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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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One of the more galling aspects was that I put that truck there to create a little dirt and distraction. The truck started just down the road a few hundred meters at the same time the tanks were all still in the Town. In fact, the truck had a one turn head start. Even with a shorter distance and a head start and all of it on a dirt road, the truck still couldn't get off the end of the road before the tanks got there. WTF.


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I'm really enjoying this AAR Ken, some awful bad luck with your tanks but I really like your aggressive approach - I haven't built up the courage to try a PBEM, but my single player approach can be summed up with - scout with minimum possible force, identify strongpoint, destroy strongpoint - which although I am sure is a preferred method, probably isn't realistic in many cases in WWII - and isn't exactly thrilling - it is great to see a different approach being demonstrated that does pay off in many ways - hang in there commander, reinforcements are on the way, just need to hold out a little longer and give the hun a bloody nose.

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Actually, the reinforcements got lost and had to ask directions. Then they noticed that it was time for tea, so they prolonged their pause for that. By the time they were back on the road and headed vaguely in the right direction, they noticed that it was getting late and they had better start looking for a good place to laager for the night. Some place with fresh water (for morning tea, see?) yet well drained and not too rocky for digging. Might take a while to find a place to fit all the requirements, so better start early.

Message to the paras: Hang on chaps. We're on the way. Should arrive sometime next week with luck.


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But your on the good side of history. Surely that is a force multiplier.

They'll be a virtual Knighthood if you pull this off. Remember-if it's a draw You can still declare Victory because-well because you're John Bull.

Draw, losses and Total defeats are for your opponent. And Victory-do you really want to pay the owner of the damaged windmill? You break the pottery-you buy it.

You see Lad-I've shown you the way out. This is the 21st Century. You don't have to be victorious YOU JUST HAVE TO SURVIVE.

Victory has gone the way of chivalry and rules of ettiquette

Go for the Bronze medal and then say something about game bugs or your opponent using the edge of the map unfairly, tip over the game table, shoot the lights out and duck to the exit knowing full well it's his tale against yours.

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Given the map, set up zones, and forces picked, could he ever win anything more than a stalemate?

His choice of force mix was his first mistake. Everything from that point has mostly been a cascade of errors. Not that I would necessarily do better mind you. If it had been me, I would be saying the same things about myself. The only difference is that I would have thrown in the towel after the first turn and asked for a fresh deal. Ken has played his hand through and whether you call that laudable or something else, what we have seen is the consequence of that decision.


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And there it is.

You would have had a victory had you not been handicapped, rolled and robbed by the historical TO&E :D when making your choices.

Why given the circumstances the same results would happen to Bill if you had Bill's sexy, Fascist armored vehicles and Bill had been equipped with those pokey old Austins your para were foisted with.

No this just won't do. The results were preordained..

I would move for a rematch after this exercise is over to prove once and for all who is the Master of the Battlefield. ;)

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H...only difference is that I would have thrown in the towel after the first turn and asked for a fresh deal.

Ah, but you're not producing a DAR... it's worth repeating, in case anyone is just jumping in to the thread, that Ken had a different interpretation of the expected force mixes to Bil, and that Bil did offer to restart with amended VLs once the SNAFU with where they are was realised, but Ken declined.

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And there it is.

You would have had a victory had you not been handicapped, rolled and robbed by the historical TO&E :D when making your choices.

Why given the circumstances the same results would happen to Bill if you had Bill's sexy, Fascist armored vehicles and Bill had been equipped with those pokey old Austins your para were foisted with.

No this just won't do. The results were preordained..

I would move for a rematch after this exercise is over to prove once and for all who is the Master of the Battlefield. ;)

(Large crowd chanting): "REMATCH, REMATCH, REMATCH!!!"

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What's all this defeatist talk? I'm not privy to Bil's thread, but all this "game over" sentiment has me thinking that Bil wants to throw in the towel. I wouldn't blame him. But, until he has surrendered, I'm honor-bound to continue killing his men.

More goodness awaits...


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