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British and Canadian in CMFB

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Hello everyone,


I'm thrilled about that new module coming out as i love the late US and german forces and going on until VE day , i could learn about battle that i dont know. As it is anouced that we will see a Commonweath module for this installement, i was wondering myseld what was the new thing that we will see with the Brits and maybe wint the Canadian? What new equipements , vehicles and tactics we will see in the late war that is different from CMBN?


Thank you,


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Its not announced yetbut if you read the CMFB PDF youll see: " Future expansions (modules and packs) will expand Final Blitzkrieg to include additional nations, forces, and equipment, and extend the timeline of the Western Front all the way to VE (Victory Europe) Day in May 1945."

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Personally I hope for a CW module coming BEFORE CMFB base game extending into spring 1945. There´s lots of major CW battles within the october 1944 - january 1945 timeline of which the Scheldt estuary battles, Overloon/The Peel and operation Blackcock are among the most interesting ones. And off course Monty´s contribution to the US helping to win the Bulge. :D

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New toys for commonwealth? Probably the Sherman Hybrids? or maybe they'll be around for the fortress Italy Gothic Line stuff. according to Wikipedia some Skink prototypes apparently made their way to Europe, but i couldn't find anything substantial to back that up.

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Don't forget the bloody battle of Bure in the Ardennes, Belgium. It was not really a strategical battle but was for all the veterans of the 6th Airborne Division who fought there, the most traumatic and difficult battle of their career when Pz-Lehr and 2.PzDivision attack the village.

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New toys for commonwealth? ...according to Wikipedia some Skink prototypes apparently made their way to Europe, but i couldn't find anything substantial to back that up.

An order for 300 Skinks was made initially. Only three were actually produced. The lone Skink to see action overseas served with the 4th Canadian Armoured Division in March 1945.

Although designed for an anti-aircraft role, there was little enemy presence in the skies over Europe upon its arrival. Its quad-20mm guns were more than a match for the helpless ground troops it did face.

Enough to warrant an appearance in an upcoming CM release? 

Hell, yeah!

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Has a FB module including the Brits & Canadians been announced? I may have missed that.

A Battle of the Bulge game without including the 21st Army Group would be like discussing the War in the Far East and not mentioning Slim and the 14th Army.

Now that would NEVER happen would it...




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This one I'm not sure of, but how about the Badger Flamethrower?

Yes, by February 45 we could have the Lake Superior Regiment equipped with Canadian C15TA armoured trucks and Canadian Badger flame tanks.  O Canada!

Edited by akd
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A Battle of the Bulge game without including the 21st Army Group would be like discussing the War in the Far East and not mentioning Slim and the 14th Army.

I'm not sure if this is hyperbole or a snipe at something, but while the British played a part in the battle, you could easily do a Bulge game without a single Commonwealth unit and have covered all the high points.    Just like Africa is largely a British fight with Americans showing up for the last few chapters (and thus, having a Africa campaign game that ends before the Americans show up would be entirely possible too), so too the Bulge was a very American fight with some tea for flavor.

Which is to say I'd be happiest getting a "Beyond the Rhine" module that covers the UK/Canada/Free Polish from the end of Market Garden through VE day (with some of the neater late war goodies, like I dunno, Comets?) that has some Bulge era scenarios than trying to shoe horn them into the initial release.

All the same looking forward to getting back into the finer points of why I have an irrational love for Churchill tanks and derivatives.  

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I'm not sure if this is hyperbole or a snipe at something, but while the British played a part in the battle, you could easily do a Bulge game without a single Commonwealth unit and have covered all the high points.    Just like Africa is largely a British fight with Americans showing up for the last few chapters (and thus, having a Africa campaign game that ends before the Americans show up would be entirely possible too), so too the Bulge was a very American fight with some tea for flavor.


Well, you could quite easily do an Overlord without reference to the British, Canadians, Poles, Free French and any other number of nations that were there, but it would not be entirely accurate and one of the main reasons people buy the CM games is because of their accuracy and integrity.


And for historical accuracy there were elements of the 21st Army Group involved in the holding actions - not just the follow up counter attacks, units from 30 Corps to include;

6th Airbourne Div.
51st Highland Div.
53rd Welsh Div.
29th Armoured Bde.
33rd Armoured Bde.
34th Army Tank Bde.

Total Forces Committed were;
55,000, of which 1,400 became Casualties(200+KIA) - of course nowhere near the casualties suffered by US forces, but they were there.

Most of 30 Corps held a blocking line on the Meuse, so for those that want to do a 'what if' you have to factor these forces after any hypothetical break through of Germans through the US lines.



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I'm not sure if this is hyperbole or a snipe at something, but while the British played a part in the battle, you could easily do a Bulge game without a single Commonwealth unit and have covered all the high points.    Just like Africa is largely a British fight with Americans showing up for the last few chapters (and thus, having a Africa campaign game that ends before the Americans show up would be entirely possible too), so too the Bulge was a very American fight with some tea for flavor.

Which is to say I'd be happiest getting a "Beyond the Rhine" module that covers the UK/Canada/Free Polish from the end of Market Garden through VE day (with some of the neater late war goodies, like I dunno, Comets?) that has some Bulge era scenarios than trying to shoe horn them into the initial release.

All the same looking forward to getting back into the finer points of why I have an irrational love for Churchill tanks and derivatives.  

Plus of course we can be gaming the US battles along the Siegfried Line October - December 1944, a period when the Brits saw relatively little major action except for Overloon. Aachen, Huertgen Forest, Lorraine, Saar and the Vosges Mountains campaigns are US affairs apart from some Free French - and they were US uniformed, equipped and organised in any case. And Nordwind, again, is a US battle

That said the UK/Commonwealth forces are required for the Rhineland battles anf, of course, the final operations in Germany itself which is where you can add the German 2nd Marine Division (Rethem) and of course the Volksturm

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