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That's already in. IIRC, you press SHIFT+ESC to pause the screen without the big PAUSED showing up in the middle.

I just tried it SHIFT+ESC is the magic key stroke. That is just awesome. I have been taking movies and then taking screen grabs from them to avoid the paused message on screen.

Thanks for the tip.

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I would love to see more Flavour Objects like -



statues for town squares

dead cows

Civilian cars, with and without wheels


Farm buildings - chiken house, piggery and a hay shed

roads with culverts

Ruins of old buildings like churches, small castles or bits to make them

just my 2 cents worth

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Now that CMFI has been released, I think it would be interesting to compare a lot of these wishes with what has been included in CMFI.

I would love to see more Flavour Objects like -

statues for town squares

Well, there's one down...LOL.


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I would like tanks to knock down the trees they currently teleport through. And if they are not strong enough to knock the tree down, then they would have to navigate around it. Lots of great realism in this great game but the current behavior of tanks breezing through trees kills that a bit.



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+1 to ruins/castles


There were Roman ruins around Paestum (Salerno, American sector).

The Salerno landing beach had an ancient Norman watchtower the Germans used for a MG nest.

In Market-Garden, castles/castle ruins featured in various places -- notably Castle Heeswijk near the Willemsvaart Canal, which made a good OP.

And we've had a need for some sort of "standing" ruins that go beyond the flat rubble of a completely rubbled building -- something with a few partial walls and apertures, etc., which would be important for urban/town combat maps in Arnhem, etc.

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+1 to ruins/castles

And we've had a need for some sort of "standing" ruins that go beyond the flat rubble of a completely rubbled building -- something with a few partial walls and apertures, etc., which would be important for urban/town combat maps in Arnhem, etc.

Double-plus good for that! And for The Teacher's list of flavor objects.

Also, we can't have gliders because they're too big, but how about discarded parachutes partially bunched up laying on the ground?

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And we've had a need for some sort of "standing" ruins that go beyond the flat rubble of a completely rubbled building -- something with a few partial walls and apertures, etc., which would be important for urban/town combat maps in Arnhem, etc.






Yeah...I posted them again...they look cool!


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More options in the DELAY part of the artillery interface...

Now we have:


5 min delay

10 min delay

15 min delay

If i estimate that it will take me 20-25 minutes to get my men into possition i will not be able to use the pre planned artillery to target the enemy defences just prior to my assult..

I don't understand this limitation in timing...It could be no more difficult for the artillery assets to understand an order that says...

"start fireing at 16.30" instead of "start fireing at 16.15"...

Maybe there could be an add and subtract button in the interface to allow the player to set the delay timing like he wish...

Or atleast add 2 more options to the current delay timing interface (there are 2 'boxes' in that interface not currently used...below the 15 min option). Maybe set thoose at 20 and 30 minutes...

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I've always felt BFC could do a lot more with the square "church tower" modular building, and here are some ideas to raise it to its full potential in 2.0:

How about using the "cycling" functions that change building details to make this one structure fill several important needs:

1. Church/cathedral tower (in CMFI this is a campanile type or a typical tile-roofed square church tower with windows at the top, and in CMBN/OMG it's an ornate Dutch brick steepled church/bell tower with trim).

(which cycles to become...)

2. Chateau tower (with the appropriate style for an Italian villa in CMFI or a pointy-turreted NW Europe chateau that would work in France or Holland). I know LongLeftFlank, me, and others have been clamoring for this for a long time.

(which cycles to become...)

3. Stone castle-keep tower with battlements. Mossy and nearly windowless, useful for medieval ruins, Colditz, flak towers, Metz, remnants of ancient city walls like the Porte de la Craffe in Nancy, and the Norman watchtower on the beach at Salerno. Set a high damage level on this one and you'd have some good standing WWII-era ruins of stone buildings to intersperse with other types on urban maps.

(which cycles to become...)

4. Classical Greco-Roman column(s). These should be of light stone but VERY weathered and beaten-up looking. Using a number of these, at different damage levels and combined with rocky ground and stone debris, you could do Paestum or use as the occasional flavor object anywhere in Italy or the Med. Patton would love them and say, "I was THERE!" :-)

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(which cycles to become...)

4. Classical Greco-Roman column(s). These should be of light stone but VERY weathered and beaten-up looking. Using a number of these, at different damage levels and combined with rocky ground and stone debris, you could do Paestum or use as the occasional flavor object anywhere in Italy or the Med. Patton would love them and say, "I was THERE!" :-)

No, wait! Never mind the Greco-Roman columns (while that would be cool, here's a different tower-like building that we've been needing desperately and will need increasingly as we move into Holland, Germany, and E Front):

Factory smokestack -- (and since it's identical on all sides and doesn't need to have a facing, the arrow keys could control 4 levels of height for it. So you could get everything from the chimney of a modest brickworks to the mighty industrial smokestacks of the Ruhr).

Since smokestacks/chimeys don't stand apart from buildings and normally protrude out of a building, the smokestack can have a mini-building/base portion at the ground level that, when joined next to a factory building, would look like a natural extension of that building.

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Another wish:

Clicking on a waypoint, of the non-active unit, to select it. If you have a string of waypoints extending quite a distance and want to add a pause to the 3rd, you have to select the unit that often is off-screen. It would be really nice to be able to click the waypoint that you see on the screen.


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Another wish:

Clicking on a waypoint, of the non-active unit, to select it. If you have a string of waypoints extending quite a distance and want to add a pause to the 3rd, you have to select the unit that often is off-screen. It would be really nice to be able to click the waypoint that you see on the screen.


+1 to this, this was the first thing I noticed was lacking when the new adjustable waypoints were added. Not being able to select the unit by path because it is off screen kind of makes this feature not as usefull as it is in cmx1.

+ 1 to 2 player campaigns, but even better would be coop campaigns.

The cm engine is great, I'm having a blast with cmfi even though I'm not that crazy about the Sicily operation. After the first eastern front game arrives, I would gladly postpone some of the future games/ modules to get more major gameplay features added. As great as cmx2 is right now, there's so much more that can be done to the gameplay that would help it to achieve timeless masterpiece...allthough We are pretty close to that threshold already.

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More options in the DELAY part of the artillery interface...

I've been thinking about this too.

Rather than adding more Delay <Insert/Minutes>, I think what I'd like to see added is a <Hold Fire> option.

As it is, if you call in a stonk with a five minute delay and realise some way in that the timing is going to be slightly off, you have to <Cease Fire> the mission and call it in again even if it's on exactly the same lay, with the same rounds and effect.

There should be no need for trajectory recalculations or laying out and timing munitions etc. etc.

A battery should have the option to prep, fire spotting rounds until fire for effect is ready to be delivered, then be held on that line indefinitely until the mission is required, or they're called away to a higher priority mission.

The foward observer calls in the mission.

Guides the spotting rounds in.

<Hold Fire> battery on that line, until the stonk is required.

Fire for effect on my call.


A battery with a twelve minute delay in prep time shouldn't have to run another twelve minute prep for exactly the same mission because the delivery time needed to be delayed by two minutes.

Similarly, a defensive battery assigned to fire on an area shouldn't have to run another prep for the same mission because the attack didn't happen at minute 15 of the battle.

So long as it's not given orders to prepare for another fire mission it should be able to hold fire on that mission until it's called for.

<Hold Fire> would mean you could also pause a mission part way through it's prepared rounds.

<Fire> Battery burns through 25% of it's prepared rounds in its first two minutes of firing.

FO calls <Hold Fire>, battery stands down but doesn't packup and go home.

During the next three minutes scout's mission forward as the smoke clears, but get themselves pinned down half way across the intervening ground.

FO <Fire> Resumes fire on same, Gerry hasn't had enough. Battery burns another 25%, rinse and repeat.

If the scouts get through, the FO can call <Cease Fire> on the mission, or he can keep the battery trained on that line in case he needs to pummel the same area to destroy an expected counter attack.

At the moment what we get is, sorry, we can't fire exactly the same mission without twelve minutes of everyone sitting around while we prepare, which is both unrealistic and an unnecessary delay to the game.

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No, it's for CMSF. CMBN has only been out for just over one year, not three.

I think most people would want to play parts of the historical campaigns.

If you really want to play that campaign, you are going to have to build it yourself. BFC have provided all the tools you need to do it :D

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