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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Welcome! That is not normal behaviour. I take it you've run the Activation program (a shortcut for it can be found in the main CMRT folder): 'Activate New Products - CMRT'? If not, give it a try. If you already have, them I'm sure @BFCElvis can advise.
  2. Ah okay, they were your planes. I had imagined they were the enemy's and thought your troops might have been let's say 'distracted' by them. Doesn't answer the questions 'does friendly fire actually cause casualties?' and 'does it happen more now than before?', but I thought it might explain the rather unlucky directions of fire. Looking through the video again though I don't think it would explain it anyway. As for the planes, in my experience if they reliably shot at the enemy you were a lucky chap . Particularly if they were flying almost in the dark .
  3. Well I think full squads are designed to be more robust than split unit squad-bits so that checks out. The trade-off is as you describe. It will however make me think a bit more about my splitting behaviour, so many thanks for that .
  4. I've often thought that, but when the opposing P47s took out a lot of my enemies in FI I wasn't complaining. Swings and roundabouts?
  5. It does look a little odd, sometimes they could be aiming at something else, but is it down to conditions - it's quite late/dusk in most shots. Or an interesting thing if you watch with sound on - there are aircraft noises involved in all (I think) odd episodes. Aircraft and CM is not a happy mix .
  6. I really enyoyed our Greek match-up in CM Phil (as well as the North Afrika ones). And having had a lovely holiday in Kefalonia recently I would welcome another Grecian adventure if you have one handy. But otherwise bring on the Guards... EDIT: New cat (lovely) typed numbers into my post .
  7. Just saw this Phil, great idea. You got me watching youtube videos like this one: Witness the long poring and discussions over rules - oh the joys of ASL . Anyway, the usual offer of testing applies it it helps, even if I have to play against your good self .
  8. Partly as feedback for Nigel, I wonder why that is, as it worked okay for me? Was also quite quick on my recently upgraded 650 Mbps fibre service .
  9. Love it . Totaly agree. Now what incident was that ? Some of these things need a bit of development though and might not be an easy East Front add-on (i.e. Japanese/Chinese).
  10. Some minor (and obvious) ones come to mind: Spending ages to set up unit moves (including splitting teams), only to later inadvertently select everyone via the HQ and reset everyone's moves to parallel the HQ. Definitely not good in a PBEM . Wrongly interpreting what a 'westerly wind' means in relation to the in-game 'compass/not a compass'. My smoke screen was good, but quickly headed off in the wrong direction . And a very early one when I first got CMRT (my introduction to CM). I thought a large force of (obviously superior ) Tiger IIs and Panthers could advance across open fields and successfully slug it out with IS2s in the overlooking woods. Wrong, even if a big factor was main gun / gunsight damage, occasionally questioned here on the forum. If anyone would like to replicate my initial ineptitude the scenario was 'Gog and Magog' which is great. I later re-visited it much more successfully but armed with too much intel due to my earlier attempt. A recent PBEM one where I set all of my units to 'hide' ready to ambush, and watched as my skilled opponent drove his T34s straight past my hiding units without being engaged. Seems I was a little sloppy at unhiding and/or setting arcs. And just for laughs, thinking I could smoothly direct a convoy of KG Peiper panzers across a bridge .
  11. The OP was related to SP/Wego, but in my most current PBEM I don't think I'm giving away too much to say that it's probably over 90% split. Reserves (hopefully well out of harm's way) are unsplit. I think my opponents do similar things, but it's not always easy to tell. When I first got CM (Red Thunder) it was the least of my concerns and outside of my understanding of the game . Having said that it may also be one of those things that you never really know how much of a difference it makes?
  12. Yes I agree with that as well, although oddly I have both scenarios in my downloads folder, plus I've already lost a PBEM in Happy New Year Major Bake.
  13. Great advice, which I've learned the hard way. Wish you'd told me this before . Currently doing this in Normandy - hiding in foxholes initially, followed by moving right next to bocage ready for the fight (I also have to credit @WimO for advice on this). The hide function is interesting for vehicles too, turning off noisy engines it seems.
  14. 2v2 is a mystery to me, but I know you have a liking for the MMP experience. Okay, well 4MP .
  15. Now that's wierd. I swear when I typed the last message the header text was black, now it's white. Anyhoo, I agree with your comment.
  16. I think if you like the 'bigger' scale of running the whole East Front (or large sections of it if you prefer), this might be for you. Also if you don't care about the old counter boardgame presentation (no criticism from me here, not sure what else you could do on that scale). As I didn't get far I assume logistics is a big factor and I love logistics, but not in 109 minutes of game play . For me the discovery very shortly afterwards of CM (years later than I now would have liked) meant that my purchase of War in the East was not money well-spent. But CM is I think more my preferred scale.
  17. Huh? Looks the same to me? Or is that blue header slightly darker, hmmm .
  18. @BFCElvis is the man to ask. Although he is busy elsewhere I'm sure he'll be along soon.
  19. Got some examples of that? I can't find any like that in a quick search (but it was quick ). EDIT: As an afterthought I'll copy @Bootie in, as he will know the answer and the reason if so. Sorry Bootie .
  20. Erm, some time later.... did you get hooked up with an opponent? Hope so. Sounds like you were thinking of Quick Battle PBEM?
  21. No worries, I probably would too. Have chosen Intel procesors for a while and Nvidia graphics. No real issues and good performance, including the Asus ROG laptop sat in front of me now. It has been great over the last couple of years.
  22. There is that. I used to play a lot of much smaller scale Talonsoft stuff (East Front etc.) but even that sometimes had 3 hour turns. Think I should re-visit WITE though. As for Sniper Elite, it's a 'little' unrealistic but great fun at times and makes a nice change every now and then. Give me a shout if you fancy a PBEM when the FB add-on comes out (or even something before).
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