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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Yes 10 million Soviet civilians I estimate. But they were never called Heroes of the Soviet Union by Stalin. Mythology perpetuated this by movies describing events which never happened.
  2. Waffen SS a 19 year old received a decent salary and good food and had the political awareness of an ant. After 3 years at the 'Ostfront' would have been at least wounded once or twice and a good dose of PTSD. Not much different from any other soldier apart from they didn't receive much sympathy after the war. They were found guilty automatically by association. Stimuli generalization read SS and that is it. Logistics was the Achilles Heel of the German armed forces. They couldn't even feed their own army properly let alone inmates and POW's. The Jewish persecution was downright stupid apart from being evil all the rolling stock and administration wasted and their own forces missed out. If Hitler had been somebody like Franco the war could have ended differently. Thank the six million who ended their lives horribly but the contribution in this regard is not mentioned. Just devalorized as mere victims.
  3. If you machine gun inside a house with women and children it is rightly a war crime. Dropping a bomb from a height of 5 miles on a house with women and children is not. Lesson to be found guilty of a warcrime you must first lose a war. I don't condemn the bombing crews but the likes of Bomber Harris had a case to answer. Would have happened if he had been on the losing side.
  4. Tank going into action with a tentative contact. Fired automatically unbuttoned and he spotted infantry in a forest. Without infantry he would probably been ambushed by a Panzerfaust. Infantry nearby is a must for armor. I appreciate your tests and take note of your findings. Spotting improvement with infantry is uncanny.
  5. I see never read peoples wish list for the next engine. Like Advancing, No security Highest HQ gives the order to advance a little like ordering an artillery mission set the area. Medium security on company level. High security platoon level. split squads etc. No security on fast would be automatic road travel as quickly as possible. I agree it can be a pain but there are some methods around it. My major gripe is pathfinding but on this website I stick to suggestions to make it better.
  6. I don't promote it! If I liked it I would have kept it. Here is the opinion of a very good Combat Mission player. I agree with him it is only RTS in other words a serious shortcoming, you can't put yourself in every soldiers boots. His opinion I agree with Yep, the infantry models and movement to contact are functional but once in combat they become pretty sketchy. However, the vehicles and physics are very good. Conclusion if you like the WeGO system and detailed infantry management don't buy this game. Otherwise have a look and make up your own mind. I am not going to be told not to comment or talk about anything.
  7. Like the "Magnificent Seven". Back to the movie. Good to know no need to model two hand grenades on a rope to wind around the gun barrel after you throw it. I thought that was neat of the tank-hunter team.
  8. Sweet animals but there is only one guy who gets away with it.
  9. "A dingo got my baby!" was the start of Australia's longest legal battle.
  10. Different rules apply for kids and animals. Something like this happened 20000 years ago. A kid brought home a wolf pup with the words mummy can I keep it?
  11. I keep a log which shows a pattern and is not based on testing which is the gospel here. The decision to fire on a full contact is best left in my opinion on the TacAI. Above was a 'green' unit which I made to face of the direction of the Panther. If I had played this as a new player I would have made a evasive action. On the end of the turn I saw smoke and a red cross. During replay it was a Panther and then it was who the heck did this? It paid I play on WeGo could reconstruct how it happened. Something like this happened twice before. A trooper with a .303 killed a Tiger Commander and a Soviet AT rifle also killed a Tiger commander. People who manually plot LOF never or very rarely pair marksmen against an AFV. Going by my log and experience I follow the manual and let the TacAI do most of the decision making when contact is made,
  12. The Pyramid will affect the Soft Factors during a crises. TBH I had Kharkov 1943 and I didn't like it. It was along time ago and hope they have improved. If you do good luck the emphasis is on tanks, thanks for pointing it out. I like games where the emphasis is on infantry. My screenshot is the reason I play CM ignore the pyramid and you soon lose that unit. The green on the pyramid doesn't mean he is ok. He is a plus 2, plus 1 and will fight to the death for a scout this is dangerous. I need him to pass on contacts. Action for his HQ and Company HQ establish their C2. I was irked before when somebody said it is cool that they try to repair a lost track. More unrealistic details like a crewman coming with a spanner doesn't make a better game. Happy gaming I stick with CM. I like required details which enable me to come up with a realistic tactical solution for a scenario not pedantic stuff like people with spanners who have no hope to complete a 5 hour repair job. For in case you have not noticed I find the topic not cool as it seems to promote and advertise a different game. Something I would never do is to promote CM on a Graviteams website.
  13. They are not the soft factors we play in Combat Mission. I doubt or you even play Combat Mission. Besides I don't promote Combat Mission on the Graviteam website and suggest it is not cool to promote Graviteam here. Graviteam is not the topic here. I think for example that Call of Duty has better graphics but that is not the reason I don't play it.
  14. The quality is not the best but they demonstrate here the replacement of broken vision blocks in the Panther tank.
  15. No Soft Factors in Graviteam I bought it and uninstalled it. I bought it because it looked good at the time. Happy you enjoy it I didn't.
  16. What I like to see is that we can split a unit in a truck, APC or IFV. There is a way around this but I like to see it more straight forward.
  17. The game has everything makes money for some entertain others. Ex lance corporals become generals the sky is the limit. To think of it in RL too a Corporal became the Commander in Chief of the German Armed Forces.
  18. The name of that formation was 'Het halve minimum'. Half of what are the minimal requirements. Only the Dutch could come up with an expression like that. It is 11 pm here time for some sleep.
  19. The Dutch have water and the Australians have space. That is what beat the Japanese in World War 2. They started at the North Coast of Papua New Guinea and by the time they closed in on Port Moresby they were knackered. The weapons same as the British basically WW1 gear. I like cartoons no offence intended and the Dutch Corp of Royal Marines have an excellent reputation.
  20. These NATO Generals Had Unusual Backgrounds: They Served in the Third Reich (historynet.com)
  21. It is an old problem the Germans complained about it too. The 'hero' invite the man with the BAR to have a drink on me. Sometimes Green is required no Veteran takes on a Panther from the front.
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