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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Show their hand Ukraine is from tomorrow a fully-fledged member of NATO. Here is their weakness, all Members must agree to change the status quo. In other words, a country like Turkey or the Netherlands have the right to veto admittance. The country with the most powerful military does have as much cloud as Luxembourg. This may very well be the Game Putin is playing.
  2. Weird a 75 mm shell goes first through the engine block, crew and passengers' compartment before anybody is wounded or dead. The AI plans need some Standard Operations Procedure. Just waiting on the top of the hill. I am afraid once again it is like shooting cattle in the paddock. This has nothing to do with the person who designed the scenario, nothing but kudos to him or her. After 20 minutes funny things are happening, and the editor just can't deal with human attack plans. PS the Sherman spotted just fine, he was forewarned and had the tentative contact before he moved to contact (Hunt).
  3. Overdoing the macro side is part of the problem. You fight against the AI not a real battle. Example don't plot a LOF on a full contact unless there are two full contacts. Talking about LOF, your squad has full contact. You better split them, and you see out of three teams only one has the full contact. Experience is the best teacher and let the TacAI do its job and you won't be disappointed.
  4. Yep, if I remember correctly, they had a Russian Orthodox in Amsterdam. They all hated communism and Stalin.
  5. A nation of great chess players and ballet dancers must have culture and civilization.
  6. Introduction of the D-10 Gun on the SU100. Could penetrate any German late war tank. Prompted the development of the L7 NATO 105mm tank gun. The Soviets introduced their SU100 in October 1944.
  7. First time ever a Dissident President it won't survive a second one. Opposed his own judiciary and police force. I am not a lover of the present liberal democrats, but they stepped over the line there.
  8. Runners to complete the communication with the FO.
  9. Just watching the TV witnessing the circus over there. I won't see the end of this century, but I fear the US will be as relevant as Austria Hungary which was an empire just over a hundred years ago.
  10. The value of screenshots an instant record of priority intel requirements. necessary during big scenarios.
  11. Direct fire plotted and executed by the TacAI. If I plot manually, it usually fails.
  12. Put them in hide inside the hole and they take away the LOS of the enemy.
  13. I wish I could play the campaign on Hotseat. Once you know the position of Stg III it's game over.
  14. It is camping once your 'Hull Down' position is known, and you remain there you are on borrowed time. Case in point is Seelow in Fire and Rubble.
  15. Thanks @dbsapp I think I give Cold War a miss and settle for Italy WW2 instead. You're right, silly modelling is just frustrating. We don't have an idea about the capabilities of late Cold War Soviet design, it was highly classified. It could have been an interesting game if they had at least matching adversaries. Hypothetically more advanced armor not meant for export.
  16. I gave up my subscription when I discovered Affinity Photo. When you first see it, and somebody tells you it is a major update from Photoshop you believe it. $50 it is and no subscription it is yours forever.
  17. Just have a tank icon spotted. To have an infantry unaided spot a hull down Panther from more than a km is a bit rich. The tentative contact stays even if he is out of contact with his C2. Say he needs to report in the next two turns to make the tentative contact permanent. I play on Iron and I feel it is still unrealistic.
  18. Scouting task accomplished moved to and made contact and passed on intel. Defensive position taken.
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