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CMFB Bonus Beta AAR (Allied: Attacking, Advancing, Allied)


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So much to post...and kickoff is so soon...

Heh I have the ladder next to the garage.  Gonna hop up there so I can hopefully catch some video of the Angels before they do their flyover.  When I climb down I expect to hear how you have defended Lori's mound.  I won't google it.....

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Turn 41:00 to 40:00

37mm dominance

(Edited to add: All previous images were taken with an AMD video card. This series is being done with Nvidia. Yes, both cards have some odd ground tiles which are ignoring the fog effect. That's been reported and is known.)

I'll start with a look at the cemetery. I want to put a lot of my men there. ;)



Baneman has some overwatch over that zone. I've got to clear his men off the ridge on my right before this zone is clear enough for movement.

Over on my right, the previous turn ended with an M8/Lynx duel. My M8, commanded by Hunter, had landed a hit on the Lynx, but it still reversed, so it wasn't a kill. Let's see how this turn started:




Sweet! But, no hit is a kill until it brews up...




That was nice. Further to the right, The Dell is crawling with krauts. Some pix...








I'll show an overhead of that area, next. Getting a tank in those woods, even a light tank like a PzII Ausf. L "Lynx", could be a game changer. Unless I have a way to fight it. Like...bazookas.





Meanwhile, back in the Uncanny Valley...

I'd ordered my two central M8s to advance forward, near the corner of the cemetery with the burning halftrack. The M8s had HUNT orders and 360^ ARMOR ARC commands. Their job is to kill the 8-wheeler. As they advanced, a new armor contact popped up...



Okay, it's just a halftrack, but it is positioned to spray down the row of buildings that my 3rd Platoon has been advancing towards.



The benefit of the HUNT and ARMOR ARC is that my M8s won't waste time on Baneman's fleeing infantry. (I'm seeing evidence of crumbling morale. A lot of Germans are running away. He must not have motivated them very well...) The drawback of a HUNT is that now my M8 stopped short of where I wanted it. I anticipated this. :) My other M8 has a delay and will advance 15 seconds later...and finds the 8 wheeler.



Meanwhile, behind the village (and near the 3 gunner SPW251/21 1,5cm MG151 armed halftrack), I spot this:



At the end of the turn, my left (Big Field) has a solid contact and 2 sound contacts.



I'll advance my bazooka team to come in behind that halftrack. My sniper team moves downhill, near where the jeep was. They may be able to pick off any exposed crewmen. I'm expecting Baneman to be pushing some more armed halftracks around there.


An image to show the amount of auto fire coming into any village movement:



An overview on my right, as the turn ends...









My plan (already sent) is to push. My M8s in the middle are moving forward. They're covered by some area target fire at MP44 House and its neighbor, Flamehouse, being provided by the units near Lori's Mound. The M8s will hopefully get the 4 wheeler. By Lori's Mound, the M8s there (Donovan and Hunter) are also moving forwards. They can flank 4-wheeler. I've got 4 M8s moving in concert to eliminate that unit. As mentioned, The Dell will see some woods fighting, and maybe some bazooka work. (Bazooka teams have ARMOR ARCs so they don't waste time on infantry.)

On the left, well, that's my hold. My M15/M8 near Turnip Field can cover the woods at the end of Big Field.







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M8s: Yeah, they're actually pretty good. I'd rather have a few more men in them, to keep the .50s in action, but the 37mm does okay in this type of battle. Of course, it's single fire and the armor isn't too great. I'd feel a lot better with 5 or so M5s. :)

I'm about to find out how they fare against 20mm autocannon.

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Turn 40:00 to 39:00

Last turn was good. This turn...not.


A before and after overview:



(Edited to add: in the above image, I forgot to circle the 4-wheeler. It is the recon vehicle contact in the upper right corner area.)



The end state image shows some penetrations and some out of command squads/teams/survivors. As well, my two squads along the road in The Dell are...repositioning to the rear. This is odd. I've never seen men do this before. I've heard of it happening to lesser commanders. I must investigate.

But first, let's look at what valiant bravery was exhibited by the one M8 I lost this turn (green circle, above): Donovan's Defiant Death.




He was dishing out punishment, left and right. The amount of tracers firing throughout this turn was a marvel. Truly amazing fireworks. So, there was Donovan, pumping 37mm rounds into targets, facing them like a man. The 251/21 ("3 gunner") in the village was hosing him down. He scoffed at it and kept on task! Then, in a dastardly move which must be avenged, the 4 wheeler on the hill hit him in the flank with 20mm cannon fire. That was low, even for Baneman. But, it answers my question: no, an M8 can not withstand 20mm fire. Thanks, Donovan. I'll remember that for next time.

They all died.

Over on my right, The Dell, the New Lynx didn't move. Instead, it sprayed down what it could see, and then some. It caused one or two casualties, and one or two yellow bases, but the my in-command men all fled. I guess hedges aren't good protection against 20mm and 7.92. The silver lining? Perhaps seeing my men flee will induce Baneman to advance the Lynx into bazooka range. Grr.

I also lost my M15 on Lori's Mound. It performed some admirable area fire work against MP44 house (I sincerely hope Baneman had some men in there...), before a mystery 20mm firer (I think) hit it. Some men lived.

3rd Platoon took more hits. Seems that's all they've done. A village closeup...



Here are the names of the houses, to keep confusion down, and, orange, are the vehicle contacts.



The 3 gunner in the village has been hit twice by Hunter's M8. It has a 15 second Target Brief against that same 251/21 (it's the one which sprayed down Donovan in the image upstream), then Hunter will reverse. The two M8s in the middle will advance a little more. I need to thin out Baneman's ridge support. That 4 wheeler seems to be the death-dealer. It's spotting my guys first and cutting them up. As well, he's now shown another 8 wheeler in his backfield.

There's a turn in my inbox...off to see how my plan fared.

Ken out.



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It is Wednesday night...Baneman has been working feverishly to counter my attack...but there is yet no turn since yesterday morning. Perhaps he has ceasefired? Many do...


Regardless, there has been a dearth of commentary. No one else will step into the breach, so allow me.

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Turn 39:00 to 38:00

More Death!

As we left it, just before Donovan died, he was getting pounded by the 3 gunner 251/21 in the village. Let's watch...















But it wasn't all strawberries and cream. No. Death stalked like a hunter! Well, other than Hunter's gunner, who never talked, he stalked some who didn't walk.




And, in my back right, The Dell is on fire.












Yes, Death rewards those with steady aim. Or does he?




Meanwhile, in the center, 3rd platoon huddles and dies like flies. Yes, they buzz and flit about and don't go anywhere in a straight line. The smoke is clearing, and that's not helping...








The Big Field will soon be ready to reap what Baneman is sowing. I've got my hidden M8 moving in to back up my jeep. There's the immobile M8 and the M15 who can cover the Big field tree line along the road. I've got some bazookas, but it looks like Baneman has spotted movement. He's moving infantry into the woods and pulling his vehicles away. Bayonet or bazooka: either works for my men.

The Dell is nearing a tipping point. If I can kill all his men, I'll win. The key will be to kill his armor, first. So that's what I'll try to do. Based on how my sniper team fared against some 20mm cannon shells, perhaps I'll try something different.


I'm still waiting for Baneman's next turn...he's still waiting for the war-muse to give him an idea. Bwah, hah, hah. BWAH, HAH, HAH. BWAH, HAH, HAH!!!


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Erm...Ken either the radio operator or commander is still alive but wounded in that screenshot...surely they will be receiving medical aid before you place the monument...?

Eh? But he'll bleed out. Best for everyone that way, right?

(It's the radioman who's wounded.)


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Best for everyone BUT the dude bleeding out, I think! :D


I'm sure he'll thank me for giving his death meaning. So much better than stroking out in a recliner as an old man. Plus, it will show my other men that they can get roadside markers if they, too, perform admirably. I think this will give my units a universal morale boost. Perhaps this is the time to take advantage of it and charge Baneman's positions?

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