help from my esteemed collaborators.  B)

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6 hours ago, Erwin said:

"It is a fact that the force being replicated is not well resourced with armour or engineers..."

Ok, I was not aware of that.  If in RL the force is inadequate, I can now understand better why the current operation in Mosul is so f^%$#ed.  So, yes, I agree re inadequate charges.  You misunderstood the intention of my suggestion.  No need to be snitty.  Others are much better at it.

SS:  Looks like a great job you are doing!  Looking forward to this.  Hope I can get Op Barras done quick.

No worries, the thing to remember about the CTS are that they have been misemployed as elite light infantry since 2014. They are not trained or equipped to do the stuff they are doing so the fact that they have ground out tough urban clearances time after time is pretty admirable ... and you will get Mosul trust me - @Sgt.Squareheadhas really thought out of the box with it.

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This will give the community plenty of joy until I even start the 1st map for a*stan. BUT it's Saturday - and I have concluded some of my tasks for the week. Rest & will resume work soon :) but hey, I'm so looking forward to your mission SS.

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Cheers fella, the AI Group thing really annoyed me as it had played out in front of my face at least three times without me noticing it!  :rolleyes:

As for the briefing.....Well you know how much I love writing those!  ;)  I'm hoping the new one is a bit more purposeful, let me know your thoughts.

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LLF.....That's a VBIED making a run through a side-street!  Admittedly it's a side-street that's had some widening work from Coalition artillery, but I'm kind of pleased all the same!  ;)

PS - No virgins for these two bozos.....Straight through the middle of a CTS platoon, bogged on the ruins of a wall, riddled with small arms fire and finished off by a tank.  To add insult to injury the bomb was a dud.  :D

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So.....Here we are again:








It's testing time!  ;)

PS - Still no tactical map though.....Dammit I forgot!  :angry:

PPS - Handy hint for anyone who intends to test this madness.....Use 'Acquire' in the MRAPs (Nyalas) to equip any CTS sections that do not have a RPG-29 with a SRAAW(M) and as much ammo for it as they can carry (leave nothing behind).  Use your engineers' satchel charges sparingly, there are often routes through the blocks of buildings that are not apparent at first.

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On 5/31/2017 at 5:07 AM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

PS - No virgins for these two bozos..... Straight through the middle of a CTS platoon, bogged on the ruins of a wall, riddled with small arms fire and finished off by a tank.  To add insult to injury the bomb was a dud.  :D

Lol!  "he have heart attack, then fall out of window on top of exploding bomb"?

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Yeah there is a lot of "boom" in this one. :D  I give it an A+.  Amazing that after all these years folks still find ways to stretch CMSF even further.  You guys did an incredible job.  Size of map, incredible detail in design elements, some really cool fresh ideas that I won't ruin with a spoiler here.  This is one of the most immersive "OMFG" moment filled scenarios I have played in a while.

Kudos to the team.  Finish the polish and release it.  CMSF may be feeling it's years but it still delivers in ways it's younger siblings can't.  In the spirit of ISIS we cut off Siskel and Ebert's thumbs and hold them up.   Okay yeah that is kind of a gruesome stretch, but hey I have been brutalized by my experience playing this scenario. ? ? ? ?

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Cheers.....I think!  :lol:

I'm looking at the changes necessary for the final version (multiple AI plans) right now, but it will probably take a little while to get it right.

In the mean time I've tweaked the current version per our discussions and sent it on to MOS:96B2P & borg for further testing.....You'll find a link lurking in your PM tray too, but mebbe take a little lie down before looking at it again, testing this one frazzled me to bits, you can probably see why now!  ;)

If anyone else wants to give this final test version a go please shoot me a PM. 

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