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Going to Town - first battle


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I can see someone will need to teach me how to link to my image files.

(but this was the results - but the Russians did better than the score indicates. They did manage to push down the one flank all the way to the back of town. They made a pretty good fight of it.)



Anyway, just finished this Scenario vs the AI and am eating it up.   H2H is going to be amazing.


My two new favorite Weapons, The Tunguska (Man the Americans should design something similar.)


and the AGS grenade launchers. They are a blast , if you can get good use out of them also.

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That was a fun one for sure.  I fared better.  Only 4 KIA and 1 Wounded and stopped the Russians cold in their tracks.  I anticipated the likely approach and weighted the defense to counter that approach.  My assumption was correct and the enemy forces paid heavily for it.


Definitely worth another play through or two.

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I would say if that battle is played H2H. It might turn out to be a excellent challenge.


Yah, I did not do all that well, I lost  my armor without taking out much. So my infantry had to do the dirty work.


The Tunguska was my only armor that made it to the end and it also was a killing machine - 21 kills and one BTR.


Against a real opponent I would have been in real trouble with how they pushed my flank.

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I Played this one as the Russians first and got a Minor victory first time through. Ukrainian snipers and those pesky AGS grenade launchers set up on roof tops in ambush regularly picked off my engineers and M-R infantry as well as a couple of my BTR's. M-R squad would approach with BTR in overwatch so snipers would get off there one kill before being annihilated by the BTR's cannon fire often bringing down walls on one side of the building. One of my BTR's took out the Ukranian BMP positioned just over the bridge but The Ukrainian tank took out this same BTR as I was approaching the bridge so I brought some engineers up to blast some holes in the side of buildings and managed to take out with one of my RPG-7 teams. The one bridge crossing over the road was a severe choke point and lost a lot of my Russian forces attempting to cross the bridge to the other side despite having numerous M-R infantry and machine gun teams set up in over-watch in buildings  on the Russian side of the bridge. I made the mistake of trying to complete the mission without first bringing up the 2nd platoon which arrives as a reinforcement where I should of put first platoon which had suffered about 20% casualties on approach to the bridge into over-watch into buildings overlooking the bridge and use my 2nd platoon at full strength to make the assault over the bridge and into the town square. Used one of my BTR's to area fire from across the bridge on the top of the church steeple as this was the highest location on the battlefield and would have been an ideal location for an sniper or artillery observer. Final assault into the square was deadly and all of my remaining BTR's were picked off by RPG's or grenade launchers from various ambush positions iin/on buildings. I had one BTR left which was immobilized on the Russian side of the bridge which I left in overwatch across from the church/steeple which thankfully took out a lot of the Ukrainian forces snipping my infantry. I used my artillery 82mm mortar mission rather in-effectively in linear against the strong hold position of buildings located opposite side of the map from the town square victory objective. Last of my anti tank platoons was destroyed by the Ukrainian BMP which was located at the back of the town opposite side of map from the town square in a deadly ambush position. As I had captured the main objective being the town square and was nearly down to half strength I decided not to waste any more Russian lives on trying to destroy the last Ukrainian BMP and fast forward the remaining turns to the end scoring a Russian minor victory. This was a really enjoyable mission and highlighted just how deadly urban close quarters combat is and just how fragile vehicles are in such urban combat environments. Russian M-R squads also seem quite fragile when compared to there US counterparts as there was a number of times when only a few of the squad members were casualties then they would often throw there hands up in the air awaiting to be taken prisoner they seemed to be lacking in fire power but this could be just the way I had led them into ambush after ambush effectively diminishing there morale on several occasions. Great scenario looking forward to more like these:).

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*******WARNING SPOILER **********


I played this scenario as the Russians, I dont want to brag but I got a Total victory. 750-100. The Ukrainians were down to 16 men holed up in the apartment complex. I lost 17 killed and 17 wounded along with 3 BTRs (2 on fire and another damaged and abandoned) . It's a challenging scenario for the Russians, no wonder people playing Ukraine against the AI are trashing the Russians. I used what little mortar rounds I had on the grenade launcher on the rooftop, using airbursts. I also killed an RPG team I detected on a rooftop on the other side of the bridge with my sniper team. BMP-2s are better than in Shock force BTW, they detected and killed some of my guys at long range.  The Oplot tank almost ruined my day but I detected it in time and managed to move two of my BTRs to a safe location. It ran into the other two at extreme close range (my BTRs were on a reverse slope) and it got raked pretty good by the two 30mm cannons (1 partial and I complete penetration). It nonetheless managed to kill one BTR and damage the other, with the surviving BTR's driver fleeing in panic. The Oplot then retreated because of too much damage and I finished it later with a dismounted RPG team from the infantry. 


Plenty of great nail biting moments in that battle. Best fun I've ever had in Combat mission. I was about to kill the tank when I first detected it (with an RPG team) but after staying still for two turns at a crossroad, the sucker decided to move out of sight as my RPG man was going to press the trigger hehe (costed me a BTR later)  The snipers that I sneaked in the little warehouse taking out the RPG team on the rooftop on the other side of the bridge was great too. I took out the last BMP at the corner of the map near the apartment complex using an antitank team I separated from the company HQ squad. I had loaded the squad with 4 RPG-26s acquired from the BTR and the team crawled its way to a nice flanking position on the BMP and nailed it on the second shot (they had two). Ammo expenditures for covering fire were extreme and for the first time in a game I had to bring forward the BTRs to resplenish my infantry. 

Edited by antaress73
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Beating the AI is not Bragging, losing to it is a shame that cannot be lifted for generations of your family.


The only brag that is of any worth is when you beat a real good opponent and you have done from the side with the disadvantage. (That is when you know you have really done something ) :)

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Got a Total Victory as the Russians but it didn't feel like it.


My infantry ranks were decimated and I was down to only one BTR by the end. Luckily for me the Ukraine troops surrended as they were pretty beat up as well. I managed to take the department store with a wide left flanking attack but getting into the Offices and Apartment blocks just wasn't going to happen. I made one attempt and saw about a third of one of my platoons vanish in seconds. This was after I had cleared the town square, the fire teams holed up in those buildings we just brutal.

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It is a difficult scenario for the Russians. Im not bragging but in contrast to the others I had a pretty good success , that was the point. I played it with my 9 years old son at my side and he did give me one or two good pieces of advice :)

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This is a very challenging scenario for the russian side. If you play it twice or more you will see a lot of AI thought has been fueld into the AI battle plans. And there are some. I really like this scenario - even if i was beaten as the Russians on my first run.

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This is a very challenging scenario for the russian side. If you play it twice or more you will see a lot of AI thought has been fueld into the AI battle plans. And there are some. I really like this scenario - even if i was beaten as the Russians on my first run.

Yes, I did not look to see who designed it, but I will agree with the statement that the AI was given great battle plans. I was very impressed also with how the AI was playing. But it is the designer that makes that happen. Not the program

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I played this mission as Russians, really enjoyed it. Result was Major victory for me due to Ukr surrendering. I lost 16 men (7 dead, 9 wounded) and one BTR, I would have probably taken a lot more losses if the battle hadn't ended just after the reinforcements arrived and I was about to advance to the other side of the road. Most of my losses were caused by those damn AGS-17s, they really crippled the heavy weapons platoon before I managed to suppress and destroy them with area fire and BTR.


I got really lucky with the Ukr vehicles, I destroyed one BMP with ATGM and another with BTR and then lost that BTR to the Bulat. That tank could have caused really bad damage to my forces, it was already shooting one of my squads with coaxial and was probably just about to hit the building with HE when the squad's PRG-7 gunner got lucky and took a perfect shot with tandem warhead from about 200 meters. Tunguska was destroyed by an angry engineer with RPG-26 looted from the corpse of his less lucky squadmate.

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Here is the posted results from the Russian side. Now after playing both sides. I will agree with you that the Russian side is harder to play.


It is hard to get any type of firepower advantage, so it required my flanking units moving on the city to get up close and personal to clear the enemy out of the buildings. Well, as you can see from my stats, that did not happen without losing many troops


The Tunguska was what hurt me the most, I somehow managed to lose 19 troops to the thing. I loved it when it was on my side, hated it when I had to fight against it.


The thing came out of nowhere and slaughter a couple of units I had as a base of fire on my side of the map in the leading buildings.


Then when I tried getting some AT weapons on it, it spotted first and did them in.


Then my flanking units were clearing buildings on the left flank and managed to get to high and were spotted and shot also. and finally a few troops died while they ran to get it attention while a RPG team came in from the other flank to do it in.  The Tunguska reaction times are so quick, it is just hard to get a shot off on them.  I love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

***   Spoilers ***   Didn't get to this during Beta, but just played it through as RUS and liked it a lot.  Restarted after misunderstanding a note in the briefing so I had a little intel, but played honest otherwise.  My only gripe is that I strongly dislike small maps that have usable/critical terrain right on the boundary.  The road on the left (from RUS perspective) is a critical avenue of approach, but the attacking Russian player has no concern for his security to the left side of it as that is all off map!  Introduces an artificiality that is just never there in real life, esp. in urban combat where 360 security is a constant issue.  Other than that, the AI plan was obviously very well thought out, the forces were fairly well balanced, and I got ground up pretty good before winning.  Key to victory was direct-fire 30mm support from the BTRs.  Their autocannon is so bloody destructive it hurts.  In one instance I meant to target/briefly, but screwed up and used target, when suppressing a small UKR element. Wound up dropping the whole top floor of the building, a vantage point I had actually wanted to use!  **spoiler**  I was also lucky in that I anticipated the sniper team in the church and guessed right on the floor they were on.  They got a face full of 30mm from my setup zone before ever firing a shot.  Never did get the mortar mission into play, which is silly as I could really have used the smoke, but was fixated on just the limited HE ammo and trying to conserve until needed.  I used a LOT of the BTR and INF laid smoke.  Critical factor.  Wound up killing the tank from behind with a BTR's 30mm, after running out of ATGMs and missing several times with RPGs.  It had counterattacked (painfully) to a point overwatching the bridge, but then lost morale and tried to run away, right past a BTR I had maneuvered around the whole back side of the map.  Overall a fun game, good small fairly fast scenario, that rewards good reconnaissance and  methodical urban combat techniques.  

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I was able to beat it as the Russians, but I wasn't terribly impressed with the BTRs. They got the job done, but they just feel like they don't have enough ammo for the coax and you have to keep the 30mm on a tight leash, but the smoke screens were invaluable.


The ATGM teams on the other hand were great, as were the RPGs for blasting buildings. 


I liked that the AI script wasn't entirely passive, in my play through they tried a counterattack accross the bridge with some armor. While conducted in the usual suicidal AI fashion, it was a bit of a supprise and could have gone much worse if one of my BTRs hadn't put a burst of 30mm through the turret ring of the bulat (it was quite an impressive point blank flank shot resulting in an instant fireball). 


Overall one of my favorite quick scenarios so far. Lots of room for trying other approaches, I never used the left road and focused on an overwhelming attack across the bridge right to the objectives. Lots of CM urban combat has made me wary of clearing more blocks than I need to, but a flanking approach would be interesting in this case. 

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