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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Turn 45.00 to 44.00

Town Center

My assault on the house next to the Den o'Death

The piat-equipped team, covered by their mates, charge across the street and bust down the door...


...and they find...


Well, at least now I've got a firm grip on the Town Center...with too few troops facing too much armor. But if it were easy, they wouldn't have given it to the paras, now, would they?


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45:00 to 44:00

The Windmill

I've got 4 men ordered to charge across open ground. Bil has 3 or 4 men in the building. A line of bocage lies between them. "On your marks, get set,..."



Now THAT was a good move! If I'd put more guys up, sooner, then it would've been a bad move. That's the penalty for trickling troops into a battle. Always better to go in with all you can all at once. Well, unless it's your Cromwell tanks. Sigh.



Bil's guys let loose a spray of automatic fire. My guys take two hits. That doesn't help. I tried. I was telling them, "Serpentine, serpentine!" but they ignored my advice.

But then...


They fled (the Germans), and ended up inside that crater. Bad morale? Time to rush more men up!!!

And finally...


My piat hasn't spotted the wirbelwind. They should, soon, especially if I can tempt it to open fire. Hmmm, I may have an idea on how to do that. "2nd Section! Up!"

I've extended the Target Armor order for next turn. Fingers crossed...


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Turn 45.00 to 44.00

The Left

My death-row inmates get a mixed result. Meh. That field, and the edge huggers don't have too much action.

Most of the action takes place amongst the Dunes. Bil has left the road and entered the "open" spaces of the dunes. I've got a shot or two.






The Piat team -may- get a shot. They may get shredded by a quad 20 or a triple 15. That's a risk they'll have to take.

Overall, I'm pulling my left back, pushing a little at the windmill, and trying to cram more troops into the Town Center.


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I believe the pilot and copilot are ammo guys and are sitting on a bench. The windshield is obviously obscured for tactical tone down reasons and because of the relentless dust, which forces the Dutch into acts of floral devotion with fine brushes to keep the tulips looking fresh. As for quicksand, it's been in CM since CMBO. This must be true because my good armor finds it effortlessly even under dry conditions and generally winds up immobilized!


John Kettler

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44:00 to 43:00

The Dunes.

Bil is flanking into the wheatfield at the top of the Dunes (where the sniper was) using his units on my left.





I'd be disappointed in this, but when I'm down, I just think about Michael Emry's words of, err, well, what I.. nevermind.


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Why is the windmill facade flat gray with holes in it while the adjacent building has a textured facade?

Beta secret. I'd tell you, but the NDA would render my cpu a fuzed lump of glass before I pressed the "enter" key. It should look...better...before you get it. Beta, doncha know.

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Flanks stay quiet. My push at the windmill has failed. I put too little effort in at first. My men will die for the next turn or two, but that's fine, as long as my piat team in the field stops hugging the dirt and gets up on a knee to look around.

In a field, they stay prone. Not the best idea.

My Dunemen did well. Great shot. I may retreat the survivor so he can feed shells into the ammo-less piat the HQ got a few turns back. Or I may have him scrounge the piat tube right there and take a shot.

I know which route I prefer...

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Beta secret. I'd tell you, but the NDA would render my cpu a fuzed lump of glass before I pressed the "enter" key. It should look...better...before you get it. Beta, doncha know.

A "Mo Betta" secret.... Thanks c3k.

I am all in for Market Garden for sure.

"My push at the windmill has failed."

Then I would Attack :D

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"No poor bastard ever won a war dying for his country. He won it by having the other poor dumb bastard die for his" – Patton. I think Patton may be on to something here ;)

Chasing after “Moby Mill” as clever, and funny as that call sign is may not be the way to go at this point Ken. Perhaps a more sneaky ambush mode, while getting a strong hold on the town would be a bit more productive. Feeding failure will only produce more failure says uncle Sun Tzu. Since there were no objectives on the allied side for Bil to capture I thought the town was supposed to be the main objective. I never inderstood why you were pushing for the intersections in the first place. Shape the battlefield and draw him in close, and play to your strengths or this may not be a happy ending for you. All the pink paint rounds in the world won’t save you now pal :)


Ok Michael, I’ll upload this if you insist. :D

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