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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Three to one on (in pints) that Mr. Ken's close support tank goes the way of the rest of his armour.

Of course it will!! That's why it's there! Hopefully I can run it out of ammo, then ram the enemy before it dies a glorious death! How much better if its death throes result in secondary explosions which send more of the enemy to hell! Aye. I'm not going to share that vision with the tank crew. It may, um, undermine their resolve. ;)

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His rear is facing Bil. I am taunting his vaunted panzers by showing a callous disregard towards his martial prowess. Or lack thereof. That should enrage his forces into entering the Ardennes in pursuit. Like a tale told by the Brothers Grimm, after entering my Dark Forest, his forces will be decimated by unseen attackers. White flags will sprout over his men like death cap mushrooms that sprout in the muck and darkness.

(Or, I realized that Bil will react to it and seal it off. Once sealed off, it is either neutralized or ready to be destroyed, or both. Time to skedaddle. I've got some easy pickings (I hope) of just infantry and mg halftracks by the Woodsman's Lodge. Better to get some licks in on them now. That may free up the Gutter, or the field bounded by Gutter Corner, to my men. Right now his lodgment (get it?) in my flank restricts my abilities to outflank his extreme right.

The game still has 20 minutes to go. I've got to preserve some sort of long range direct threat. This tank is all I've got for that function.)


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Yeah, big commemoration in Vietnam. In the West Giap is relatively unknown, but I bet every earthling would have known his name if he'd been an American general.

He's up there (no pun intended, but it's one nevertheless) with Patton, Montgomery, Eisenhower, Von Manstein and Zhukov, I reckon..

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LOL. I'd love to have a webcam monitoring Bil as the turns unfold.

Bil, swirling a snifter of fine brandy, pipe in hand, smoking jacket rakishly unbelted, one eyebrow canted in obvious expectation of victory, sits down in front of the webcam, clearly mounted on top of the screen.

"Yes, yes. This should be outstanding. STAFF! Cease work and gather 'round. Let's see what we have wrought." He presses the "Go" button.

As his underlings shuffle into position behind him, we see his eyes slowly widen in surprise. Eyebrows slowly lowering, lips pursing, he slams down his snifter and drops his pipe into it. Fists clenched, cheeks slowly suffusing with anger, he snarls an inchoate choking sound of rage. His minions shrink back.

"Frack! Frack, frack, frack! How many of my men will you simpletons continue to waste! This is an outrage!" Building steam, his rage compounds, until he can no longer control himself. "Nein! Nein! Nein!"

Suddenly his eyes light upon the webcam. A sweeping motion, then we see nothing but static.

What would you see of me? LOL, well...

As c3k sits down, he gives the camera a wink and smile. Tossing back the remnants of his beer, he crushes the can and sends it on a blind hook shot behind him. With a clatter it lands on the pile of other crushed cans, all surrounding the empty garbage can.

"Well, let's see what old Bil is up to today", he says while popping a fresh one open and pressing the "Go" button. With a swig and a laugh, "Whoa, another of my tanks just went up! That calls for a fresh beer."

Clicking and laughing, he's almost done, when off-camera can be heard a seductive female voice, "What are you doing up there? I've been waiting for you!"

"I'm messing with Bil's head. I'll be down in a minute." Finishing off the last beer, grinning, he clicks "Done", laughs, and heads down to finish one last chore...


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Ken fights this battle like Giap would;damn the casualties.

Struggle to overcome.

Victory is there if you want it.:D

And his prose tell me he is in touch with his inner George MacDonald Fraser. Gawd what I won't give when CM release their East Front Module and Ken and Bill go at. ;)

"The bloood!!!"

-unknown Russian Soldier in Close Combat III

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Tempestzzz, Michael Emrys, Seedorf 81,

You'd best believe I know who Giap was, what he did to the French at Dien Bien Phu and what we did to him when he tried for a repeat at Khe Sanh. Had no idea he died recently, since I thought he was long dead.


Full marks for using "brobdingnagian" and "inchoate" in a single update.! Love your portrayal of Bil as his plan comes completely unstuck! You may or may not gain victory, but you have absolutely attained verve! As for your jeep, drawing fire is a time-honored tactic, but your approach is extreme. Now, if it works...


John Kettler

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Tempestzzz, Michael Emrys, Seedorf 81,

You'd best believe I know who Giap was, what he did to the French at Dien Bien Phu and what we did to him when he tried for a repeat at Khe Sanh. Had no idea he died recently, since I thought he was long dead.


Full marks for using "brobdingnagian" and "inchoate" in a single update.! Love your portrayal of Bil as his plan comes completely unstuck! You may or may not gain victory, but you have absolutely attained verve! As for your jeep, drawing fire is a time-honored tactic, but your approach is extreme. Now, if it works...


John Kettler

Thank you. My jeep will be turned from a Bait Jeep into an Assault Jeep if it survives the next minute and a half.


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Inspired by recent events in this thread, I decided to check if AT weapons could be fired from Jeeps in 2.10. (I've tried it in earlier versions and it didn't work)

I couldn't get them to fire from Jeeps, Carriers or Halftracks but did it look glorious seeing a swarm of Jeeps full of PIAT teams circle around Kingtigers like hungry vultures. It would have been even more glorious had those panzers turned into smoking wrecks, alas...

Nevertheless the men would have made Ken proud.

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Indeed! My men will be jeep desantniki, laden with grenades and their demo charge. If this game were any good, it would allow me to order my men to use the jeep's pickaxe, spade, and jack and perform a forced entry and then enter the jaggie with knives drawn. But I csn only work with what I'm given.

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Indeed! My men will be jeep desantniki, laden with grenades and their demo charge. If this game were any good, it would allow me to order my men to use the jeep's pickaxe, spade, and jack and perform a forced entry and then enter the jaggie with knives drawn. But I csn only work with what I'm given.

I have very much enjoyed your oeuvre / AAR Ken. It has been a good fight Do not forget long ago your brave men arrived on the filed of battle in "stilettos" so forced entry is within the realm of possibilities even in the expiry of the moment :)

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Zebulon Pleasure Beast II,

The 1943 Armored Infantry manual specifically talks about fighting from the halftracks, to include use of the organic to the Armored Infantry squad bazooka! Please see FM 17-71, pp. 5-6 for the proof. Note, too, that the rear of the bazooka is always outside the fighting compartment!



John Kettler

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the phrase "he had a good innings" seems to have been invented for him...

I doubt that, and if it had been he wouldn't have understood it, would he?

Mind you, I doubt that more of a small minority of people on this site would understand the term. Some of the English, a few Aussies perhaps, maybe the odd-kiwi (yes, Aussies, I know you are going to say all Kiwis are odd, so settle down), possibly one or two Septics, though they probably think we are talking about baseball and so miss the point completely.

Be that as it may, I am far from convinced that Giap was as good a general as he was a politician, and to compare him to Slim, Patton et al. is to compare apples with oranges.

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I doubt that, and if it had been he wouldn't have understood it, would he?

Mind you, I doubt that more of a small minority of people on this site would understand the term. Some of the English, a few Aussies perhaps, maybe the odd-kiwi (yes, Aussies, I know you are going to say all Kiwis are odd, so settle down), possibly one or two Septics, though they probably think we are talking about baseball and so miss the point completely.

Be that as it may, I am far from convinced that Giap was as good a general as he was a politician, and to compare him to Slim, Patton et al. is to compare apples with oranges.

Well I did not say it was invented for him. If you wish to be pedantic, I would have better expressed myself by saying it could have been invented for him. Since he is dead the fact that he would not have understood the expression himself is perhaps neither here nor there.

I certainly would not compare to the military figures you mention in your email, and I haven't done so - I agree it would be an apples and oranges comparison. Nevertheless he was still a great man - in an entirely neutral sense - I do not intend you to understand that there is any hero worship or approval here, but simply as an objective comment. He was after all a key figure in the successful insurgencies / wars against France and the US (in the broadest sense that the two countries withdrew from Vietnam in consequence), and he fought successfully against the Japanese.

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The following post has been made voluntarily and under no compunction or duress.

- I do not throw beer cans in the house.

- I do not leave piles of garbage on the floor.

- I am not a beer guzzling alcoholic.

- I do not think of any interaction with my wife, or anything about her, as being a "chore".

- When I lose my games I get pissy.

- I will not try to protect my browser with a password.


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The following post has been made voluntarily and under no compunction or duress.

- I do not throw beer cans in the house.

- I do not leave piles of garbage on the floor.

- I am not a beer guzzling alcoholic.

- I do not think of any interaction with my wife, or anything about her, as being a "chore".

- When I lose my games I get pissy.

- I will not try to protect my browser with a password.

She reads your posts, huh?


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The following post has been made voluntarily and under no compunction or duress.

- I do not throw beer cans in the house.

- I do not leave piles of garbage on the floor.

- I am not a beer guzzling alcoholic.

- I do not think of any interaction with my wife, or anything about her, as being a "chore".

- When I lose my games I get pissy.

- I will not try to protect my browser with a password.


Very good....

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