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Bad CMBN Review

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To be gentle with the guy and his gf, they probably represent what the average gamer is like and how they react to games they don't understand, or care to understand.

Our little group is really a very, very tiny subset of grogs. Many would put us in the same category as the fanatics who love and memorize every aspect of StarWars and StarTrek... as if those worlds really mattered as well...

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I gave up after the intro graphic AK with 30 rnd clip fired for six seconds!

I wish I had the sense to do that. I fell trolled and sucked in.

I made the mistake of listening to him argue with his Mom trying to get her to swear, before I stopped. I'm frustrated with myself for listening to it for that long. What a waste of time.

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Our little group is really a very, very tiny subset of grogs. Many would put us in the same category as the fanatics who love and memorize every aspect of StarWars and StarTrek... as if those worlds really mattered as well...

A very good analogy. I would say Combat Mission only counts for about .001% of all gamers, I mean the best .001%, right at the top of the gaming world.

Simulation games, like Combat Mission generally gather the most intelligent, polite, and friendly gamers that exist. They also tend to weed out all non hackers who don't pack the gear, or brain tissue, to tie their own shoes or cook their own breakfast. The simple fact that one must read the game manual before playing the game automatically disqualifies every single kid in the world who thinks "reading is boring" and "science/history class is dumb".

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The simple fact that one must read the game manual before playing the game automatically disqualifies every single kid in the world who thinks "reading is boring" and "science/history class is dumb".

You are exactly correct slim. The reading is boring part applies to just about everyone i've tried to sell the game to.

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Wrong. This video explains the differences between nice guys, bad guys and the good guys. Also, the girl doing the explaining is very attractive.


EDIT: Damn, now that I watched it again after a long time, I remember this video being possibly the single most important dating/pickup advice that can be said, worth watching even though I assume most people here are married men. This is slightly offtopic, but since the original topic was so bad...

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Reading is boring now. I didn't even know there was a manual with CMBN - which might explain why I prefer CMBO where I have a real printed manual with proper size type (says it was written by Steve and Martin), 50 included missions, a quick battle generator that works, a unit detail and armour penetration encyclopedia just by pressing ENTER on a unit, units that make suicide charges at me, and it runs on a crappy laptop. I'm with the kids on this one - it just ain't fun.

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Reading is boring now. I didn't even know there was a manual with CMBN - which might explain why I prefer CMBO where I have a real printed manual with proper size type (says it was written by Steve and Martin), 50 included missions, a quick battle generator that works, a unit detail and armour penetration encyclopedia just by pressing ENTER on a unit, units that make suicide charges at me, and it runs on a crappy laptop. I'm with the kids on this one - it just ain't fun.

That's nice, now run along.

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A very good analogy. I would say Combat Mission only counts for about .001% of all gamers, I mean the best .001%, right at the top of the gaming world.

Simulation games, like Combat Mission generally gather the most intelligent, polite, and friendly gamers that exist. They also tend to weed out all non hackers who don't pack the gear, or brain tissue, to tie their own shoes or cook their own breakfast. The simple fact that one must read the game manual before playing the game automatically disqualifies every single kid in the world who thinks "reading is boring" and "science/history class is dumb".

To be fair this guy's less than eloquent ravings are pretty much what this game gives you as a first impression.

How many games even have manuals these days? Not even one of the recent PC games I've played have required a manual, they introduce game concepts and even a complex UI in the form of an interactive tutorial. This is what gamers expect these days.

The UI and camera controls are pretty hard work, and very unorthodox. Even on the forums here in the past both have been lambasted.

Performance too can be very poor on high end systems. Shadows ARE terrible, smoke is quite basic.

Everyone here knows why these things are so and seeks to excuse them, but don't expect everyone else in the world to excuse them.

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To be fair this guy's less than eloquent ravings are pretty much what this game gives you as a first impression.

Interesting. My take on this guys review was that since he had no idea what real tactics were he did crazy things like send his platoon HQ into the field all alone head of his main force. I do not see how a war game can show you that from a blank slate without the player reading something.

How many games even have manuals these days? Not even one of the recent PC games I've played have required a manual, they introduce game concepts and even a complex UI in the form of an interactive tutorial. This is what gamers expect these days.

This I can agree with - the benefits of an interactive tutorial would be quite high for new players.

The UI and camera controls are pretty hard work, and very unorthodox. Even on the forums here in the past both have been lambasted.

So it has. And I have to admit I am still perplex about it. Yes, I absolutely hate that the camera flies away when the mouse gets close to the screen edge - that pisses me off every single day. But that is not what you are talking about is it? I have no experience (and no interest) in puzzle, fantasy or first person shooter games so I don't know what better is. I asked a friend of mine who plays Battle Field 3 to show me the camera controls and frankly I noticed three things: they were a bit smoother esp compared to the keyboard; they did not seem that different from when you have your view locked on a unit; I do not see how their locked to a unit at all times mode would actually work in CM. We need a free camera too not just a locked on your POV camera.

Let me be clear I am not trying to be dismissive - I still do not get the big issue here and I still would like some one to explain it to me. Please use small words and actual examples because like I said I'm not getting it. Sometimes that just means no one has explained to me yet:)

Performance too can be very poor on high end systems.

Really, my ****ty near the bottom system performs quite well - better than I would have expected. It does have trouble with some of the bigger scenarios and it sure take a long time to load but with a faster machine doesn't it just bet better?

Shadows ARE terrible,

Really, terrible. That seems pretty harsh.

smoke is quite basic.

Now this I have to disagree with. I think it is handled really well. It progresses across the battle field according to weather and being in it seems quite reasonable. What else is there?

Everyone here knows why these things are so and seeks to excuse them, but don't expect everyone else in the world to excuse them.

I do expect someone reviewing a war game to understand that it is *not* a POV game and not a first person shooter. That is the part that I thought was crappy about this review. Well that and the production value - which just sucked.

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Interesting. My take on this guys review was that since he had no idea what real tactics were he did crazy things like send his platoon HQ into the field all alone head of his main force.

He wanted to make sure the platoon commander gets killed first, so he can inspire his subordinate units with his bravery!

I also liked the part where his girlfriend said that she would rather lick own toe than play CMBN. He should make video of that and upload it.

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Wow I never noticed that before - we have automated censors on this forum. I typed the full word s - h - i - t - y and it got auto asterisked. Is that a new thing here? I guess I don't swear enough in print to have noticed.

It's been around since the last big forum software update however long ago that was (Half a dozen years? More?). BTW, the word you wanted to spell has two 't's in it (unless the single 't' is another of those weird British conventions like 'armour' instead of 'armor').


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