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AXIS - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR

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Milspeak for what befell your Panther is F-Kill, though not 100% since your bow MG survives. But with no functioning turret armament, no radio and the dread Naverboogie dead, not to mention a, er, broken loader, your decision to pull the Panther out of the line makes eminently good sense. c3k's doubtless thrilled he got a solid PIAT hit on an AFV whose skirts didn't thwart an otherwise potentially lethal hit.


John Kettler

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Except that Steve has posted repeatedly and emphatically that patches do not usually contain new features, but only bug fixes. In order to get new features without buying the module that contains them, you would need to buy the upgrade on a separate disk. Those have been going for US$10, which is cheaper than a module, but does not contain all the other stuff that comes with a module.

Apparently the next patch will add the Movie Mode feature.

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Features versus behavioral changes...it's a thin line. I wouldn't take anything said previously as an absolute. BF seems definitely to be still finding their way on the new support model and how Modules/patches/upgrades and what not all fit together.

I'm not a programmer nor one who has knowledge of game mechanics, but managing the state of the game, as released, would seem to be a most persuasive argument for a unified game engine with what are now separate titles working as modules currently do.

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Ah, the joys of BETA testing.. often when working with these early builds.. and this is an early build (we were unable to move this game to a more recent build)... I am experiencing more and more issues in this game, with units simply not working, etc... all issues seem to be revolving around around the AA tanks and vehicles.. I have 3 out of 4 of my AA vehicles that are having issues, refusing to fire, turret stuck in position etc... this makes them useless to me.

Now this turn my Jpz on the dunes fired twice at Ken's AA tanks which stacked up behind his moving truck... the first round went high.. but as you can see in this image the second round passes through both of them without any hit text etc... at least one should be a burning wreck.

I am convinced that this early build had some major issues with these AA vehicles. I am going to recommend to Ken that we play on for another turn or two.. but will suggest we abandon it after that. Too many issues.


When Ken pulled his tanks out of the town I saw an opportunity and started shifting almost everything into a wide sweeping movement around the left flank of the town... Pz Section 2 is in support and starting to shell the buildings on this side of the town to make it uncomfortable for Ken's paras.

I had kept my wounded Panther in position on the dunes, if I had pulled it out Ken would know that he caused some serious damage with that PIAT hit... as it is now he does not know what damage was done and will have to factor the Panther in to his plans.


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I can imagine it's a real let down, but I certainly wouldn't mind if you continued the battle regardless.

I hear you.. but at this point my force is severely hamstrung.. AA vehicles not firing, thus out of action (a significant part of my available combat power). If I had lost those to enemy action that would have been one thing, but a game bug is a bug (now fixed) and it taints the game.

If as I suspect his AA tanks are invisible to my fire then this game is truly compromised, next turn should tell.


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I am experiencing more and more issues in this game, with units simply not working, etc... all issues seem to be revolving around around the AA tanks and vehicles.. I have 3 out of 4 of my AA vehicles that are having issues, refusing to fire, turret stuck in position etc... this makes them useless to me.

I don’t think this is a new problem with AA vehicles. I got CMFI+GL not long ago, and am finding the same problem with my first use with the M15 HT in that the gun does not want to rotate to cover arc. It looks like it gets stuck on “rotating” in the soldier stat text. The weird thing is after it got destroyed because it did not want to rotate right I set up a test one on a test map, and it worked fine in that test map. Very strange, but there are definitely some bugs with AA vehicle behavior through CMx2 from my experience with them so far.

Have you had same rotate problems with the AA tanks (wirbelwind), or more with AA HT’s and trucks? I wonder if the AA bugs are HT/truck mounted exclusive. Ken hasn't report AA tank problems if he has had them.

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Are those AA turrets made of tin, then?

Not far off. By late or even middle-war standards the Crusaders were fairly modestly armored. The heaviest—presumably on the front—is given as 51 mm, just two inches. That is not going to provide much protection against any German AT weapon on the battlefield in 1944. But then, the AA Crusaders were not intended to be right up front where the AT threats were likely to be. Most likely they would be parked back at the rally point with the supply vehicles, guarding them from the Luftwaffe.


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For some reason Ken continues to throw units at the Windmill... does he think I have abandoned it because I am massing on my left? Seems like such a waste of manpower at this point.

Watching this I wonder how long before I can expect to see Ken's mass of infantry come out of the woods in the hopes of overwhelming my flank security? Luckily they are on foot, so I would have a couple turn warning before they became too dangerous.


As you can see my left hook continues to develop... this attack is made up of three components:

--1. Infantry Force - close to two platoons worth of mounted infantry and support units

--2. Armor - made up of Pz Section 2 and at least one Stummel )on its way) - task is to suppress the enemy force at the break in zone

--3. Feint - A week force whose intent is simply to stretch Ken's defense of the town


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On my right (to the right of the dunes) Ken appears to be trying to push units back into the field of death... I think this might be the start of an infantry rush that I've been expecting for a while now... this team was turned back right as it got started by LMG fire from my squad sitting in overwatch. I spot at least one other team heading to this area from the center woodline.


In the center where I have repositioned the Moebelwagen (because I only have the impotent Panther overwatching the Dunes) Ken has started a light mortar barrage.. I think this might be the prequel to an advance through the dunes with the infantry from the woodline in the center... its only a matter of time before Ken realizes the Panther can't fire and makes a push in this area.


Okay, I was pretty sure I had killed the bastard with the PIAT in the field... I know better than to let an enemy sit unmolested for several turns like this.. well he got two rounds off, both went long.. but right at turn end he fired a third which was in flight as time expired.

This Jpz is the one that took out the two AA tanks.. I pushed him forward to help the feint force stretch Ken's town defense.


Ken has started a major shift of defenders in the town... that's okay, I like to see him pushing these troops forwards.. more targets for my support units in the upcoming assault on the town.


My attack starts to form... note the two support groups that will provide long range fore support for the assault force that is organizing to the rear and will pass through the support forces when ready.


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The only excitement this turn was watching the drama with the PIAT team play out. If you remember there was a round in flight as the last turn ended...

...well this turn that round fell well short, and Ken dislodged this guy as he made a run across the fileds. Note the bottom image and the cross fire he was running through. He was hugging the dirt not long after this screenshot was taken.

The Jpz meanwhile has started shelling the rear of whatever buildings he can see, and Ken has started to fire mortars at the Jpz... I wish I could find those damned tubes... but at least if they are here.. and I have an idea where they are.. then they are not able to interdict my infantry force closing on the town.


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You're being far too hard on the lad. I've picked up an empty PIAT, wore no musette, had no Sten, nor was in a heavy service uniform and helmet, tired, thirsty and hungry, and it was a beast to simply lift. I don't want to think about trying to run with it while someone's shooting at me. Though c3k's PIATs seem somewhat cursed, I have no doubt JasonC will show up and present ironclad proof that c3k's PIAT gunners are in fact overperforming. Can't wait for his Direct Fire tank gunnery analysis!


John Kettler

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You guys getting bored with this AAR yet? Its taking a long time for my attack to develop, sorry about that I completely changed my focus when Ken withdrew his three tanks from the town... and its taking a long time for my forces to reorient.

My left side support starts to take up position and place area fire on the objective. This group will bound forward with the assault force.


On the right near the field of death, my infantry squad defending this sector spots the glint of a sniper scope through the window of one of the buildings on the other side of the field. They fire on it and it appears like the sniper takes cover.


On the dunes I am performing some shoot and scoot operations with 1/9's HQ halftrack, one of the squad halftracks and the Moebelwagen... 15-20 seconds in a hull down position, spray an area of the woodline and then withdraw. This is only aimed at harassment and to let Ken know that I know he has troops there and that I am willing to defend this area. I need to keep mobile to stay away from his mortar fire.


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