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Impervious Armata

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I was reading an article today about the new Armata tank.  According to the Russians it is impervious to just about, if not all, current NATO munitions.  Basically the Russian take is: Anti-tank missiles? HA!  Tank rounds? Please!  A couple of bombs?  Maybe small nuke might scratch the paint.  So if and when the Armata is ever introduced to the game, will it be nerfed so that the NATO player can actually hurt it??

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So if and when the Armata is ever introduced to the game, will it be nerfed so that the NATO player can actually hurt it??


If we ever introduce the Armata to the game, it's capabilities will be based on known or highly plausible information, not on wild unverified claims for a relatively unknown, untested system in development.

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Yet another Armata thread?


Luke is mad because It will destroy all HATO Abrams.


In all seriousness though there is no publicly available information on its protection levels. Its probably not going to be protected physically by armour than most T-90AM series vehicles, however placement of key equipment within the vehicle has changed leading to less vulnerability.

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So if and when the Armata is ever introduced to the game, will it be nerfed so that the NATO player can actually hurt it??


Nope. Games where the Russians have an Armata on the battlefield will automatically be decided in favor of the Russians, no exceptions. And because it would be waste of time to actually play such a game, Battlefront decided to remove all gameplay content in the upcoming CMBS module. Yeah, it' s true, after installing the new module, you will only be able to start the game to the main menu, and if you click on any of the menus items (including options and exit), you will immedeatly be shown a screen that says "Russian Total Victory".


No, i am just kidding. The truth is that your computer will explode and kill you after installing the CMBS module containing the Armata. IIRC Steve said it was too difficult to get the CMx2 engine to simulate the awesomeness of the Armata, so they will simply use CDs made of RDX instead of plastic for the Armata module.


Haha, no, i am still just kidding. Here are some real Armata facts:


What happens if an Armata drives through a river? The river becomes Armata!

There is no such thing as global warming, just the exhaust gases of the Armatas engine.

Why are there no Armata LEGOs? Because no one can take an Armata apart!

Edited by agusto
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Hey, Agusto got it!  But in all seriousness, the Russian news media would never lie or spread false information.  So I must assume that the Armata is simply the nest tank out there.  I look forward to playing with them in the future and all the Total Victories that I will get as a result of its presence!  Hopefully soon the Army will give in the futility of fielding Abrams tanks so that I can finally buy one and take it for a spin.

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The Armata is so awesome, Chuck Norris even worships it. 

Actually, it is a little known fact the Armata program is actually self aware. That's right - its actually Skynet . And  on August 28th, 2015, it will initiate a nuclear war between Russia and the West. Russia will obviously win (Armata knows this, so is doing the Motherland a huge favor) and will take over the world with its self-aware Armata tanks, which are impervious to nuclear warheads, Kim Kardashian, and heavy metal music. 


I've gone far enough off the reservation. Its time for me to stop...

Edited by Currahee150
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Actually, it is a little known fact the Armata program is actually self aware.


When the self aware Armata turns 13:


"But dad, i dont want to wear green camo! It makes me look fat!"

"But dad, all my friends have infantry dismounts, why cant i have some too? What do you mean, i hang out too much with those BMP-3s? They are my friends!"

"But dad, I dont want to be a mean killing machine! I am vegetarian, you know?."

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Luke is mad because It will destroy all HATO Abrams.


In all seriousness though there is no publicly available information on its protection levels. Its probably not going to be protected physically by armour than most T-90AM series vehicles, however placement of key equipment within the vehicle has changed leading to less vulnerability.

Actually it will be more protected then the T-90AM series its just less armor weight will be put to the turret because it has less volume. The hull will gain more armor protection by alot actually, I also read a article that new ERA is being used which is more capable then Relict. Although I am assuming this is real since it makes sense, No one really knows much about the Armata.

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There is only one way to settle this question.  Since the Armata has a +1 immunity to NATO weapons and a critical hit re-roll on its 20 sided die should a NATO round actually hit it, this means that there is only one possible thing that can stop it.  Battlefront will have to model Chuck Norris.  HOWEVER, since this is a video game he will have to be somewhat nerfed.  Melee attacks only with no help from Bruce Lee or Kareem Abdul Jabbar.  Jackie Chan may come in as reinforcements but he will die quickly.  No room for a stunt master in war!  Here is the scenario:


Mission: Winner Take All


Russian Forces: 1 Armata company.  Reinforcements: As many as the Russian player wants until he runs out of tanks, Russia goes broke, or they destroy the NATO forces.


NATO Forces: Chuck Norris.  Reinforcements: Jackie Chan with any weapon he wants.


Mission Objectives: Fight to the death.  The winner gets to rename Ukrane after themselves.


*Designer Note: Russian player MUST leave Russian insignia on tanks.  The Russians cannot loose all of their tanks then say they were never there to begin with!


The Challenge is made Battlefront!  You must make Chuck Norris so that NATO can fight the Armata!

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Sure...but can Combat Mission x2 game engine handle the pure awesomeness of Chuck Norris and Armata in the same simulation, let alone the same scenario? I think not! I fear this reckless expiramentation will result in a gravitational singularity that will consume the universe as predicted by [insert doomsayer/church here]!!!!111one!1

We need CMx3 to prevent the apocalypse.

The choice is yours Battlefront. Develop CMx3, and give future generations hope...or condemn us all to atomization.

Edited by Currahee150
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