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Everything posted by MathboyTedward

  1. Hijacking this thread slightly, please forgive, I'm new here. Is there an etiquette to PBEM? I ask because a 6-month old child makes my gaming time fleeting to say the least. I snatch a couple of hours on CM whenever the boy (and the wife) are suitably distracted. Do you have to commit to a turn a day... or do people really not mind?
  2. Joined forum just for this thread: last night I cracked Mission 2 without 2x Panthers. I'd noted that my force was smaller than at the start of the campaign... but thought nothing of it (because I'm an idiot) and just ground away at mission 2, finally getting the total victory I wanted Let me describe just briefly my heroic victory, it was intense, I had to lure the Shermans into the narrow streets before pouncing on them! I had to grind away at other stationary Tanks with 105mm Howitzer fire. Managed to push the US outside the zone of control, ground at them for a while (avoiding more Shermans) and then declared a cease-fire as I lacked the assets to push home. Total Victory and reasonably low casualties. Mission 3: actually advises "assign 1x Panther to recover the Tiger"... I still have no Panthers, it finally occurs to me that this is a bug and not a part of the campaign. RAGE QUIT So yeah, consider this another voice to the bug choir. Also I'll PM you the game file I have retained if that's ok? Its not a bug, its a feature, a way to make mission 2 more challenging and fun! EDIT: you don't want to know how long its taken me to crack Mission 2, its slightly embarrassing!
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