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Everything posted by RCE_Spr

  1. It was a hill the Russians built up when they were there. The Canadian's occupied it as a FOB as you can see it is the high ground. The circle, if I remember from my time there was a weapon pit for Artillery or perhaps a tank. Anything west of that FOB was called the bad lands, if you were looking for a fight just travel west for a bit you would find it, but that was all after OP MEDUSA. There are several similar mounds the Russians built while they were in the area, we mostly avoided them as they were heavily mined by the Taliban, as well there were/are Russian legacy minefields in the area to the North of the AO but we never took any chances, Engineers were invaluable and were on every patrol, there were never enough of them.
  2. I had issues with CMBN, CMRT, and CMBS (Windows). I was able to resolve my issues by running the "Activate New Products - CMXX" from the game folder for each individual game I patched, but CMRT for some reason, indicated incorrect serial number, I decided to try my Original serial number which came with the game and it worked, Patch 4 was activated. Now back to the Eggnog, Merry Christmas!
  3. I had this issue once, now trying to remember what I did to make it work. Did you attempt to start the game when patch 1.21 was installed? If I remember correctly I started the game and then closed it at the main menu screen, then I continued to patch the game up to 1.32.
  4. I'm not a MAC user but I do believe Open Broadcast Software has a MAC version; https://obsproject.com/download#mac Good thing is it is free, updated regularly and works great. Many tutorials on Youtube to help you get started.
  5. Hello brurroughs I am assuming you've read this? http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=227&category_id=9&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 A speacial Paradox Patch that will convert your Paradox version of CMSF to Battlefront version. There is other information on the Battlefront link that might help regarding modules for CMSF etc.
  6. It's right there in the Battlefront main page under Downloads, Patches http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#Strategic%20Command%20WWII%20Global%20Conflict%20-%20Assault%20on%20Communism
  7. Sweden has a top attack AT system. It claims to beable to defeat both ERA and APS systems. http://youtu.be/wReQuox4f9A
  8. BF is planning on returning and updating Shock force, but as of now there is no mod available that would do what your enquiring about. This might answer your question http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117357-what-version-of-the-engine-does-shock-force-now-use/?p=1567093
  9. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/images/lav-comp.jpg
  10. I agree. I, once and only once, was able to take out a Tunguska with a well placed MG team. The crew bailed, with a huge sigh of relief from me. So it is possible to at least disable a Tungusska with 7.62mm MG fire.
  11. Right here http://community.battlefront.com/topic/96744-using-dropbox-and-synctoy-for-pbem-games/
  12. Page 36 of CM Engine Manual v3.01. Located in your CMBS folder. From page 36 "1. Instant Commands - allow one click change in unit behavior. The left button tells the unit to HALT and retain its Commands. Clicking on the button again tells the unit to RESUME. The middle button instructs the unit to CANCEL all its Commands and to do nothing for the moment. The right button tells the unit to EVADE by abandoning its current Commands, seeking immediate cover and perhaps popping smoke. Although units can Evade on their own initiative, sometimes they try too hard to stick to their Commands and need to be redirected without further delay. Instant Commands work in both Real-Time and We-Go styles of play."
  13. I agree the Tunguska is a beast. Although I don't think they are as tough as they appear, what you ask! I was playing one of the battles in CMBS and one my Machine gun teams (7.62mm) came across a Tunguska. In their panic they opened fire on the beast, now it might have been do to they had height advantage but, I noticed multipule penetration text on the Tunguska, after 20 sec or so the Tunguska crew bailed and showed as destroyed! Maybe it was their lucky day. Which reminds me of a story. When I was in high school our principle, who served with the 82 Airborne as a .50cal weapon dedt during WW II use to talk to the school on Rememberance Day about some of his experiences one story comes to mind. During the Battle of the Bulge, he said, they would fool the German tankers by firing a single .50cal round at German tanks. Apperantly the alliese would sometimes shoot a single round form the .50cal to calculate the range to the target, the Germans learned this and and knew something bigger was seconds away, on more than one occasion his .50cal weapons dedt would fire one round, and the German tanks would back off. He also mentioned this always didn't work and would attrack a unfriendly response. I assume the flight charactoristics of a 12.7mm round was simular that of the main 75mm round, the range of which the balistic simularities were, I have no idea.
  14. My first, few attempts at this was a slaughter, playing as Russian. I glad I haven't been the only one stuggling with this one, I'll have to give it another go after work!
  15. Well I am enjoying it. Other than the slaugher fest I'm experiencing in "Going to Town". This battle, is my, Kobayashi Maru .
  16. Well not actually a screen shot but an old (3 years old) quick mission I played. No commentary but this was one of the best orchestrated defensive action I have every done. I appologize for it beign so dark, it was a night mission. http://youtu.be/xqdxK8PLxf4 And a Second look. 82mm Motor barrage with AGS-17 coming in from across the valley. http://youtu.be/Wjagg2dmsLk
  17. John There is always; http://cmsfwarchest.blogspot.ca/2010/11/tutorial-10-introduction.html I've directed a friend of mine here, who has been interested in CM for a while, and with his interest in modern conflicts, CMSF is, I thought right up his alley. He read through it and ended up buying the complete CMSF packadge. And he has pre-ordered CMBS. Maybe CMSF is a gateway drug?
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