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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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First post here.


Been playing since CMBN and I just wanted to say thank you Bil for your excellent posts as I have been following for quite some time without joining the forums.


Quite excited for this next installment and even more excited for what BF will be able to accomplish with their next game engine in the future! 

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Welcome aboard!


Bil's posts are indeed excellent, and I find the way you looks at things tactically to be pretty scary. He seems to have a brilliant military mind and operates from a rigorous approach. My playing style is more intuitive than analytical.


I expect CMBS will be a blast. On many levels. It is a bit surreal to see the kinds of US weaponry in use my brother used in Iraq before he retired.




John Kettler

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First post here.


Been playing since CMBN and I just wanted to say thank you Bil for your excellent posts as I have been following for quite some time without joining the forums.


Quite excited for this next installment and even more excited for what BF will be able to accomplish with their next game engine in the future! 


Thank you, I am honored to be the subject of your first post.  I hope to hear more from you in the future.

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The Fourteenth Minute


My SU-25 made its first appearance this turn... as seen in the following gif two SAMs were fired at it (the first from Tunguska #1 and the second from another anti air asset within the town).. neither hit the aircraft and the Frogfoot dropped its load off map across from 1st MRC....



Note the location of the aircraft's munition.. slightly off map.    



The SA-13 in 2nd MRC's area (which was never fired on by my BMP 3) tracked the aircraft but never engaged...



2nd MRC - it appears like the US Scout platoon might indeed have withdrawn out of the orchard as the only contacts are now far beyond it in the next treeline.  Granted this is a small portion of this formation so I cannot make this determination for sure yet.



At the Power Station objective, my T90s continue to prep the objective... one T90 firing at the building within actually destroys a part of the wall with one shell.  Hmmm.. so this opening will not be mined.   ;)



The following is an example of what not to do... I reacted... I also advanced this BMP without an infantry screen... 


I reacted to Tunguska #1's position, thinking that there was a possibility that when the smoke cleared he would have good visibility on to the position of the recon BMP that crossed the river... so I rushed it forward to take up a hull down position near the town.  It had already dismounted it's infantry.


After it pulled in to position it spotted an ATGM team in one of the buildings.. it fired first to no effect, then the ATGM team got a missile off killing the BMP.. this enemy team was immediately engaged by the other BMP-3 across the river and eliminated.  Scott also lost a recoiless rifle team this turn in the town that was maneuvering forward.  At least that's one less ATGM Team Scott will have when my Assault Company starts to close on the town.



Blood Board


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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My SU-25 made its first appearance this turn... as seen in the following gif two SAMs were fired at it (the first from Tunguska #1 and the second from another anti air asset within the town).. neither hit the aircraft and the Frogfoot dropped its load off map across from 1st MRC....


The Syrian and Soviet SU-25 was notoriously inaccurate in dropping its (presumably unguided) ordnance - in CM:SF and CM:A respectively.


I wonder if the new SU-25 has had newer tv and laser guided munitions taken into account?

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Frogfoot no doubt missed because of SAM evasion. ;)


Are you SERIOUSLY counting that Hummer on your bloodboard??? C'mon, that's like calling a scooter a motor vehicle. It is unworthy of being alongside TRUE combat vehicles. Keep the purity of the bloodboard line!



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I've figured it out! You're secretly getting kickbacks from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the arms manufacturers. This is the logical explanation for killing off all those BMP-2s, right? By killing them off, you've paved the way for the purchase of more modern and capable IFV successors to enter service in the Ukrainian Army. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, though, your generous efforts to improve their AFV park have, unlike Barbarossa, done serious damage to the crews as well. Consequently, your kickbacks are being reviewed. 


Am heartened to see that a tank can indeed effect a wall breach? How is that now you can beat down a wall, whereas before you had useless for the purpose airbursts? Did BFC send you a crash code fix? The first SAMs have streaked skyward--and missed. My take? A perfectly acceptable outcome if it's my tacair under fire, but lamentable if my guys are under air attack. Unless the missiles prevent attack on the defended target or targets. This is the principal metric for air defense success. From a defense analysis perspective, any damage to or kill of the attacking air threat is gravy. A bonus to achieving the first objective. 




I believe it's entirely appropriate to include armored Hummers, given both the firepower they have and protection exceeding, I believe, WW II ACs. I seriously doubt you'd argue that an M8 Greyhound or a 234 series AC shouldn't count there, so why advance such an argument here? That Hummer can survive whole ranges of threats that would easily kill the two WW II ACs I named.




John Kettler

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When aircraft are hit do we hear that whine sound like it is crashing to earth, then an explosion? If not, I think it would be cool to get an audible sound effect to know that an aircraft has been taken out. Perhaps for helos we can get a sputtering sound too when they get hit.

Edited by Vinnart
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When aircraft are hit do we hear that whine sound like it is crashing to earth, then an explosion? If not, I think it would be cool to get an audible sound effect to know that an aircraft has been taken out. Perhaps for helos we can get a sputtering sound too when they get hit.

I like this idea, just some form of audible signal would be nice.

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When aircraft are hit do we hear that whine sound like it is crashing to earth, then an explosion? If not, I think it would be cool to get an audible sound effect to know that an aircraft has been taken out. Perhaps for helos we can get a sputtering sound too when they get hit.


Actually the whine sound you hear in many movies when aircrfaft are crashing does not appear in reality. What you are hearing in those movies are the Jericho-Trumpets, large sirens that were mounted on the WW2 german Stukas in order to instill fear among the enemy troops on the ground. Those Jericho-Trumpets were burnt into the collective memory of hundereds of thousands of people during the war, so that today still many believe that crashing aircraft cause a noise like siren.








Regarding the audio message when aircraft get hit by SAM fire, i would prefer to hear a readio message, something like this at 1:45:



"Dodge 2 is hit, Dodge 2 is hit! Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! ~inaudible~  BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! - Okay i marked the position on the INS, coordinates blablabla"




"Dodge 1 on guard. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Dodge 2 has just been shot down."


Take this and add some cockpit beeping from a radar warning indicator, or maybe some 'nagging nora' computer voice commands:



Edited by agusto
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Actually the whine sound you hear in many movies when aircrfaft are crashing does not appear in reality. What you are hearing in those movies are the Jericho-Trumpets, large sirens that were mounted on the WW2 german Stukas in order to instill fear among the enemy troops on the ground. Those Jericho-Trumpets were burnt into the collective memory of hundereds of thousands of people during the war, so that today still many believe that crashing aircraft cause a noise like siren.



Regarding the audio message when aircraft get hit by SAM fire, i would prefer to hear a readio message, something like this at 1:45:

"Dodge 2 is hit, Dodge 2 is hit! Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! ~inaudible~ BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! - Okay i marked the position on the INS, coordinates blablabla"


"Dodge 1 on guard. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Dodge 2 has just been shot down."

Take this and add some cockpit beeping from a radar warning indicator, or maybe some 'nagging nora' computer voice commands:


Agree, some sort of audible cue would be appreciated and a audio message could do the job.

Edited by CPC922
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The Fifteenth Minute


Turn 15.. knowing that most scenario designers bring reinforcements in on the 5s.. I expect to see something nasty come in this turn (turn 15), and/or turn 20, and/or turn 25, etc... I'm not looking forward to the next phase of this battle,, I know it will be a far different matter to fight US forces than the Ukrainians... case in point:


1st MRC - 1st MRC lost its first vehicle this turn to what sure looks like a Javelin fired from the US Scout Platoon position (although I can't be certain of that)... I can not afford to lose tanks to top attack Javs, so this one sure hits home.. time for me to withdraw into my covered terrain and get some OPs up on these heights.  It's going to be pure hell for me once every enemy squad totes a Javelin capable of killing anything I possess at will.



2nd MRC - My BMP-3 hunted forward, spotted the SA-13 and made quick work of him.. I was excited to see this kill, until I noticed the T90 get destroyed as shown above...



In the West of the map, following is how things are to this point... time to get all of these vehicles under cover ASAP... which of course means that Scott's US Scout Platoon will escape my clutches... and be able to support his reinforcements.  Damn.



Pocket - in Krichek, many enemy vehicles and teams were seen moving toward my recon teams in the north... which suits me fine as I intend to attack from the other direction with my ad-hoc Assault Company.  They are starting to form, and will start to advance immediately, the other platoons will join in as soon as they arrive.



Situation looking East:



Blood Board - note: I removed the hummer kill, so this will only count armor losses:



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LOL! :)  No gamey jeeps left to mar the beauty of the blood board! (Yeah, JK, it's a friggin' jeep. Kind of like the Marine telling me he was a tank driver. Upon further discussion, his tank was a LAV. I told him the LAV was closer to the National Lampoon family vacation wagon than a tank. He took it as it was meant. ;) )


T-90s are impressive. Tough to lose one like that.


Thanks for the post.


Ken out.

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My understanding is that the A-10. which has turbofans rather than turbojets, is relatively quiet, indeed, when coming in low has surprised people many times (is suddenly there out of nowhere), but has a distinct whine, as the video depicts. This is known to the insurgents, and they try to hide when they hear it. By contrast, the Su-25 has turbojets, and the difference is quite noticeable, as seen here at 2:52 on a very low overflight.




Gamey? How do you know so much about their bathing habits?! I fear Bil has caved in the face of not merely your insistence on exsanguination, but of martial exsanguination in the form you desire. Your agenda is clear. To you, there is no glory in killing something better protected than many WW II tanks--unless it has APC, IFV or tank as its descriptor! I imagine you'll feel rather differently about such matters when a bunch of them slag your c3k approved list toys. You may also wish to repair to this, where a force of not even jeeps kicked the snot out of a force which had tanks, artillery and MRLs! 




John Kettler

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