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Just Played The Demo

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I am thinking about buying this game, do you guys have any sales?


I noticed the US use the AT rifle grenade called the M9A1, which just doesn;t have to be used against armor and works against sandbags or houses. I noticed these other rifles greanades are not in the game whilst playing the demo anyways


In ww2 the US had a regular grenade which could be shot be either the m1 carbine or garand


-1st one is impact fuse

-2nd one is time fuse airburst above ground




These cannot be used against armor.. More for troops and light areas.


why are they missing? Will you add them?



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The store page does offer a discount on individual game prices if you purchase them as part of a bundle. Basically, the more you buy all at once, the more you save. It depends on your budget, but if you plan on buying everything eventually, buying a big bundle will definitely save you money.

You can also save a few dollars by purchasing only the download option, but that depends on your situation. Personally I always pay extra for a hard copy.


Welcome to the forum!

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I noticed the US use the AT rifle grenade called the M9A1, which just doesn;t have to be used against armor and works against sandbags or houses.

Yep, that's the single rifle grenade icon that's shown in the unit info pane, next to the other special equipment like binoculars, bazookas, bazooka rounds and radio.



I noticed these other rifles greanades are not in the game whilst playing the demo anyways...

While the demo for BN is an old engine version (v1.11, I think, though that may've changed), rifle grenade depiction hasn't changed between then and now. But those HE grenades are, indeed, shown in the game. They are the 3 "66mmHE" grenades that are only listed in text (white text on black ground) to the left of the equipment icons. You might not have noticed them, because the dogfaces are pretty liberal with using them and they don't last very long... You're right though that the graphic of what they're firing is an M9A1, not the M17 fragmentation type. Watching the grenadier close up, you can't tell by looking at the pTruppe which round he's firing, they're all cylindrical with a hemispheric nose, rather than "pineapple" shaped like the M17 is. Good catch... But the terminal effects are certainly differentiated.


The US rifle grenade launcher in the game is the M7, fitted to the Garand. The M1 Carbine version (the M8) isn't in the game. I'm pretty sure there's a reason for that; BFC's research about what was used when and where is comprehensive. Given that the M8 tended to fracture the stock of the M1, and the M1 wasn't issued to line infantry squads, the only time it might appear could be as a secondary weapon in a heavy weapons team; they do have the occasional M7 shown. Maybe it was used more by the Marines in the Pacific.


While hunting up infos for this post, I didn't see any references to an airburst version of the M17 or any replacement for it other than the M1 grenade projector... Got a source?

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While hunting up infos for this post, I didn't see any references to an airburst version Got a source?



17:20 talks about them


the airburst kind can be used like a mortar as well as the impact type. The time fuse requires good timing skill on the soldiers behalf to ahchieve the burst

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17:20 talks about them


the airburst kind can be used like a mortar as well as the impact type. The time fuse requires good timing skill on the soldiers behalf to ahchieve the burst

If any of those "timed" airbursts ever burst where their gunner meant them to, it was fluke of the highest order. I think it's safe to assume some of the 3 "66mm HE" are that kind, and the gunners are tending to undershoot them so they'll go off somewhere effective rather than overshoot and detonate harmlessly high in the air (which would be most irritating for the player...). Or assume that they're all M17s with impact fuses because the timed ones had been discovered to be marginally effective by '44. Though I do believe the M7s in Siciliy as depicted by Fortress Italy are identical in nature and ordnance available to the ones shown in CMBN.


Do remember to take those kinds of films with a pinch of salt; they show the poor recruits the most optimistic results they could expect, to instill confidence in their weapons systems. I didn't watch all the link you posted, but I've seen one of those that pretty much encourages doughboys to assault a hard position solo with the M1911A pistol and expect to prevail.


Edit: consider that the M2 mortar didn't fire airburst munitions, and that was used with an actual sight, micrometer deflection and range tables, rather than by hand-held, no-baseplate, no-sight finger-in-the-air guesstimation.

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^ airbursts  would work in town areas or over trenches or low lying areas. How difficult would it be for the soldier to achieve this with appropriate training?


Arc follows tip of barrle bring it in and fire for closer enemy and move barrel away for distant, although I don't think this weapon was for distance just a high angle of fire weapon.

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^ airbursts  would work in town areas or over trenches or low lying areas. How difficult would it be for the soldier to achieve this with appropriate training?

Very difficult indeed, verging on the impossible. The timings involved are immensely sensitive. I point again to the difficulty of calculating the fuse timings for such bursts. Not only do on map mortars firing direct lay (a straight-line equivalent of the grenade launcher) not have the option for airbursts (and they have range tables with accurate flight times, and means of accurately estimating the range), but nor do non-pre-planned artillery strikes which take minutes to calculate, and which have the capacity for precise knowledge of the flight time of their shells (even if those shells aren't falling on the things they were aimed at, they will be falling where they hit at a known time from firing).


The tech for airburst grenades is only now entering service with modern forces. We saw the grenadiers adjusting for range (sliding their grenade up or down the adapter) but nothing about adjusting the fusing on the TD bomb. So there's pretty much only a very narrow range bracket where the thing can be expected to airburst at an effective height. No, the timed fuse might have been useful if you wanted to ricochet the thing round the corner into an alley or into a room, but not for airburst fire. Stuff like that is pretty abstracted in CM, so differentiating between impact and timed fuses is barely necessary. And a much lesser hit to fidelity than the treatment of, say demo charges (which can be anything from a 50kilo hedgebuster through a Bangalore Torpedo to a frame charge to a throwable anti-tank expedient), or the fact that your tanks always have the right shell type loaded to engage what they've just spotted.


CM is full of groggy details. Enjoy them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The German sure had many different kinds as well wow http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/attachments/ordnance-ammo/28563d1235458995-german-rifle-grenades-launchers-gewgr_alle.jpg


Too bad there is no chart telling which each was for.. Armor piercing or HE probably also flare and smoke rounds. Maybe they were rare to use in the German army?


I also said in my original post the US air burst kind was for above ground BUT and with a big BUT, I bet it could be shot skipped along ground, or through a window and detonated via it's time fuse... The mk2 is certainly heavy enough to shatter am old european style house window.


I have also seen old videos of US troops shooting the AT type mortar style for un-known reasons..

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I have also seen old videos of US troops shooting the AT type mortar style for un-known reasons..


possibly because it was a training video and they were using training rounds. Or if the footage looks like a legitimate combat situation it might be an attempt to knock out a tank on the top armor. Low % hit but high % penetration.

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possibly because it was a training video and they were using training rounds. Or if the footage looks like a legitimate combat situation it might be an attempt to knock out a tank on the top armor. Low % hit but high % penetration.

No it wasn't this was actual battle footage in the hedgerows. Unless the AT kind has a time fuse after some length of flight time as well.

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