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AXIS : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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The Forty Eighth Minute

The M10 unbuttoned and moved out of my line of fire before my Jpz could take a shot. Shame. He does seem more worried about my 1st Platoon and the tank section there than he should be in my opinion. If he dares to come over the top again I have several units (including the Elefant) who are overwatching that ridge.


Hill 153

My scouts hunting on Hill 153, stop as they come under fire from an HMG team set in some foxholes up the ridge somewhat. A lot of firepower is going against this HMG team next turn.. hopefully I can neutralize it before it causes too much damage.


The Pioneer Platoon will start their assault next turn as they are at the foot of the hill. The top of Hill 153 will get the works as well, from mortars, the Brummbar, as many LMGs and HMGs as I can find, including the LMGs from 3rd Platoon on the Spur. I want any enemy units on that hill (if there are any) nice and suppressed when my pioneers show up.



The SPAA in Tame drove forward this turn.. trying some shoot and scooting evidently... however this was all scoot as it never opened fire.. in fact it came under the guns from one of my halftracks at the end of its move before it disappeared from view. Notice it drove straight forward.. doesn't that thing need to back into action so they crew can use the guns? Will it fire in the forward arc? I don't know.

He really is engaging his units piece meal... if there was one lesson I would try to correct him on from this game that is it... he needs to team up his assets better and try to attack in superior strength, not in parity, and definitely not when at a disadvantage.


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Hister, All is well with harmony, and balance in that universe which is called Combat Mission :)

Yeah Bil, backing the SPAA to fire is best, as it can't fire over the driver’s head. If coming in forward it needs to rotate the vehicle enough first to avoid doing this. That is likely why it did not fire.

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I think the name calling is really unnecessary, can we try to keep it somewhat civil?

GaJ is FAR from stupid. He has a bit to learn, but don't we all. At least he has put himself out there for the world to see and I applaud his efforts.


I am sure he (Hister) was joking. But as Bil states GAJ has put himself in the public eye where every day Monday quarterback can pick apart his gameplay. GAJ has demonstrated great gamemanship and a thick skin.

Had I had the honour of playing Bil I am sure this AAR would be finished days ago and my defeat would be textbook material for how not to defend.

Cheers to GAJ and to Bil for providing us this excellent AAR and learning experience.

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No, he's referring to the Haplachromis sp., "thickskin" specifically because of the tough skin, if you will. The communication would've been immediately clear had he referenced the rhinoceros instead. Full marks to Vark, though, for a creative, make us research it, reference!


Was your biological allusion also intended to convey the aggressive nature of the referenced "thickskin" ciclid variety, thus GreenAsJade, too?


John Kettler

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The Forty Ninth Minute

So GaJ did bring his M10 directly over the road hunting. It's movement was observed by my Elefant but the damned thing got behind the building before the Elefant could engage.

The bottom image shows a very rare event.. an M10 actually exercising its gun! I think, by the angle of the turret, etc. that he is targeting my Brummbar.

Contest: at the end of the turn this M10 was spotted by two of my four units pictured in the screenshots (right half of the screen)... can you identify them? You might need to reference my period icon cheat sheet on the repository unless you use my icons regularly.



In Tame GaJ brings his SPAA out once more.. still driving forwards... you'd think he would know that thing has to back into action.. oh well.

The top image shows one of my haftracks, with a nice keyholed shot at the SPAA position. The bottom image shows the result of the fire. I'm going to have to do something about this SPAA as eventually GaJ is going to remember how to use it and it's going to be trouble.


I hope this is a surprise for GaJ... I rushed one of the panzers that was with 1st Platoon all the way into the rear area of Tame.. it now has sight on the mortar team that fired the smoke screen in front of my Pz-IV section, and the Tame bunker.

Bonus points: which will I engage first?


Hill 153

My scout team has left the HMG team to get suppressed and taken out by others and is working its way around the lip of Hill 153 to see what else GaJ has hiding in the area.

Damn the Pioneer Platoon is taking a very long time to climb the hill in their halftracks...

Observation: when climbing a steep grade in a vehicle try to do it in a series of shallow across the slope drives, like a winding mountain road. Speed is MUCH faster when moving across the slope than when climbing straight up.


Hill 172

My lead Pioneer squad is almost to Hill 172. I am almost to the back of the map with this squad.



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GreenAsJade's shooting? Again? Really? Must be a sign of the End Times! What WILL be the outcome?

Speaking of outcome, you might be interested to know that Steve has responded to my 3-inch antitank ammo thread and reports Charles has informed him the antitank cartridge in use for the M10 is the A.P.C. M62A1, which happens to be the good round for GreenAsJade, in that it performs far better against your face-hardened armor than does the earlier AP, M79. If he hits your Brummbar or whatever he's targeting, it might hurt.

Fascinating insight regarding getting up a hill. We're used to, I think, seeing really high power to weight vehicles climb like mountain goats, but the 251 simply isn't in that league. You've got 99 horses (1 hp less than my ~ 1 ton two-seater TR-4 sport car had), propelling 8.6 tons (no fuel or oil?)) of AFV, which has 12 people and their weapons and gear aboard. Not exactly a turbocharged dune buggy! In turn, such limits explain why the Lashio Road looked like this.



John Kettler

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I hope this is a surprise for GaJ... I rushed one of the panzers that was with 1st Platoon all the way into the rear area of Tame.. it now has sight on the mortar team that fired the smoke screen in front of my Pz-IV section, and the Tame bunker.

Bonus points: which will I engage first?

I think I'd go for the mortar first for two reasons. 1: it appears to be the greater threat based on the performance of bunkers in this game so far. 2: Reducing the bunker is probably going to take some time, so getting the mortar out of the way now would put the most hurt on the defense soonest.

Observation: when climbing a steep grade in a vehicle try to do it in a series of shallow across the slope drives, like a winding mountain road. Speed is MUCH faster when moving across the slope than when climbing straight up.

I han't confirmed this through testing, but it is so intuitive that I had been doing it anyway. It should also benefit foot soldiers, not that they would necessarily go much faster, but they shouldn't tire as quickly. But I don't know if the game models that.


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I'd take the mortar 1st too as it is easy meat, and of more threat to the infantry in support. The bunkers can take plenty of shots from the front, and will take time as Emrys so brilliantly pointed out. (Damn where’s that sig when you need it Mike ;)

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Michael and Vin, thanks for playing. Heh.. actually I planned fire for neither.. I'll let the tank choose.. I also expect this tank will spot the SPAA in the coming turn and did not want to lock into anything I'd be regretting later.

But without that, I would have indeed targeted the mortar. Actually.. I have one of my own mortars targeting the enemy mortar next turn, though I expect GaJ to try to pull it out of the line.. but I doubt it'll be able to pack up before my rounds hit.

Nobody answered the challenge to ID the two units that get a spot on GaJ's M10 at the end of the turn.. no guesses? ;)

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The Fiftieth Minute

The Center

Unfortunately (but wisely) GaJ pulled his M10 back over the Ridge Road before my Brummbar and mortar (both of which had spots on it) could get a shot off.

It was last seen motoring towards S. Maria Infante.



My Pz IV fired on and took out the mortar GaJ had near Tame... it didn't fire at anything else.

In Tame my panzer section there has pulled off of Hill 128 and is now in the process of pushing through the village itself. I think GaJ has pulled his M10 and SPAA out of the vicinity of the village. All I can see now in the town are the bunker, an HQ team and the remnants of the ATG crew (one guy with a murderous Thompson).

The rear of the town is now closed with my Pz IV there.. I am starting to sweep the village clear next turn.. including trying to take out that bunker.


Hill 153

Two of my three Pioneer squads and the support mortar have all disembarked from their rides and are setting up to assault Hill 153 and the HMG team. This team is now receiving a lot of fire and has been silent for two turns.

Also in this area, I had a couple infantry contacts in the valley between the Spur and S. Maria Infante.. and they were moving fast to try to get out of the valley.


Hill 172

My lead Pioneer Squad has disembarked at the foot of Hill 172 and will climb it next turn.


What will they find on the other side?

It appears that GaJ is pushing his ATG towards S. Maria Infante.. this is HUGE news for me. It was this one gun (the one that killed my two halftracks) that has kept me from clearing the Ridge Road and coming over the top.

Time to kick the pace up a couple notches!


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Michael and Vin, thanks for playing. Heh.. actually I planned fire for neither.. I'll let the tank choose.. I also expect this tank will spot the SPAA in the coming turn and did not want to lock into anything I'd be regretting later.

I have been using Target Briefly for this: if I want to specify a target but I do not want the tank to fixate on that one thing for the whole minute - in case something unexpected happens.

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