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CM Final Blitzkrieg - AXIS (Attack) BETA Battle Report

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Update :

I'm definitely going to be taking some Volksgrenadiers - they have a mix of a few rifles, several MP44's and some MP40's. Since I'm sure I'm in for some house-to-house in Cobru, that seems like ideal weaponry for the job

Just FYI, if you purchase the VG battalion with "Excellent" equipment quality you will get the full TO&E allotment of MP44s, rather than a mix.

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THAT is some sage advice. Nothing but MP44's would be...delicious! Ammo resupply wouldn't matter. Once your men are standing amid piles of hot brass, gazing in awe upon the stupendous destruction they have just wreaked upon their foe, they will be infused with the warrior spirit and charge forth seeking to grapple any survivors in hand to hand combat. Or somesuch. ;)

I'd ditch any rifle grenade teams. They're so meh, especially when fielded with MG42s and MP44s and all the 'schrecks and 'fausts you should have. Use their points to buff up the remaining guys.

Don't forget that you can use tanks to ride into battle (about as far as you should with halftracks, anyhow). Too many halftracks may eat into your JagdTiger budget. :):)


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Oh don't worry, I'm as gamey a bastige as Bil - I've already culled 1 HT from each platoon in a points-shaving exercise.

I just can't quite make up my mind whether it's a good idea to take a battery of 3 105mm Wespe's for artillery support above the 81mm and 120mm mortars or not.
Maybe that's the "fear of Bil" talking.

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... We don't care if you win...

Why do I not "feel the love" ? :lol:

... Do you have a Hetzer flamethrower yet? :) 

Ah, there you have me.

I would LOVE to take a Flame Hetzer :wub: and I know you all probably would too.
But I just can't see myself getting into range of anything with it. :( It only has a range of, like, 50m :huh:
If the terrain was less open, then yeah, I'd be on it like stink. Maybe even risk a 251/16 :blink:

However, you have convinced me. Artillery is boring, thus I shall reject my doubts and go with the selection already mooted. WIll be posting the final TO&E choice here shortly. Oh god, then I have to deploy. With half a forum whipping me on. :wacko:
Cheers Sequoia :)

Edited by Baneman
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Ok, the forcepick is done and sent to Bil.
All that remains is to show you what you will soon see in action.

First up - Volksgrenadier Battalion : They have a single attached Panther G.

1 Company : this is the most complete formation - only the organic schreck section and the gewehrgranat sections are out.

CMFB Forcepick 01.png

2 Company ( cut down as per 1 Coy, they also lost their Grenadier platoon ) and 4 Company.





CMFB Forcepick 02.png

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Then there is the PanzerGrenadier Battalion : They have 2 attached Panther G's - one is a Veteran.

1 Company has the heavy weapons - Stummels and Drillings, so they also have the very big cat attached ;)
  2 Platoon is collapsed, but is identical to 1 Platoon.

CMFB Forcepick 03.png

2 Company is radically cut down, effectively just reinforcements. ( although they might do the early scouting, being more expendable ).


5 Company is just the offboard 120mm mortars.


CMFB Forcepick 05.png

CMFB Forcepick 04.png

CMFB Forcepick 02.png

Edited by Baneman
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That gives you quite a good punch in small arms fire power, considering the sturmgrenadiers with MP44 and Panzergrenadiers likely have two lMG in their squads. Don´t underestimate the rifle grenadiers, if there´s intent to clear any buildings in some the objective zones not in close combat.

Bit meager in support weapons I find, but infantry amount is obviously good enough in numbers when concentrated at the points where numbers count. I´d fear any mortar or artillery concentrations though.

The Jagdtiger has to find a good spot on the map in order to dominate. Good luck! B)

I´d likely cut down the infantry, to free some points for additional Stug or Hetzer support if possible.

Otherwise quite a good showcase for CMFB germans.

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That gives you quite a good punch in small arms fire power, considering the sturmgrenadiers with MP44 and Panzergrenadiers likely have two lMG in their squads. Don´t underestimate the rifle grenadiers, if there´s intent to clear any buildings in some the objective zones not in close combat.

Bit meager in support weapons I find, but infantry amount is obviously good enough in numbers when concentrated at the points where numbers count. I´d fear any mortar or artillery concentrations though.

The Jagdtiger has to find a good spot on the map in order to dominate. Good luck! B)

I´d likely cut down the infantry, to free some points for additional Stug or Hetzer support if possible.

Otherwise quite a good showcase for CMFB germans.

Everyone's got MP44's, the Sturmgrenadier squads in the Panzergrenadier battalion have no MG42's. The Volksgrenadiers have 1 per team in the Heavy Sturm squads ( except that the Heavy Sturm squads in the Grenadier platoon only have 1 :blink: ). Steve must have some new grey hairs specifically over that TO&E :lol:

For support weapons, I'm hoping the Stummels, Drillings and 251/17's will do the trick.

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Everyone's got MP44's, the Sturmgrenadier squads in the Panzergrenadier battalion have no MG42's. The Volksgrenadiers have 1 per team in the Heavy Sturm squads ( except that the Heavy Sturm squads in the Grenadier platoon only have 1 :blink: ). Steve must have some new grey hairs specifically over that TO&E :lol:

For support weapons, I'm hoping the Stummels, Drillings and 251/17's will do the trick.

Ah ok, it´s all Sturm. I was obviously thinking of pre CMFB panzergrenadier platoons, where armament and OOB is yet somewhat different. Will be surely fun to see if you swarm Bil´s positions with all that Sturm squads. :D

You hopefully get the halftracks filled with extra 7,92k ammo when you need to replenish midgame. :blink:

Also need to concentrate the support stuff for best possible effect then. I assume beside some the Bn and Coy HQ, the HW/HMG platoon HQ has 2 Binocs? These are the very best battlefield spotters in all of the CMX2 games.

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yep, the last 2 screenies won´t load.

Sorry, the forum's gone mad.

I've fixed it by reloading the images, but unfortunately, every time I edit, one of the pics from the previous post shows up. If I delete it, it also disappears from the other post :blink:

( this is why they originally vanished, they appeared when I edited the first post showing the VG batt ). In the interests of you seeing the actual stuff, I've reloaded the missing pics, you will just have to overlook the duplicate VG pic ( and the fact that the PzG 2 Company pic comes after the 5 Company one ). Just don't know what the hell is going on, sorry.

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Sorry, the forum's gone mad.

I've fixed it by reloading the images, but unfortunately, every time I edit, one of the pics from the previous post shows up. If I delete it, it also disappears from the other post :blink:

( this is why they originally vanished, they appeared when I edited the first post showing the VG batt ). In the interests of you seeing the actual stuff, I've reloaded the missing pics, you will just have to overlook the duplicate VG pic ( and the fact that the PzG 2 Company pic comes after the 5 Company one ). Just don't know what the hell is going on, sorry.

As long as your forces don't go to the same place! No-where! *gasp*

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Excellent force pick...for a funeral!!! Gah!

Okay, okay, okay. Let's look at the positive: with so much cannon fodder, err, "men", you'll have that many more opportunities for your men to display their martial vigor. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Okay, so, we've got what, one JagdTiger and a handful of Panthers? That's fine. The burning hulks of the halftracks will shield them from view. So...halftracks in front, tanks in back. Got it. ;)

I love critiquing other's purchases. :)  :) 

Now, start swapping turns!!!!


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Ok, the forcepick is done and sent to Bil.
All that remains is to show you what you will soon see in action.

First up - Volksgrenadier Battalion : They have a single attached Panther G.

1 Company : this is the most complete formation - only the organic schreck section and the gewehrgranat sections are ou

I am concerned you don't have enough armor (Yeah yeah I know Jagd tiger counts as like 10 panzers).



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I am concerned you don't have enough armor (Yeah yeah I know Jagd tiger counts as like 10 panzers).



Yeah, at least 10 panzers. Look how many shots these things can absorb! (This was taken very soon after it was knocked out. It's a screen grab from one of ChrisND's YouTube videos.)

How many points to buy one of these monsters?



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In a serious vein, a mien not often worn, the lack of armor seems to be a gamble. IMHO. (My biggest weakness...game related ;)... is force selection in QB's. When in doubt, I tend to select "realistic" forces. That's not usually best.)

By my count, you have 3 Panthers and one JagdTiger. That's...a few eggs in one basket.

The large amount of infantry provides flexibility. That's good. And a lot of eyeballs. That's also good. But...in general, infantry is only good for holding ground, or grinding forward in dense terrain (urban, or otherwise). With the snow, they will get tired more rapidly. (You'd be insane to keep 'em in halftracks. Well, except for the few who will dash about with elan trying to win by coup de main. Those would be the manly men.) I think of men as sandbags: you plop them down and that's where they stay. (Of course, that's probably because most of my men die...gloriously, with my name on their lips. ;) )

OTOH, infantry can absorb more punishment than a tank. One shell kills a tank. That same shell may only kill one man in a squad. Or more. But the survivors will be there and be somewhat capable of action.

The biggest concern, to me, is the combat range you're giving up. How many weapon systems (squad, specialist team, or AFV) are effective at 100m? 300m? 500m? 1,000m? Against soft targets or armor? Here's a table:

range: 100m....300m....500m....1,000m

target type

soft:  ..ALL........Some......Fewer.........4

hard: ...4..............4.............4...............4

See? You're unbalanced. Most of your force can only generate close range, soft target, firepower. More long-range anti-armor will be something you'll feel the lack of. You do have some good HE tossers with the mortars, but that's only good for suppression (in most cases).

A lot seems to be riding on that JagdTiger. If it immobilizes, well, that'd suck. I'd make sure your driver is damn good. ;)  (And, barring some inept tactical use of the JagdTiger, about all it needs to fear is a bog...or a lucky hit which knocks out its optics or weapon. (I've got a buck that the first hit on it does exactly that. :)  Just the way it seems to work for me.) )

Your forces are built around close-in firepower and a few long-range punchers. It'll be cool to see how you use them. If you manage to get infantry close enough to Bil so they can use their weapons, well, that fight should go to you.

Ken "done pontificating since that bridge has already been crossed"


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Thanks Ken ... for weighing in just too late :P

I second-guessed your point a bit late too. :unsure: My initial thumbsuck forcepick had less infantry and more artillery, when I cut down the arty, I failed to reconsider the infantry / tank balance.

I'm stuck with it now though, so must press ahead - befehl ist befehl, you understand.

I do fear bogging, oh god, how I fear it !

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I always set my forces to Regular/0/0 when selecting, then I can tweak the values later.

I do the same thing.

I would LOVE to take a Flame Hetzer :wub: and I know you all probably would too.

I care not for Flammenwerfers, I care only for 128mm of hot steel rocketing downrange!

I´d likely cut down the infantry, to free some points for additional Stug or Hetzer support if possible.


Okay, so, we've got what, one JagdTiger and a handful of Panthers? That's fine. The burning hulks of the halftracks will shield them from view. So...halftracks in front, tanks in back. Got it. ;)

I have to agree with Harry and Ken, but it's too late now I suppose.

Being the attacker I would have likely taken one company of infantry specifically for house clearing and armored support, then spent all of the rest of the points on tanks. I wouldn't have even brought HMG's and Mortars, maybe attached one of each to each platoon.

I do fear bogging, oh god, how I fear it !

I think your Panthers should do just fine in that department, but the JagdTiger is likely road bound for this scenario.

I'm not sufficiently familiar with the JagdTiger to really know for certain.

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Being the attacker I would have likely taken one company of infantry specifically for house clearing and armored support, then spent all of the rest of the points on tanks. I wouldn't have even brought HMG's and Mortars, maybe attached one of each to each platoon.

I'm not terribly good at attacking :(

I think your Panthers should do just fine in that department, but the JagdTiger is likely road bound for this scenario.

My first movement-in-snow-bogging test, I had a Panther bog after travelling about 3m ! It then blew its transmission and was immobilised about 10 seconds later :lol:

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Really looking forward to the action starting in this. Thanks for all your efforts in the AAR Baneman


Question??? Can I start a thread for forum discussion of your battle knowing both sides?

With spoilers- can you guys be gentlemen, agree and trust not to peak??? :) I understand if you prefer not. I will ask Allies too.

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Yeah, the criticisms are always best applied after the fact. ;)


Well, you've got what you've got. No excuses. Get your men into locations where they can use their advantages. I like the zerg rush. C'mon, how many could Bil get if you rush them all in the first turn? The Somme couldn't happen twice in a century, could it? :)  :)  :) 


Ken "20/20 Hindsight"

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