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Did 3.11 mess up anybody else?

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3.11 installed fine for me (just done it and tested) - no apparent need to activate game or activate modules or vehicle pack no sure why that was as it seems to be required as part of the procedure. Biggest problem was downloading the 1GB! patch on my mac and transferring via icloud to my PC.

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Vehicle pack included so you have but cannot use it unless you buy.

Your opponent can use it if they bought it so they get extra units.

Means upgrade packs are usable and people dont have to wait for others to buy them to use in pbm games etc.

Makes sense.

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Quick question....apologies if some already asked. IF I have saved games NOT PBEM but just plain old saved games from a campaign...and I install the 3.11 patch...will that mess up my saved games?

I am still trying to defeat one scenario...have lost 4 times and don't want to start over.


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Here's what happened to me.

I own CMBN + CW + MG. Did the install according to Hoyle. Launched game and activated it with the v3.0 serial number. Game worked but did not show modules on main screen and the module battles were grayed out.

Tried to use the Activate Modules app, but when I used the same 3.0 serial number it gave me an Invalid Serial Number error message.

So, I reinstalled CW and MG bringing them up to their latest relative patches. I did not attempt to Activate them. When I launch CMBN the modules show on the main menu and I have access to all the battles. So I think I am good but it was a little bit of a struggle and there was some cursing along the way.

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I downloaded 3.11. Installed. OK

Input 3.0 license key when prompted OK

Entered CW module license key from CD case-INVALID KEY

Entered MG module license key from CD case-INVALID KEY

I used the ACTIVATE NEW PRODUCTS shortcut from the Documents folder in my CM Battle for Normandy folder.

WTF am I doing wrong??????

YUP..MEGGA FREAKIN' torked off...never had a problem with the activation process before. Downloaed CMRT patch and validated just fine.

Tried to reinstall modules and make sure I entered all the License Keys. EVERYTHING worked fine until the 3.11 patch.

Don't know what the deal is...but my BIG BUNDLE should be working fine...don't know what the problem is.

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And this is why I skipped the vehicle pack, and now the update. There is nothing wrong with my install, I am not a pirate, and having paid good money for the base game and modules, don't appreciate going through this sort of hassle. So, if this is the way I am going to be treated, my very limited spare cash will go elsewhere.

If BF wants to go with a different DRM, more power to them, but put it on a new game, don't screw up existing games.

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What is particularly frustrating is that I have never had an issue with the license key. I installed the ENITRE game from individual CDs in the Mac Big Bundle without a hitch. Ditto when I bought the 3.0 upgrade.

I understand the need for DRM, but wowza, for a patch? Logically speaking, why would you pirate a patch? I mean it states quite clearly that if you don't have 3.0 which you must buy, then the 3.11 patch won't work...DUH...so why make everyone go through the hassle of re-licensing your modules?

Seems like a bit of an overkill and a huge hassle. I just want to play...now I can't until this Charlie Foxtrot is fixed.

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In case you haven't yet then enter the ticket at the helpdesk.

No need to get so angry over the most probable fact you guys haven't read installation istructions well. It's not THAT complicated really.

This "complicated" installation is just a bridge that will lead to future easy one click - game set up installation update as announced by devs. Why such a system is not already in existance? Cos we can't have it all right now.

Good luck.

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A new specie of Grog is born: "The Combat Mission Patch Grog" :D


Ha ha ha, funny. :P

It currently is one of the more non-ordinary patching design that I experienced in my gaming life.

Good luck guys, hope you manage to solve your patching problems soon via the helpdesk. Oh and let us know how it went for you. I'm curious what might be causing it if it's indeed something wonky going on.

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AHHHH...my problem is solved....Sorry about the OCD rant...these are the ONLY games I play, so I get a little starkers when they don't work...I am in the middle of the Devils Descent and Task Force Raff campaigns...

ANYWAY...the issue was my license keys dropped out of the system during some system upgrade. The BFC guys had the problem fixed before lunch so BAMMMO CMBN tonight baby!!!

Always superior customer service.

NOWWWW...about the CMSF hot fix......

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Some points...

1. Yes, this licensing thing is a pain in the butt.

2. No one likes DRM.

3. There are easier DRM's, but not applicable to this game/series.

4. BFC has never left a customer unable to run the game. A helpdesk ticket, as unfair as it seems to the player to have to open one, works.

5. The latest patch has a NEW, better, licensing approach. The transition from old to new is causing some users hiccups. Some are the user not following instructions (which are complicated in some cases), some are the fault of the game.

6. The new DRM will allow players with some modules to use them when they play those without the module.

7. DRM allows BFC to stay in business.

8. Number 7 is the most important reason to put up with the hassle.

9. I hope it gets simpler/easier to activate and license in the future.

10. Number 9 was supposed to be the last item until number 10 came along.


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