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Improvement suggestions

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Yes, I would favour manually inputting points values to QBs.  If you want to do an experiment, or play a tiny game with a handful of vehicles and men, it's a hassle to set it up at present.  I have a feeling that you could do this in CM1?   This can't be too difficult to implement.  

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My list looks something like:

Manual points are a good one, even if you can technically do it now, on an honour system.

"Un-Acquire", or even manual acquire would be another.

"Typical Only" setting for Quick Battles would be nice too.

Road - or formation following is another.

If-then AI triggers?

A visual display/overlay of the LOS map in-game, so that you can tell which spots can be seen from this spot, unambiguously.

Flares, Flares, Flares. That's a huge part of night-fighting which just doesn't exist in CM.

I'm not sure about the real tactical value of spreading fires, but maybe that? I suspect it's the kind of thing that's over-,modelled in a lot of games, like ASL.

There's probably more, but that's a decent list I think.

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7 hours ago, JulianJ said:

Yes, I would favour manually inputting points values to QBs. 

+1 to that

7 hours ago, JulianJ said:

If you want to do an experiment, or play a tiny game with a handful of vehicles and men, it's a hassle to set it up at present.  I have a feeling that you could do this in CM1? 

Nope, no such feature in CM1

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23 hours ago, JoMc67 said:

Thou, if your Armor spots several enemy Armor Contacts, then you could assume the best round will automatically be loaded after each time it fires.


This is why I think the current model is a reasonable compromise. In many scenarios--especially by midway through the game, if not at the start--tankers would have some idea what's likely to be the biggest threat. If BFC were going to model what round is loaded, wouldn't they have to provide a way to change the default depending on the situation?  If your T-34 has a suspected enemy armor contact and then you tell it to peek around the barn to get a line of sight, surely the commander knows he's going tank hunting and will have AP loaded. Even if you just know that there are enemy Mk IVs in the immediate vicinity, it seems like keeping AP loaded would be the right choice. But micromanaging this, or programming the Tac AI to do it, would be a mess.

(On the other hand, by the same reasoning I'd like it if AFV ammo loadouts could be customized a bit in scenario setup. In cases where the US used M10 tank destroyers for infantry support, for example, I assume they wouldn't go in carrying the standard 13 HE and 38 AP.)

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3 hours ago, General Liederkranz said:

But micromanaging this, or programming the Tac AI to do it, would be a mess.

Aye, an issue with my suggestion of modeling various AFV Steering systems too. It'd be a nightmare for path-finding.

I would be happy to see pistol ports fully functional or crew hand-grenades.

A CM1 feature I always desperately wanted in CM2 is random map generation. I really liked the CM1 one. That would really take CM2 to new heights (get it?).

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I will throw in my simple request that has bothered me since their very first cm game.

Add a blasted wind directional arrow to the directional compass or something along that lines.

drives me crazy that the only way to tell which way the wind is blowing and how strong is to pull up the text in the briefing.

Wnen I am looking at a enemy position from a friendly location, I should have a arrow indicating that. instant knowledge as to what likely to expect of smoke and such.

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15 hours ago, slysniper said:

I will throw in my simple request that has bothered me since their very first cm game.

Add a blasted wind directional arrow to the directional compass or something along that lines.

drives me crazy that the only way to tell which way the wind is blowing and how strong is to pull up the text in the briefing.

Wnen I am looking at a enemy position from a friendly location, I should have a arrow indicating that. instant knowledge as to what likely to expect of smoke and such.

+1, and a right proper compass to begin with!

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15 minutes ago, mjkerner said:
15 hours ago, slysniper said:

Wnen I am looking at a enemy position from a friendly location, I should have a arrow indicating that. instant knowledge as to what likely to expect of smoke and such.

+1, and a right proper compass to begin with!

Indeed since IRL your commanders would be standing there with the wind on their faces and know what would happen to their smoke mission...

On the subject of compass there is a mod that I have to have when I play - it changes the compass that is not at all a compass into an eyeball with an arrow. At least that way the icon actually represents what it is instead of hurting my compass using brain 🙂

The mod is from Marco:


I don't like the other parts of the mod but that eyeball direction replacement is something that I always install after testing is done. Check out to the right of centre in the image on the mod page.

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17 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

+1, and a right proper compass to begin with!

I have to say that once I got used to the concept of it, which didn't take long, I became quite comfortable with it as it is.

As for the wind, that's usually one of the first things I check on starting a battle. If it is strong enough to be a factor, I orient myself on the map and pick a corner or a side as the point of origin and from that time on can quickly figure how it is blowing as I play.


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21 minutes ago, IanL said:

The mod is from Marco:


I don't like the other parts of the mod but that eyeball direction replacement is something that I always install after testing is done. Check out to the right of centre in the image on the mod page.

Thanks Ian.  I used to have that, but don't know where it went. I never delete mods from my comp (I have a huge folder of them) but I couldn't find it. Must have got put into another mod's folder.  

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7 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

Thanks Ian.  I used to have that, but don't know where it went. I never delete mods from my comp (I have a huge folder of them) but I couldn't find it. Must have got put into another mod's folder.  

Yeah I lost it once too and it took forever to find it again because I totally forgot it was part of a bigger UI mod.

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2 hours ago, IanL said:

Hmm, I like the compass directional part of the mod but it looks like there is no time on it?  The digital clock on the compass (I think) is the only place in the game that tells what the actual in-game time is.  If a briefing states that 2nd platoon will arrive at 1330hrs it is nice to be able to look at the compass/clock and see what the time currently is.  I didn't download the mod yet but just looking at the photo of it at CMMODs I don't see the clock.  😕  Maybe I'm just not seeing it and the time is actually displayed since it would be a useful mod otherwise ...................      

Edited by MOS:96B2P
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One more 'wish list' topic. Oh why not. :) As per usual, it's a wishlist with no appreciation or knowledge of the required time and effort it would take to program it in. I should probably make a video of my long list and just link to that each time a thread like this starts up. :P



- Ability to import map states from saved games. Ability for map states to carry over to the next battle in the same campaign.

- An 'undo' button.

- Scroll wheels for force selection.

- Better interface for flavour objects etc. (Maybe there is just too much junk in my head because of work, but I can't remember all the different numbers to flavour objects under each category :P).

- Increased use of the 2D Editor to 'add additional layers' to action squares. Why can't we plot out minefields/foxholes/barbed wire etc like we do with fences/walls/trees in the 2D editor?

- Ability to lay out AI plans in the 3D Preview space. Essentially a designer has the option to plot out an extended set of orders like playing a game against an imaginary opponent. Existing AI group system would still be required for QB's etc.

- A script (or something) that allows a map designer to quickly create a ruined version his map. A brush tool that randomly assignes craters and damages buildings it goes over? We fight over a lot of pristine landscapes for warzones. :)

- Reserves arrive on map when position on map is reached. Opens up possibilities for designers both in terms of when friendly/enemy units arrive but also narratively like position reached = prisoners located.

- New Victory Condition - Objective Held/Taken within 'X' period of time. Allows for designers to be a bit more liberal with their scenario time allocation. If the player can take their objective within 45 mins they get 500 VP's which maybe enough to make it a total victory rather than only a Minor Victory. Alternatively it allows the creation of new scenarios design opportunities for defenders. eg. Hold out for 50 mins get X points. Hold out for 90 mins get Y points.


In Game

- Dynamic weather that can change during the course of a battle. (Pre-set by Scenario Designer). Wind direction, speed, precipitation etc doesn't stay fixed for 2 hours at a time. :)

- Fire. Understand some earlier statements from BF around the fear of it being abused by players (area denial) but it's still a tactical problem on battlefields.

- High chainlink fence. A fence you can see and shoot through but infanry can not climb over/move through.

- Greater variety of fortifications. (Though appreciate it's more likely more a pack than an upgrade issue).

- Ability to sync up commands between units. For example - Unit Y does not try to complete waypoint A, until Unit Z reaches waypoint B. This would give the player much more control in tight situations like building clearing or bounding overwatch over fields. Can control this by only allowing it between units that are within command and control and/or have experience levels that are commensurate with some level of training.

- TacAI - Units on the move appreciate what terrain they currently occupy and what terrain is in their immediate vicinity when they come under fire and deciding how to react. Sorry a huge pet hate of mine if you've watched any of my old YouTube vids. Infantry running across a street are almost at their planned location behind hard cover/in a house and come under fire. Rather than rushing into the building after taking a casualty they turn around and run directly back across the street from which they came and back through the enemy LOF.

- Tooltip - Ground type is displayed alongside mouse pointer when plotting movement/fire orders.

- Off map support - "Repeat last mission" option for off map artillery and mortars. Understandable for restrictions in place to avoid abuse such as must be ordered within X minutes of mission finishing.

- Aircraft shadow flying over the battlefield. It's a nice cosmetic touch and would complement the AA fire racing up into the heavens. :)

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@MOS:96B2P  Thanks - you were right.  My stinger troops had just been firing off missiles into the blue yonder.  Then there was an off-map explosion and "Aircraft destroyed" -  it isn't  up for very long,  and my attention is on the explosion, wondering what happened, so easy to miss.

Given they must have fired about 7 missiles without a hit, I have wondered if some affirmative action programme sends visually impaired soldiers to AA platoons :-).

I like  several of Ithkial's ideas, esp about tac ai.  CMBS is deadly enough without troops doing suicidal things.  In the above battle,  several times my troops were getting hit by spotting rounds.  I tried to make them run the fack away to safety and hide.  But they crawled.  And got blown to bits.  I kind-of think in RL, however tired you were, you'd be breaking  some sprint records in that situation.

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7 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

- Fire. Understand some earlier statements from BF around the fear of it being abused by players (area denial) but it's still a tactical problem on battlefields.

That's a bad argument by them. And so what if people do? Players can still hug the map edge,  jeep rush, sound recon etc. People that use exploits are going to exploit no matter what is done. Buildings should be able to burn, fires should start and stay lit not just fizzle for five seconds (like they do now). The ground work has been laid it just needs to be followed through on. And I am not not so much interested in the fires that are purposely started than I am the ones that are accidental, like firing a bazooka in a small building, or tracers setting off a patch of dried grass, or a brewed up tank catching some trees on fire.  They could code it in a way so as to keep terrain from going up all the time, or it spreading too much. But in the least buildings should catch, and the little fires shouldn't wink out so quickly. It's one of those features I waited a really long time for and when it finally came it was anemic and mediocre.



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18 hours ago, Mord said:

But in the least buildings should catch, and the little fires shouldn't wink out so quickly. It's one of those features I waited a really long time for and when it finally came it was anemic and mediocre.

I was actually very surprised when I saw they had spent time implementing those little fires, instead of, well, any of the many good suggestions people regularly bring up on this forum.


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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 10:02 AM, JoMc67 said:

This goes for all WWII Titles (maybe, Modern as well)...Having Direct-Fire from Vehicles & Field Pieces take a little longer to get the first round off..

As it stands now (I see it in all my games, Youtube vids, etc), a Tank can just move-up the road, stop, and fire at a previously undetected enemy several hundred yards away within roughly 3 secs or less...There should be at least a full Spotting Cycle, or more, before a Tank, Stops, Spots, puts a round in chamber, adjust gun, then fires.

I don't mind the actual ROF afterwards (thou, I only use 'Green' to slow down the ROF a bit ), but the first encounter with each New Unit should take a little longer.

Now, I remember others saying that a Round is always automagically in chamber before shooting at target, and it doesn't matter if target is Inf or Armor, and this contributes to the quick shooting of first round...if this is case, then it reinforces my belief on why things happen to fast upon first engagement of target.

And, on top of the above, we see turrets just swing around and shoot within a second or so as if there is no Aiming or Targeting Cycle, etc

Basically, If BF just slows down the actual whole process a little from time it takes to spot, round in chamber, Aim, and fire, then it would seem more realistic.

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