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Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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I LOL'd at the title Bil came up with for our AAR game. I'm the "Gamey SOB" in this match.  :)   I should show him "gamey" and dump 1000 points of ordinance on his tiny setup zone during Turn 1. :lol:   But no, that's not going to happen. I'm going to be a good boy and play fair this game. :D


So, after some negotiations we agreed on a Medium QB CMFI Meeting Engagement, using the following "house rules": no preplanned arty, no TRPs, and the 33% armor rule, which should give us a maximum of 853 points to spend on tanks, SPGs, halftracks, etc. Bil also wanted mountainous terrain, so I sent him three maps to choose from, and he picked number 290.


I did a YT video "flyby" of the map, just so you guys can see how steep this terrain is without having to start the game and load the map up. My forces start at the North Road, and Bil's forces start at the South Road Junction. Our start zones are also victory locations, and there are two other victory locations in "no man's land".




Video is with the game set to hide the tree limbs/leaves, to give you a better view of the terrain (and that's how I usually have it set when I'm playing anyway).


Looking at the map again, I see that I have already given Bil an advantage by designating him as the "attacker".....his starting zone gives him the high ground and pretty good overwatch.  Damn.


I don't normally play with the 33% armor rule, but don't believe that will be a handicap in this game, because it looks like a significant portion of the map is impassible to vehicles.


Bil has already done his force pick and sent me turn 2, so now comes the hardest part for me.....picking forces and the setup. This might take me a day or two.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and, in my mind, a video is worth at least a dozen pictures, so I do plan to post further YT videos of the action as this unfolds, as well as static screen shots (as time permits). Also please note that I'm not really into mods, so all my game vids and pics will be with plain vanilla out-of-the-box CMFI textures.


This is my first attempt at an AAR, so happy to listen to your suggestions in order to keep this interesting.


I realize Bil is a very accomplished and methodical player, whereas I'm more of a "seat of my pants" type player, so I may be in for the ass whuppin of my life here, but at least I'll have you guys to make fun of me while the spectacle unfolds.


Also, as Bil and I discussed, neither of us plan to play until the other side is wiped off the map. I fully expect this game to end in a Cease Fire or Surrender, rather than one side trying to hunt down the last enemy half squad hiding in a corner of the map. A real commander would normally retreat whenever casualties became too high, but unfortunately CM2 doesn't really allow that (at least in QBs).


Edit: Decided to add this song, as it seems apropos to the title Bil gave me. :-) 



Edited by Doug Williams
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Nice video: That really showcased the terrain for me (after I got over my motion sickness!).


Ordinance: Laws and rules.

Ordnance: Things that go "boom". 


If you plan on deluging Bil with 1,000 points of "ordinance", I -do- think you'll win! ;)



As far as ANY plan against Bil, don't bother. He is the plan-master. Seat of the pants should do just fine... I suggest a surprise attack!



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@womble  Thanks, man.


@Baneman   Good to have you in my corner, Ian. Yea, I can turn off that puke green VL highlight. Uh, what was the command for that again (serious)?


@rocketman  Glad to have you on board. You're my favorite Elton John song!


@Holien  Good to know the video helped. Those things take forever to upload to YT.


@c3k  Glad you also liked the video. Yea, thanks for the clarification on Ordinance VS Ordnance. I'm definitely not a contender for a spelling bee championship. Nor am I a "rules lawyer", so Bil doesn't have to worry about 1000 points worth of rules being dumped on him.  Yep, I expect Bil will have planned for every contingency, so I'm just going to follow your advice and play like I usually do.




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This is my force pick.




In Summary:


Two companies of veteran Grenadiers, minus one platoon each, but with additional support of mortar squads and MG squads. I also took the (gamey) option of two Elite sniper teams, and two Crack scout teams.


Two Panthers (veteran). Thought about going for more quantity (PZIVs), at the expense of quality, but nah. The Sherman is at an extreme disadvantage against the Panther. I know Bil can probably buy five Shermans, but WTF, right?



Ok wife wants attention now. Will continue later.

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Excellent plan! Once you've exhausted her, and she's sleeping soundly, sneak back up to the machine and get cracking!!!


I like the snipers. Infiltrate, or overwatch?


Panthers? Of course. 


Which route are you thinking of using?

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Haven't done my setup yet. Will take pics and/or a video when I do (probably Saturday). Probably going to send one company east, and one west, to try to capture both VLs. May try to work the HMG and mortar teams up to the high ground on my flanks to give them good overwatch.


The Panthers are going to be problematic. Much of the terrain on the map is impassible to vehicles. Bil's starting zone is high ground and I believe (I'll need to do some LoS checks) he can probably park a tank or two up there and cover the road. What I've got to decide is whether or not I want to move my Panthers forward along the road on Turn 1, and trust in their superior frontal armor. Bil knows I like Panthers, so I can almost guarantee he will buy at least one M10 tank destroyer. I'm not too worried about the Shermans 75mm gun against the Panther's frontal armor, but those 76es can penetrate. 


Ugh, time to go to work. May post more later today.

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Interesting choice of map, Doug.

Your flyover video was a great idea. I had a lot of trouble though as it was incredibly blurry. Was that just me I wonder?


Hmm, I just watched it again on my work PC and it seems fine. Are you trying to watch it on a moblie device? Anyone else having trouble?

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Hmm, I just watched it again on my work PC and it seems fine. Are you trying to watch it on a moblie device? Anyone else having trouble?

Yeah, I watched it on my iPad. Usually vids are just fine on it, I watch more YouTube on it than on my computer. I'll give it a try when I get home.

Edited by Bud_B
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I just finished my setup and sent Bil turn 3. Take a look at the mess I had to sort out.




It took me about half an hour just to get the truck ammo distributed the way I wanted it.


In a nutshell, my "plan" is to send the HMG and Mortar teams to the high ground on my right and left flanks. Hopefully, I can get them deployed in positions with decent overwatch. The Scout and Sniper teams were sent forward at quicktime in order to...well...scout. I also sent 1st Platoon from each company forward towards each of the middle VLs. The rest I'm holding back for now. I haven't even bothered splitting squads yet.


My boldest move was sending the two Panthers forward (buttoned) at the Hunt along and beside of the road. Hey, I paid good points for them, and they aren't going to do any good for me sitting in my starting zone. I would rather get them forward a bit so they can start unleashing hell on any pathetic Sherms that Bil might have purchased. :D

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When you say you got the truck ammo arranged how you want it, what do you mean? Re supply ammo can be re-distributed?


You can move squads, teams, and HQs inside trucks and halftracks during the setup phase and "acquire" ammo. Did I understand your question correctly?

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You can move squads, teams, and HQs inside trucks and halftracks during the setup phase and "acquire" ammo. Did I understand your question correctly?

Yes you did. I think I misunderstood your original statement, taking it to mean you actually took ammo from certain vehicles and put it in others.

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Can you post the map somewhere?  It seems different than the map 290 in the CMFI/GL install more trees for sure.





Really? I'm fairly certain that it's just a map that came with either CMFI or GL. Do you think you might have had trees turned off?


Here's a Dropbox link:



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