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CM Final Blitzkrieg - ALLIED (Defense) BETA Battle Report

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apart covering arcs taht you have explained (thanks heinrich) i have another question bill.

what is your usuall procedure in kill zones you have setup? do you let your troops shoot on first unit you see or do you let them pass and wait for bulk of forces hoping the first unit is just scouts? 

hmmmmm now that i have asked i believe the answer is obvious: it depends on what you know about enemy. however if you have no further knowledge apart three guys running into the kill zone. do you still let them past hoping for bigger fish to get into the net or you shoot... ahh, it is obviously "it depeneds again, right? :D

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TURN 4 (1:27-1:26)

Baneman's infantry continues to move forward, the platoon in the L Shaped Wood (Platoon-02) is still moving through the wood, and I picked up a few new contacts in that wood this turn.  Another squad sized element started to rush across the open space to the right of the L Shaped Wood (marked as Squad on the map).  The halftrack (Half-2) did not continue to fire on my team and did not move this entire turn.

The other platoon (Platoon-01) continues to rush to the wood to their front.  Also a PanzerShreck team was identified in the woodline to Platoon-01's rear.  The other halftrack in this area (Half-1) has not moved since I first identified it three turns ago.  Time for me to creep a 50 Cal jeep forward to and to see if I can wake it up. 

I have to wonder what shape his infantry is going to be in rushing forward like this.. I have only seen them move at fast speed.  He has about a Company's worth of troops moving forward dismounted, perhaps this is his reconnaissance and he has a mounted force behind just waiting for some information... that's what I would do.  :) 



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apart covering arcs taht you have explained (thanks heinrich) i have another question bill.

what is your usuall procedure in kill zones you have setup? do you let your troops shoot on first unit you see or do you let them pass and wait for bulk of forces hoping the first unit is just scouts? 

hmmmmm now that i have asked i believe the answer is obvious: it depends on what you know about enemy. however if you have no further knowledge apart three guys running into the kill zone. do you still let them past hoping for bigger fish to get into the net or you shoot... ahh, it is obviously "it depeneds again, right? :D

I can only say, it depends!


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apart covering arcs taht you have explained (thanks heinrich) i have another question bill.

what is your usuall procedure in kill zones you have setup? do you let your troops shoot on first unit you see or do you let them pass and wait for bulk of forces hoping the first unit is just scouts? 

hmmmmm now that i have asked i believe the answer is obvious: it depends on what you know about enemy. however if you have no further knowledge apart three guys running into the kill zone. do you still let them past hoping for bigger fish to get into the net or you shoot... ahh, it is obviously "it depeneds again, right? :D

I think you deserve a better answer than the flippant one I gave above.

If I see a mass of armor assembling behind the infantry dismounts then I will set the armor in overwatch to armor only target arcs and let the HMGs and infantry engage any dismounts.  Right now I have seen no evidence of an armor concentration so I plan on just letting my units that are in overwatch pick their own targets.

The plan can and will evolve as I gather more information.

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This was my initial impression of this but today it struck me...

Are these by any chans touch objectives ? And if so...Are one phaseline one objective...

If that had been the case this would have seriously simplefied Banemans situation i think...

Kind of this being a pure pentration mission with no requirements to secure the ground for supply purposes and such (that would follow-on forces handle)...


But being the way things are...Baneman will need to clear ALL seperate sections of the phaselines completally to achive any point for them...

Clearing 3 out of 4 sections of a certain phaseline will give him no points what so ever...

Is this correct...?

If so...Baneman will have quite a task infront of him...



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But being the way things are...Baneman will need to clear ALL seperate sections of the phaselines completally to achive any point for them...

Clearing 3 out of 4 sections of a certain phaseline will give him no points what so ever...

Is this correct...?

If so...Baneman will have quite a task infront of him...

Yes, that's the way they are setup... he needs to capture the road intersections on each objective line to capture that objective.  And I hope the task is challenging for him.

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Hi Bil out of interest what would you have fielded as the Germans? What is your force to defeat what you have?

Hey Mark, well I don't know that Baneman hasn't already purchased a force capable of defeating what I have.. it's possible he has.  

If I were the Germans and attacking in this situation with it's very open map and long AO, I would have gone armor heavy, with maybe only a company of mounted infantry, but with some good artillery support to blast the US units off of each objective as I approached.  The terrain is so open that it really is asking for an armor heavy force... that was my major fear and is why I went so armor heavy with my force purchases.

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TURN 5 (1:26-1:25)

I received an email from Baneman today after he watched the last turn and he said to me, "it's quiet, too quiet."  Well, its about to get a little louder!

On my far right I moved an HMG jeep forward to try to get a spot on Halftrack-1, they moved forward just fine, but failed to make the spot.  I will let them sit and hopefully they will pick it up next turn, or I might hunt them forward a bit more (I need to check their LOS first).


I also moved two Hellcats balls to the wall towards KT1 (these suckers are so damned fast), the first (belonging to CPL Mace) is hunting halftrack-2 and it's movement fell just short of it being in position.  The second (CPL Zeiger) was sent forward to back up Mace, but also to close off a dead zone in front of the L-Shaped woods (as shown by their covered arc).

I suspect that Baneman will have sound contacts from this movement, at least from mace's Hellcat... but those woods are very restrictive to vehicles so he might not be able to extricate his halftrack-2, if that is what he decides to attempt.



Situation: The enemy infantry continues to move through the L Shaped Wood and the other platoon continued to moved toward the rectangular wood, elements might be in it by now, but I can't see the lead elements now... some additional units joined this movement and i suspect it might be a bit more than a platoon now.  Actually I suspect that both of these infantry platoons are larger than platoon size.

On the right, I am really surprised that I have seen no movement, none moving toward the town.  It is looking more and more like he is concentrating on my left and center.  


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TURN 6 (1:25-1:24)

Baneman attacked a building on the outskirts of Cobru.. this was gun fire.. I doubt it was a dismounted gun, so probably a tank, or perhaps one of the many German SP guns.  This is an unspotted vehicle but I suspect it came from the position as outlined in the image.  I suspect this is simply prep fire which means he must have infantry close enough to start assaulting the town.. time to withdraw my forward elements in the town.  Clearly I didn't have very good visibility in this area.


Near the L Shaped Wood, I don't think Baneman heard my Hellcats as he moved his halftrack-2 forward to get a better shot at my scout team on KT1.


Mace's Hellcat moved into position, and I was afraid that the new halftrack position would put it in a blind spot, but right at the end of the turn Mace and crew spot the halftrack and carefully take aim.....

(to be continued)


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But being the way things are...Baneman will need to clear ALL seperate sections of the phaselines completally to achive any point for them...

Clearing 3 out of 4 sections of a certain phaseline will give him no points what so ever...

Is this correct...?

If so...Baneman will have quite a task infront of him...

Yes, but the corollary to that is Baneman only needs to capture one section of any phase line to deny it to Bil ;)

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Hm...leads me to the question if the action spot with that halftrack in it turns to mud (from snow), once Mace is finished with making the HT a nice torch. :P

Is that splitting of points from single objective to multi scattered AS a new feature in CMFB?

Unfortunately there won't be melting snow :)

Re: the objectives... not a new feature, its just the way they were painted on the map, you could always do this... in fact on the map we used in the CMFI-GL BETA AAR (Sante Maria Infante) the S-Ridge objective was also split, between two separate hilltops.

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After understanding how these VLs work (i think ;))...

I have to say that this is actually a VERY GOOD use of the VLs

It will give the attacker two very distinctly different options how to approach this mission...

1. Slug it out on a broad front and try to capture one phaseline after the other (the entire phaseline) - to get the points for it -...and thereby evening out the score


2. Concentrate his forces in a narrow attack (left-, right flank) to try and penetrate as deep as possible into the defenders possition...As Vanir pointed out all the attacker (baneman) needs to do if he chooses this alternative will be to capture ONE of the locations in each phaseline to deny Bil the points for the entire phaseline...

If Baneman manages to reach every phaseline in such a manner Bil will be left with ZERO points. (all this whitout haveing to bother about the center and opposing flank...)


This could end up as a desperate fight to gane sole possetion of a single VL anywhere on the map (if both players are left with zero points when the timer starts to run out...)


I like it ! :P



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Fight the enemy, not the terrain.

To be honest, I am fighting the enemy force, if I do that the objectives will take care of themselves.  

The objectives should be used to help orient your force in reconnoitering and attacking the enemy, because chances are he is going after the points. Well in my opinion, he can have them, and I'll fight his force instead.  I am conducting a zone defense, my goal is to defeat the enemy force, the objectives are secondary to my effort.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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TURN 6 (1:25-1:24)

Baneman attacked a building on the outskirts of Cobru.. this was gun fire.. I doubt it was a dismounted gun, so probably a tank, or perhaps one of the many German SP guns.  This is an unspotted vehicle but I suspect it came from the position as outlined in the image.  I suspect this is simply prep fire which means he must have infantry close enough to start assaulting the town.. time to withdraw my forward elements in the town.  Clearly I didn't have very good visibility in this area.

I think that was a mistake on Baneman's part. My own personal experience tells me preparatory fire, or recon by fire rarely works on human opponents. Never mind the fact you don't have any significant forces in that town either.

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I think that was a mistake on Baneman's part. My own personal experience tells me preparatory fire, or recon by fire rarely works on human opponents. Never mind the fact you don't have any significant forces in that town either.

Well, IMO its a good idea to prep a building prior to assaulting it if you suspect it might contain an enemy unit.  However doing so definitely shows your hand, so I concede your point.  ;)

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