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4.0 Infantry AI

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I might be delusional but I went through a couple quick battles (and i mean super quick) and the infantry appear to be behaving more rationally, not just that they keep their distance from each other. but they move abreast and contact with the enemy doesn't involve just one guy running into concentrated fire, with the rest of the team mile behind anymore. they seem to shoot on the move more, and are more liberal with those grenades. its kinda refreshing. so props to BF for making what i assumed would be a minor feature of 4.0 one of my favorites. kinda saddened that the firing mortar half tracks are still exclusive to Final Blitzkrieg, but eh i can wait for another vehicle pack or whatever for Normandy to see that feature. 

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Do you think the Infantry Spacing is adequate, or to far apart from each other on the move ?   I wonder if Enemy Small Arms fire would shoot more often, because the Friendly Squad takes that much longer to reach the line (to much spacing=more enemy opp fire=equals more potential casualties).

Or, do you think that this new Inf abreast movement, the enemy Small Arms would actually be less effective since the Inf Squad will reach the line sooner (abreast reaches line quicker then Column=less potential casualties).

Oh, I really hope troops are not using Nades more liberal now then before..I think the use of Nades is already to liberal (needs to be a little more conservative)...Sigh :-( 

Edited by JoMc67
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No experience with CMBN 4.0, but CMBS my infantry felt much more realistic. Moving smarter, better spacing, smarter reaction to contact. May be a placebo, but they feel faster too. A quick or fast move felt like it yielded better results when I needed them to get somewhere. Seemed to better identify firing positions better as well. I feel as before they would take fire and before I could figure out what was going on, half a squad had been smoked.

Super happy with 4.0

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You know i was just yesterday praising the AI, but it seems I've found a somewhat major bug. the AI likes to set up picnics in hedges and low bocage. what will happen is a pixeltrupen or two will not follow his squad if he hangs around those hedges, i'm not 100% sure its the hedges causing it, but the 3 times I've spotted this behavior they involved hedges. I of course have a save file featuring a pretty bad case where I moved a squad halfway across the map before noticing, if anybody wants to see it.


I hope this is just a CMBN issue and not a major 4.0 engine issue.


(edit, i brought screen grabs)


Srg Hillard and his grenadier are enjoying the day, watching birds (another squads leader is bugged behind them)

YBIPAnJ.jpg The rest of Hillards Squad... or is it? 

RwIqvpx.jpgwell that wasnt all the squad, because the last two men in Hillard's fireteam decided after marching halfway across the map they forgot about him, and are sprinting back to where he became bugged

Edited by Cobetco
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You won't find it by searching for "Picnic Pack", though. It's titled "Pic-a-nic Basket Pack". There was a big internal debate whether it should be spelled "Pic-en-nic", but it was decided that if you say it fast enough, Pic-a-nic was the proper spelling. And Basket was of course a necessary inclusion. Good luck! And at only $5 US, it's a steal!


Boo Boo

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51 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

You won't find it by searching for "Picnic Pack", though. It's titled "Pic-a-nic Basket Pack". There was a big internal debate whether it should be spelled "Pic-en-nic", but it was decided that if you say it fast enough, Pic-a-nic was the proper spelling. And Basket was of course a necessary inclusion. Good luck! And at only $5 US, it's a steal!


Boo Boo

Hmm, Boo-Boo...Where did you get that Nick-Name ?

I knew of someone by that name back in the early 80-90's during my Hobby Shop days in Northern Virginia.


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On 12/25/2016 at 6:07 AM, Cobetco said:

You know i was just yesterday praising the AI, but it seems I've found a somewhat major bug. the AI likes to set up picnics in hedges and low bocage. what will happen is a pixeltrupen or two will not follow his squad if he hangs around those hedges, i'm not 100% sure its the hedges causing it, but the 3 times I've spotted this behavior they involved hedges. I of course have a save file featuring a pretty bad case where I moved a squad halfway across the map before noticing, if anybody wants to see it.

I have noticed this bug as well, in both Black Sea and Final Blitzkrieg. It seems to happen pretty rarely, but when it does happen it can be a pain. I can document it with pictures/video/save file the next time I see it happen if more evidence is needed. Seems to be a minor bug. Overall 4.0 is amazing.

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" Those sneaky bastards ! "


I'm messing around a bit with the scenario editor and i have come across a small problem with the new infantry behavior...

The willingness of the AI troops to go to ground and sneak forward....Forever !

Well, maybe not forever but most certanly for very long distances without snapping out of the suppression (sneaking idea) despite not taking any additional fire.

This is happening with regular/veteran troops with high moral quite often right now despite only recieving very limited fire and taking no casualties.

It seems that the AI unit that decides to hit the ground and start sneaking will continue doing so for the duration of the currently active AI-move (order).

Never getting back on their feet...atleast not until the next AI-move.

An AI-move can be quite a distance and having part of the group sneak the entire way will not only take a long time but it will also exhaust that team dreadfully.

Even if the remaining teams in the AI-Group will continue forward with their next AI-order the group might loose a significant part of its firepower (and organisation) if one or more

of its teams starts crawling for no particularly good reason...and will continue doing so until the next AI-order.

I have not tested this enough to see if the remaining teams in the AI Group will actually move forward right now or if they will reamin in place intil the last member of the AI-group

catches up....If so the AI advance will be very slow indeed.

If they do decide to move forward the AI-Group might end up very spread out.

IIRC previoulsy the AI troops could get pinned down and delayed in such a way but they would eventually regain their spirit if they took no more fire and continue forward.

Right now an AI advance seems to be way slower and more exhausting.


Perhaps the AI troops willingness to go to ground have been bumped up a bit to high ?


I realize that if it actually is this way it currently works...That the suppresed team will continue to sneak for the duration of the AI-move... a partial solution could be to use very short

AI-moves preventing any team from sneaking a long, long distance.

This is however not the best use of the additional AI orders (32) imo...waisting them on very short AI-moves...








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I haven't run into any bugs yet especially as I am not a scenarios designer, and don't push the limits of the game as a player either, but I did want to add to this thread that I bought the 4.0 upgrade primarily for the new AI, and I am a very satisfied customer!  No more ant lines running headlong into enemy fire, and I noticed that on arrival, they get to position faster, and start going to work  on the enemy quicker too.  It may just be my imagination, but it also seems that both sides are quicker to respond to incoming fire, and returning fire as well.  All in all, a great improvemnt.  The other features are icing on an already delicious cake.  I am sure that any bugs will get ironed out, there are always a few with every release, and this great game just keeps getting better.

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40 minutes ago, Faelwolf said:

and this great game just keeps getting better.

I agree with this !


 but there are a few little things...;)

Here is one Picture...perhaps not the best example but still...a Little example of what i mean...


The AI-Group consist of a russian infantry platoon split into teams. Prior to the advance they held a possition in the line of trees in the top of the Picture.

At this location they only took  VERY light enemy fire from long range and the entire platoon suffered 1 Casualty.

About half the platoon advanced forward when the order came and the rest did what can be seen on the Picture...Decided to crawl


During the advance the platoon is taking no enemy fire what so ever...

There are no enemies left !

Still the crawling guys continue with their buisness all the way to the end of the AI-order. Many, Many turns later...:angry:


Yes ! the terrain in this picture is fairly open...but the enemy is heavely suppresed and even defeted before the advance begin...


The pinned troops should be able to get back on their feet....Theres no more incomminbg fire...


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On 12/25/2016 at 3:07 AM, Cobetco said:

You know i was just yesterday praising the AI, but it seems I've found a somewhat major bug. the AI likes to set up picnics in hedges and low bocage. what will happen is a pixeltrupen or two will not follow his squad if he hangs around those hedges, i'm not 100% sure its the hedges causing it, but the 3 times I've spotted this behavior they involved hedges. I of course have a save file featuring a pretty bad case where I moved a squad halfway across the map before noticing, if anybody wants to see it.

I have noticed the same issue while playing Mark Ezra's new CM:BN Scenario - Last Defense v4.0.  It happened with hedges and troops moving through woods as well.

Edited by Chops
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3 hours ago, sburke said:

hey guys, if you have saves on this behavior please pass them along.  Commentary while indicating more widespread experience doesn't help correcting.  If you see it, save it. Man that sounds like a DHS alert,  :P

I think what's needed is a sticky post at the top of each forum explaining how to report bugs.

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i have experimented i bit more with the 'sneaking-thing'...

Thinking that perhaps the reason was the use of the Winter mod with lots of dirt and hard terrain tiles (obviously providing very limited cover/concealment).

I removed the Winter mod and changed the map back to wheatfields, tall- extra tall gras and other tiles that should provide better cover.

I made sure to up all the russian troops to veteran level with plus 1 combat skills and fanatic moral.

At best this reduced the russian troops willingnes to go to ground and start sneaking a small amount but still they do it far, far to easy and to often imo.

The removal of the recovery function (that was in the game prior to V4 IIRC) is a strange design decision...if indeed it has been removed.

I have tested this quite a bit now and i  have not ones seen any of the russian troops recover during an AI-move no matter how many turns it takes.

They will continue sneaking until the AI-move is finished.

Veteran troops with upped combat skills and fanatic motivation should not do this when taking sporadic, long range fire while advancing in decent cover.

Atleast when the enemy shooter is neutralized they should be able to recover....but no....


PLEASE considder tweaking this somewhat (and reinstall the recovery funtion if it has been removed for some reason.)..

Thanks !


Edited by RepsolCBR
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4 hours ago, sburke said:

hey guys, if you have saves on this behavior please pass them along.  Commentary while indicating more widespread experience doesn't help correcting.  If you see it, save it. Man that sounds like a DHS alert,  :P

Where do you want the saved game files sent?

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Just now, bodkin said:

I've always found this behaviour to be the case before the upgrade, I'd have to manually change move orders to stop them sneaking, maybe I've missed just missed this feature?

True, they did sneak prior to V4 also but the increase in AI-troops willingnes to do so have increased massivly.

For the last couple of weeks i have done some work on a scenario and prior to V4 i had the AI programming finnished and well playtested. Everything work fine.

Sure...the AI did decide to do some sneaking even before V4 but not at all that often and it was most certanly manageble...The overall AI-plan was working very well.

IIRC Before V4 it was more common that the troops would get pinned in place for a short time and then recover, move on and join the fight.

Did i see some sneaking prior to V4...sure ! But nothing like this...

With V4 the scenario is completally unplayable. The russians are sneaking all over the place simply after the slightest contact with the enemy The timings of the AI-Groups get's

messed up dreadfully after having half of the men in the individual AI groups opting for sneaking. The groups also loses their organisation entirely....

More often then not after only recieving a few enemy shots many of the platoons will loose 50 % of their fighting power as half of the men are way, way back...sneaking !

This despite the fact that they have only taken a few casualties at most. The sneaking men will take a long, long time to catch up...if at all...

As mentioned above i even upped the skill level, combat bonus and put them on fanatic moral to try and limit the problem...This did pretty much no notable difference...

This level of sneaking is killing the scenario...entirely.

That makes me a bit sad since the other improvements in V4 are very nice ones...withdarw order, area-fire, 32 orderslots etc...




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