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Kampfgruppe Engel- New stealth tanks?

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One of the beta testers is aware of this. And, real life allowing, is trying to look into it. If you have a save of a battle ending with some units which should show up in the NEXT battle, but don't, please let me know. Use this thread. We'll set up PM as needed to swap files.


I'd also like a link to the other threads which discussed this. I remember it coming up, but couldn't find it. (My personal attempt at retrying the campaign did not get missing vehicles.)


So, if this is broken, this thread is officially the non-official place to post your comments. Err, "constructive" comments...


Saves, anecdotes, what PRECISELY you are missing from which battle, etc. Details matter.





Hi Ken.  Here is another bug - the brilliant Scottish Corridor campaign.  Battle #11 (No Hiding Place) states clearly in the briefing that there are supposed to be 12 Churchills.  I had only eight.  I have not been paying attention to other battles within the campaign, but I have probably been disadvantaged in some of them as well, after reading some other posts.  The only save I may have is an end battle save which may or may not be any good to you.  I hope this can be cleared up soon

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I fired up Kampgruppe Engel using the latest patched versions.  The first battle played out well, and I finished with all my armor intact.


Started up the second battle and only the Lynx tanks were present. I thought I would try to play it out and see what happened with the third battle.  Maybe the missing tanks would reappear. 


The action in the second battle was fierce.  With only the 20mm cannon for the Lynx and the Stummel halftracks, I was at a big disadvantage.  But, I had a bunch of panzerfaust and a couple of panzershreks in hand so I thought I would give it a go.  I positioned the 75mm PAK in apparently just the right place, per briefing information.  Then I moved in on the town after punishing it with the Nebelwerfers and then following up with the 105s.


What happened was an incredibly intense tooth-and-nail slugfest, with my guys dashing across the streets, my small tanks ripping up buildings with their 20mm guns, smoke from very close artillery barrages, ambushes everywhere, and some pretty specific micromanagement.  One panzershrek gunner fired 6 rounds at a Stuart and overshot or undershot every single one. 


I lost it about then, and ordered my last Stummel (the other was disabled by a long range shot from a hidden Greyhound) to go on a tank-hunting spree.  It was risky business but I just couldn't get close enough for panzerfaust range.  The Stummel commander must have gone slightly berserk as he eased out from behind buildings, taking corner shots through trees and ended up blowing up two Stuarts  which essentially opened up the main street running into town.


Then it was house-to-house fighting.  I kept artillery coming in at almost point blank range (thank heaven for the TRP) which disrupted the enemy and caused them to flee once they broke.  Still, I left a lot of guys in the streets and buildings as they dashed into ambush positions. 


That lone Sherman in the village square was the hardest to crack.  I snuck a panzershrek team (with no rocket rounds but one panzerfaust) into the adjacent building, but the tankers had x-ray vision through their tank and as soon as my lads slipped into the building, the tank turret was turning.  One guy ripped off the panzerfaust and it hit, but didn't kill the tank.  They were at point-blank range in the building next to the tank.  One 75mm shell later and only the panzerfaust guy escaped.


I tried easing up a group of men from a different angle into a shell hole with a panzershrek but the tank saw them too.  Only two guys escaped that mess.  The tank was now at plus 11 for score.  I was considering running the Stummel out around the street-corner for a quick shot when the tank's turret was facing away, but decided that would be a disaster too.  I eased my last panzershrek squad towards the corner, hoping to have them slow-move out into view, while hunt-moving the same panzerfaust guy from before (who had now managed to scrounge another panzerfaust from one of the many dead lying around and was still carrying the empty Ofenrohr) and two other soldiers with grenades into the adjacent building for another try. I was hoping the tank would be momentarily confused and that hesitation would be the opening my guys needed. 


The panzershrek team didn't make it far enough to see the Sherman, but the lad with the panzerfaust made that second try count.  The Sherman exploded with a fiery blast. 


After that it was mopping up the victory locations and holding on for the time to run down.


The enemy tank attack from the left flank ran right into my 75mm PAK and three of the five tanks were knocked out.  It was pretty amazing.  The last two stayed back, wisely. 


So, I ended battle 2 with no Panther or Mark IVs, a tactical victory, but heavy losses.  I wanted to see if the Panther and Mark IVs would show up for the 3rd battle.  They didn't. 


My losses were so heavy from battle 2 that I tried to work battle 3 but had to stop after only a few turns as my survivors were too depleted. 


I sure hope this gets fixed. It looks like a really sharp campaign and while I gave it a shot without the missing armor, losses are too heavy to make battle 3 work.  :(  




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Joined forum just for this thread: last night I cracked Mission 2 without 2x Panthers. 


I'd noted that my force was smaller than at the start of the campaign... but thought nothing of it (because I'm an idiot) and just ground away at mission 2, finally getting the total victory I wanted


Let me describe just briefly my heroic victory, it was intense, I had to lure the Shermans into the narrow streets before pouncing on them! I had to grind away at other stationary Tanks with 105mm Howitzer fire. Managed to push the US outside the zone of control, ground at them for a while (avoiding more Shermans) and then declared a cease-fire as I lacked the assets to push home. Total Victory and reasonably low casualties.


Mission 3: actually advises "assign 1x Panther to recover the Tiger"... I still have no Panthers, it finally occurs to me that this is a bug and not a part of the campaign. RAGE QUIT :)


So yeah, consider this another voice to the bug choir. Also I'll PM you the game file I have retained if that's ok?


Its not a bug, its a feature, a way to make mission 2 more challenging and fun!


EDIT: you don't want to know how long its taken me to crack Mission 2, its slightly embarrassing!

Edited by MathboyTedward
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That lone Sherman in the village square was the hardest to crack.  I snuck a panzershrek team (with no rocket rounds but one panzerfaust) into the adjacent building, but the tankers had x-ray vision through their tank and as soon as my lads slipped into the building, the tank turret was turning.  


This is my experience as well. Even entering a house on SLOW, the tank will immediately notice the infantry. Perhaps because spotting is very much a function of distance.

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Also posted on the Engle King Tiger thread...



OK I made it through the first scenario almost intact. I had all of my armor, and lost very little infantry. I mean like, I kicked the american butt with so few casualties that I went back to a save to make sure that I was playing elite and not sissy. The second scenario my PZ IVs weren't available. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? So I slogged through and took the all the objectives in the town, but my infantry got seriously whacked. I lost one of the Stummels, and both Lynx. I took out three of the five Ami reinforcement Shermans, and all but one of the on map armored vehicles with panzerschrecks. I was really hoping I would see those PZ IVs again! Nope. So the second scenario was a draw, and I got the rescue the KT scenario next. Still no PZ IVs! I'm not sure why, when I was so careful with my armor in the first scenario, the game decided I could do without the PZ IVs.

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Heh. Forgot the first game owed me a Panther too. Yeah. It's messed up. Had a very similar experience to Heinrich505 except I didn't win scenario 2. Also, The 75 AT gun took out two reinforcement Shermans, I killed one more with a schreck, the Sherman in the middle of town with a faust, and two Stuarts with schrecks also.  It was counted as a draw. I haz a sadz. All the soft vehicles were blowed up real good with the Nebelwerfers. Two of the reinforcement Shermans hung back, but I had no AT assets other than the 75 AT to go after them. It was pretty frustrating knowing that I had husbanded my armor so well in Scenario 1 that I could have been a bad ass mofo in scenario 2 pretty easily with a Panther and two PZ IVs  hunting the shrinking violet Shermans that hung back.

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I'm posting here mostly to congratulate Mr. Peng on two coherent posts in a row :D

Seriously though, we're still looking into what the heck is causing this. It's an odd one for sure. I'm sure we'll figure it out and get a patch out soon.


I think you meant to say "The Legendary Mr Peng"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the middle of mission 2 now.  Interesting - I have no bugs.  I lost a Lynx in mission one but have the two Mk IV's, a Panther and 2 Stummel (stummle?) half tracks + the ATG.  No bugs so far.  I'm not very far into town and the Ami tanks are coming!  I have the latest game update plus the mission pack if provides any clues to why my campaign is (so far) not bugged.

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