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Is Matrix Games attacking Battlefront.com?

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And I'd like it if you would put more effort into your trolling, one liners like the two above really don't qualify as even halfhearted attempts. If you're going to bother to sign up to the forum just to do this, have the decency to put some effort into it.

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And I'd like it if you would put more effort into your trolling, one liners like the two above really don't qualify as even halfhearted attempts. If you're going to bother to sign up to the forum just to do this, have the decency to put some effort into it.

Whatever are you talking about? trolling? I said I wished they would make a

game like WITE on a larger scale war game. What is wrong with that? Are you that insecure. Is that the way we are here? BFC games are quite good but do you really think there is nothing else they could do to improve them or offer more?

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Can we still like matrix and other wargame developers here?

As I said earlier, at least one of these supposed wargamer.com length rants has already been identified as a fake.

I fully agree that something like War In the East battlefront style with more (but not too much) computer support would be awesome.

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Steve said several time that although mentioning competitor's products on the BFC forum is OK, trashing them is not.

If you younglings haven't been here long enough to remember one of those posts that isn't my fault :D

But that's not what you said in the first post...that's why I asked.

BFC has a policy that you can bash matrix on the BFC forums and you can't bash BFC on matrixgames.com, but wargamer.com could have more of a free speech approach.

Typing error?


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Is this suppose to be a welcoming?

Mission41, bayonetbrant, Staggerwing and Paul T welcome aboard. I hope you own any of BF titles and enjoy in the game. I don't understand what this thread got to do with CMBN. Maybe general forum would be more appropriate place. Does this thread makes CMBN better? No. Long time ago someone on this forum said: CMBO is the first part of fun and this forum is the second part.. Hmmm.. not much fun in this thread.

I wish you a lot of fun with CMBN, CMFI etc.. and good hunting



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This is the second attempt to raise this subject on this board within the last week or so. (Frankly, I'm not sure what it's about. Something about a people badmouthing Battlefront on other boards or some other ridiculous gossipy nonsense that no one above age 13 and not female should care about?)

Sock-puppets to build-up the thread's post count and posting on Christmas Day in an attempt to avoid instant closure as what happened with the previous attempt to get a "fight" started between Matrix and Battlefront. Pretty lame, Milhous.

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I always find it funny that when this issue is raised instead of staying away from it the ones supposedly implied in this group suddenly turn up on mass..pretty much instantly..the walls have ears hehe. Infact they always turn up if I respond. Thats why I have my suspicions the original poster was someone waiting for me to say something so the "boys" could turn up on mass to cause abit of trouble. it's tiresome. Can I just say to those who have decided to register on a forum they never contribute too just to get involved in somekind of flame war it's childish. Though I do hope you actually end up buying CM games as they are great fun. Though I'm sure just like at Matrix forum you will profess to BF that you don't post here because of me..even though you never posted there anyway and you haven't posted here either.

Honestly think this thread should be locked and those new members actually post about the game and join in the community.

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I always find it funny that when this issue is raised instead of staying away from it the ones supposedly implied in this group suddenly turn up on mass..pretty much instantly..the walls have ears hehe. Infact they always turn up if I respond.

I turn up when you start slandering me and my friends, which you have continued to do despite an overwhelming absence ofanything remotely resembling any proof that any member of GrogHeads staff, management, or ownership has ever done the things you've accused us of.

Thats why I have my suspicions the original poster was someone waiting for me to say something so the "boys" could turn up on mass to cause abit of trouble. it's tiresome.

Here's an idea: stop mouthing off about things when you have ZERO clue what you're talking about. You'll get a lot less trouble that way.

Can I just say to those who have decided to register on a forum they never contribute too just to get involved in somekind of flame war it's childish.

Holy crap! Did that phrase really escape your keyboard Mr "I never registered at BoardGameGeek until there was a chance to pile on a bunch of people I don't like and accuse them of things I made up despite any proof whatsoever"? Seriously?

Though I do hope you actually end up buying CM games as they are great fun.

And that's why we had a review of CMFI on our front page ( http://grogheads.com/rev-cmfi.html ) and why we'd much rather talk about games that fighting the 9345876239th battle of you continuing jihad on GrogHeads.

Though I'm sure just like at Matrix forum you will profess to BF that you don't post here because of me..even though you never posted there anyway and you haven't posted here either.

Trust me, you're not important enough for me to try to avoid. And the only times I show up to address you specifically are when you attack me and my friends. I refute your nonsense, and then let others judge based on facts, not your whiny, incoherent, one-sided, delusional rambling.

Honestly think this thread should be locked and those new members actually post about the game and join in the community.

And yet here you are, not posting about the game. If you actually believed what you just wrote, then you (a) wouldn't have tried to pile on GH at BGG, (B) wouldn't have whined about GH on you FaceBook site, and © would've walked away from this thread without ever making a comment. But you just can't help yourself can you?

You want to take shots at people you don't like, for reasons you've invented, and then run screaming for help when challenged in your assertions.

Don't tell all of us that we should be here talking about games after you've tried to slander me and my friends.

Don't tell us that we shouldn't register somewhere to perpetuate a flame war you started, when you did exactly the same thing 2 months ago.

And don't ever, ever doubt that I will continue to call you out for your duplicitousness, lies, falsifications, and fabrications, anywhere and everywhere I can.

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I knew it was a mistake not to take the day off yesterday :D Here's our official position on the topics raised here:

We have no beef with other game companies. Each to his own. However, we will not allow our Forums to be used to overtly promote a game we do not publish. Comparisons, expressing opinions about strengths/weaknesses, etc. are legitimate if the discussion is directly relevant to one of our games so long as we feel it hasn't crossed over to "advocacy". The other standard behavior rules, such as Trolling, Sniping, Dodging, etc. handle the other unproductive behaviors that sometimes accompany obvious agenda driven postings.

We have no interest in the internal politics of other organizations or discussion forums. Further, we do not want to be dragged into any sort of dispute that we're not otherwise directly involved in. Which is why this thread will be locked as soon as I finish typing.

Beyond this specific issue, we have an extremely low opinion of "sock puppets". If you feel your position is so weak that you need to fake who you are or (worse) create additional avatars to push an agenda, then it's too weak to be posted here. Or anywhere for that matter. It doesn't matter what it is, this isn't the place for it. Duplicate accounts and posting under false pretenses always results in instant banishment from this Forum.

Understandably, there are other Forums on the Internet to discuss games (shocking, I know :)) and some of them are managed appropriately and others are Wild West. The latter tends to be the repository for those banned from the former. Sometimes discussions from those places get dragged into this Forum, and that's OK a little bit. Usually it's pretty obvious when it becomes not OK, so we don't worry too much about it. Especially because the areas where there isn't overlap with our discussions here isn't really worth discussing anyway.

Now, as for this specific spat being discussed. It's of no interest to Battlefront or our games. For our customers, it should be of no interest to them in that context either. Which means it is the sort of thing that doesn't belong on this Forum. So agenda driven posters and sock puppets take note... don't start this crap up here again.


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