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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Air-cooled engines don't do well in Australia. Spent 3 days involuntarily camping trip because the engine just couldn't cope. They did better in Russia I understand.
  2. I can see the barrier balloons making a comeback. It worked during the Blitz and Normandy.
  3. How many German built tanks still drive around today? How many T34's and M4 Shermans drive around today? Logistics is a numbers game.
  4. it is gamey but I noticed it some time ago. With infantry I noticed at times the AI doesn't return fire when you attack with your split squad at the same time. But there is no way we can prove it.
  5. "Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice." ~ Moshe Dayan The man was a genius.
  6. How many people use the tank's machine-gun when you plot area fire? It is often more than enough.
  7. Possible ***SPOILERS*** Haubtgraben Crossing in FR Seelow Heights. If you defend as German you could park your heavy tanks all on the bridge even bail out and let them be shot or bombed to pieces. I can't see how the Soviets could clear this obstacle in the game. Maybe your JS2's could push them away? By the way I don't intend to play as German maybe against my human opponent to find out. In real life you would of course blow the bridge up which we can't model in WW2 games.
  8. We play a game which is modelled on the conventions of war. WW2 we don't do carpet bombing or model carpet bombing. Biological and chemical warfare goes against the 1925 Geneva protocol. It shouldn't be modelled we can't shoot POW's either in the game. We play a tactical game and should keep it as such.
  9. Here an interesting video from the tank-museum Bovington he explains that even the Chieftain tank was inferior to the T64 and explains the gunnery systems of the Challenger series.
  10. The hypothesis is based on the Stalinist view of the capitalist western alliance. Here is an interesting article and can be downloaded as a PDF. Soviet Perspective On The Cold War And American Foreign Policy - VoegelinView
  11. You all can apply for a job here. Central Intelligence Agency - CIA AKA Christians In Action.
  12. It is simple if it is not possible in RL don't do it. We play a game and as Soviet their tanks have the radios. Where do we stop? I use the artillery network as a communication channel. There is no other way we can access the field telephone network which must exist. Yes I can see what is going on from behind my screen. We can always use innovation.
  13. it depends on you. There is a mission statement or the commander's intent. Most units know what to do, MG fires at a spot in the forest the nearby, T34 fires too the protocol established before the battle. As Soviet you play a set piece battle. I don't the units need to be in visual contact if they support each other. Reason why there is Iron difficulty in the game yes it is easy to ignore the C2 and it is easy to kid yourself. T34 need to see a unit firing before he can fire at the same target. Easy to let it fire without the nearby infantry giving the cue. Troops can still have initiative when they are out of C2. Orders are to clear the woods and report back. They don't need a lieutenant to hold their hands.
  14. Tactics work at least in WW2. Use the C2 and I think Soviet troops have as much common sense as anybody else. No radio? Troops need to be in hearing or visual contact. Don't reinforce losses. Use fresh motivated units, they have the contact icon of the first group. Last thing the Germans saw is the Soviet unit at the back. Lack of radios mean the units need to be in visual distance of each other.
  15. If lots of people shoot the banana rifle on full auto you tend to duck and that is the idea of this weapon. Shoot Olympic rapid fire you better stand still and aim for each of the five shots. Amazing how much time 4 seconds is.
  16. It is a tactical game not a strategic one. Tactically a 100 ton tank with a 150 mm gun which shoots APDSFS with 10 times the speed of sound is brilliant it will be a logistics nightmare. That's why I think they didn't manufacture one. I think we should have a strategic game just for the logistics movement from which CM type scenarios could be generated.
  17. If you play with the First, Third of Ninth Corps historically you will be using lend and lease equipment. I don't have a problem if the editor of a scenario used these units. Happy gaming to you too for 2022.
  18. Me too and I like to have the opportunity to wish you the best for 2022.
  19. They didn't sprinkle them. What I read in Wikipedia. By 1945, some Red Army armoured units were standardized to depend primarily on them and not on their ubiquitous T-34. Such units include the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps, the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army and the 9th Guards Mechanized Corps, amongst others. The Sherman was largely held in good regard and viewed positively by many Soviet tank-crews which operated it before, with compliments mainly given to its reliability, ease of maintenance, generally good firepower (referring especially to the 76mm-gun version) and decent armour protection,[16] as well as an auxiliary power unit (APU) to keep the tank's batteries charged without having to run the main engine for the same purpose as the Soviets' own T-34 tank required.[17]
  20. Their spies are active in Russia and stole the secret communication device.
  21. Australian army 'officially' issued five twenty round magazine for the infantryman's SLR. Allied Weaponry | Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (vvaavic.org.au)
  22. They come in useful when you like to use smoke.
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