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See the Upgrades Q & A thread:

So, what does this mean in concrete terms for you right now, playing Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy and enviously gawking at the Combat Mission: Fortress Italy feature list? It means that once CMFI is out sometime in August, we'll work on an Upgrade 2.0 for CMBN. You will be able to buy this upgrade (the price is not yet determined), install it and voila, you will have Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy v2.0!!! The upgrade will automatically work for the base game and the Commonwealth module.
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I might have to take a "summer mapping holiday" now that I see what's coming with the CM 2.0 upgrades to the map editor. Why invest all that time and all that clicking now, when by August we'll have overlays and the ability to place fence/wall/bocage as lines instead of tile by tile? The time factor will be massively reduced, and accurate historical maps/terrain will be a breeze.

[The only exception will be maps for the the ongoing Saint-Lo op-tac campaign that I've been running for the past 9 months or so. It's nearing the climax and conclusion anyway, so I have another good map or two left in me for that if another battle presents itself in July.]

Maybe this summer will be the time to enjoy some of the best "canned" battles and user-made ones HTH. I still haven't even played a single CW module battle yet.

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I might have to take a "summer mapping holiday" now that I see what's coming with the CM 2.0 upgrades to the map editor. Why invest all that time and all that clicking now, when by August we'll have overlays and the ability to place fence/wall/bocage as lines instead of tile by tile? The time factor will be massively reduced, and accurate historical maps/terrain will be a breeze.

[The only exception will be maps for the the ongoing Saint-Lo op-tac campaign that I've been running for the past 9 months or so. It's nearing the climax and conclusion anyway, so I have another good map or two left in me for that if another battle presents itself in July.]

Maybe this summer will be the time to enjoy some of the best "canned" battles and user-made ones HTH. I still haven't even played a single CW module battle yet.

I agree. There is a conversion tool for swapping maps between CMX 1 games but maybe we wont need one for the CMX 2 games. Hope so, he quietly pleaded.

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To the original question. CMBN maps won't be importable (unless they come up with something amazing clever that's unknown to me). Too many differences in terrain types, building types, etc. Its another title and another game. On the bright side, the new ability to trace over real world maps in the map editor and snap lengths of road and walls instead of placing individual tiles makes building believable map really easy now. :)

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To the original question. CMBN maps won't be importable (unless they come up with something amazing clever that's unknown to me). Too many differences in terrain types, building types, etc. Its another title and another game. On the bright side, the new ability to trace over real world maps in the map editor and snap lengths of road and walls instead of placing individual tiles makes building believable map really easy now. :)

OK, now I'm officially confused...

1. "CMBN maps won't be importable." -- So I take that to mean I can't open up the new CMFI game and import an existing CMBN map. Right?

2. But could I make a NEW map in the fancy new CMFI editor and then play it in CMBN? Or are maps made in the new CMFI editor playable only in CMFI and beyond?

3. Or will the eventual release of a CMBN upgrade to the 2.0 level then make it possible to make CMBN maps in its new editor with the new features, and then play them in CMBN with version 2.0? What happens to the older existing CMBN maps/scenarios/bts files then? Would they still be playable in 2.0 or only if one kept the old version of CMBN on the hard drive to play them on?

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Not to hijack, but @broadsword, have you published the details of that campaign anywhere? I have a particular interest and would love to see it.

My thanks,




@Cyrano: PM me with what your interest is, and what specifics you'd like to see/learn more about, and then I could see about collecting some stuff about that in its own new thread. I have done posts about parts of it at various times and various places over the past several months.

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CMBN and CMFI are entirely seperate products so no map swapping (barring the miraculous). Its impossible to swap maps between CM:Afghanistan and CMSF either.

The planned 2.0 upgrade won't merge CMFI with CMBN, just give you an equally cool feature-filled CMBN.

Upgrading CMBN certainly shouldn't kill the previous maps and scenarios, that would be kind'a self-defeating. There may be an issue with trying to play a 2.0-built scenario on an un-updated game, but that even holds true with scenarios made on simple game patches. I understand the eventual Market Garden module is going to be 2.0 upgrade only and contain new terrain and building elements. So un-upgraded and unmoduled game builds will get left even further behind.

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Correct me if I am wrong Stoneage, but I thought from previous discussion that your tool could make the necessary adjustments to recreate a map and replace the tiles as needed if you simply do a find and replace on the csv file. Did I just mis understand or would that characterization be correct?

Not that I understand why a CMBN map would need to move to CMFI for example. Terrain is so completely different, what would be the point?

On the other hand I had been working on a map for Schmidt in CMBN I'd love to be able to port to the bulge module when it comes out. When is that now, next week? :D

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It's not that I want to port maps from CMBN to CMFI, or vice versa --- I just want to be able to use that amazing new map editor (with the overlay and fence/bocage/wall line drawing capability) to make new CMBN maps. But it sounds like I can't do that (?) Or that I'd have to wait until CMBN is upgraded to the 2.0 level too (?)

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It's not that I want to port maps from CMBN to CMFI, or vice versa --- I just want to be able to use that amazing new map editor (with the overlay and fence/bocage/wall line drawing capability) to make new CMBN maps. But it sounds like I can't do that (?) Or that I'd have to wait until CMBN is upgraded to the 2.0 level too (?)

Sounds like it though the CMBN ver 2 should be at latest on release on MG module according to the way it sounds like they want to distribute it and handle costs. Look at it this way., you'll have CMFI in August to start learning the new editor and by the time you are feeling proficient, you'll have CMMG :D

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Just want to make a plug for gullies here, for those now busily working on scenarios!

Gullies are the bocage of Sicily (or any arid terrain) in that they're key tactical avenues of advance (and defense), as well as hindering AFV movement. The volcanic surface of Sicily is heavily cut with these things.

Gullies, gullies and more gullies, both barren and brush/tree-filled; they'd mostly be dry at the time of the invasion. Excessive reliance on aerial imagery (Google as well as period) can cause them to be left out, or be made so shallow-sided as to be of negligible tactical value. One disappointment in CMBN is that very few designers put in small streams and their embankments; it was generally either larger streams or nothing.

They're not easy to build in the editor as you need to lock the adjacent banks. Also, be sure to fill them with Light Forest so that infantry will follow them and gain the cover benefit instead of wandering in and out!

Caves would be nice too, but would be a new feature and aren't urgently needed.

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It's not that I want to port maps from CMBN to CMFI, or vice versa --- I just want to be able to use that amazing new map editor (with the overlay and fence/bocage/wall line drawing capability) to make new CMBN maps. But it sounds like I can't do that (?) Or that I'd have to wait until CMBN is upgraded to the 2.0 level too (?)

You cannot use CMFI's new map overlay tools to make maps for CMBN, only CMFI.

Once Upgrade 2.0 for CMBN comes out, you can use the same tools (in CMBN) to make maps for CMBN.

Clear? :)

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Can mods be swapped between CMBN and CMFI?

I imagine some mods can be swapped. More can probably be fairly easily converted. For example, I'd imagine that Vein's tracers mod, for example, which works in literally every released CMx2 product to date, would probably work in CMFI (haven't tried it since we're not supposed to use mods with betas ;)). Others probably won't, and others may just require renaming some textures or sound files or something. I'm not sure, though, as I'm not really a modder.

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Those guys must be pretty pissed off.

or ecstatic as now they have better buildings for the region to work with, apparently better options on modding soldiers and vehicles appropriate for the area. I doubt LLF would be crying in BFC had announced CM-Pacific war... :P

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