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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. He has also graduated from respected British institutions of education. I agree he has not done himself any favors by holocaust denial but see it in the same light as the Vatican who never excommunicated Adolf Hitler. Mark Felton is a historian and so is David Irvin whether we like it or not. But we are a gaming site and not a place to discuss our politics. History is also a hobby horse of mine what is fact by populism is often a myth. Like our Christmas story Herod the Great and the Census are mentioned in every Bible. The problem the census took place at least 10 years after the death of Herod the Great. What are forced down as fact since childhood has very often big question marks. Democracy is far from perfect the Greeks had serious issues with it.
  2. In other words as a reference worth nothing. As far as CM goes it is a game as a simulator it falls short. Bridges got bugs defenders can't blow them up and it is one of many issues. Post WW2 no claymore mines the reason I don't know. Myself I will turn 72 soon and I just have fun playing this game. I don't make any claims here and want to keep it that way. The references I use here are from persons using the Web who give their references. My advice to you play the game and tell us your decision making process.
  3. An excellent scenario is Operation Hammersmith in SF2. Tactic have plenty of movement with Crack Units in overwatch. I was hunting for the triggermen who must have the bridges under surveillance. Lure and trap give the enemy something to shoot at. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of marksmanship in this scenario. Keep working and analyzing infantry movement techniques. Thanks to some good suggestions on this forum risky moves in the last 15 seconds and economical use of artillery and air support. Analyze troops at hand with what type of battle you fight. An Elite trooper is more valuable than his IFV in WW2 it is different. Here his PDA relays intel to the vehicle's VUDT at least the explanation I have that IFV receive contact icons over long distances. All the gear is still science fiction for me.
  4. A link to all his videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/Proambulator
  5. Here he shows I think how to save scenario maps under a different name so you can modify them.
  6. I think the heavy forest tile maybe the barrier. The tree itself the function of a flavor object.
  7. I think it could be that you can't split the unit. It could be you need to buddy aid to remove them from the formation. Then the three members can mount the vehicle.
  8. Mark Felton someone I follow. Mark Felton Productions - YouTube Quick search. Mark Felton - Wikipedia
  9. We fail at the first stop in an attempt to reference this goldmine of information. No names nothing. Paper Skies - YouTube
  10. Introduction to Combat Mission by the developers of the professional edition. It is not so much as beating someone playing PBEM but model solutions for tactical problems.
  11. Soviets never planned an invasion they expected a Barbarossa type of invasion. To be met with massive nuclear retaliation. The West with the undertaking not to be the first to use nuclear weapons expected a Soviet invasion. This is an enjoyable game it is not even a hypothesis of WW3. It all came to an end when the Berlin wall came tumbling down.
  12. Helicopters can be called from anywhere, with fighter bombers you need to have an LOS but not necessarily an LOF.
  13. SALUTE Size enemy unit, Activity, Uniform, Time (Turn 23 for example 12 second mark) Equipment. Spotted by unit ....The HQ XO is responsible for administration. I do this by pressing pause and plot a movement order to the located enemy unit. Watch your C2 at all times so you know which tentative contact is which.
  14. From @Sgt.Squarehead use the heaviest piece of artillery on harass long duration and pop it on likely positions and when they reveal themselves.
  15. It means you have to shoot at a building till it is rubble. It depends on the warning orders at the beginning of a scenario. I keep my guidelines on the economy of my logistics. Once out of HE the infantry loses its support.
  16. A far more enjoyable game if you go by the TacAI if they get a contact they fire. The odds to kill anything by spraying and praying is low. I agree with @Grey_Fox how relevant is a building? If they are relevant go for it not relevant bypass it. To deal with buildings satchel charges and smoke. Attack from a windowless gable.
  17. Windows+G gives you the Game Bar and you use Windows+Alt+Printscr for your screenshots. Shows the location of your captures.
  18. I like to test that a company of burned out green conscripts -2 vs one elite +2 Elite HQ who shoots from a dyke. That is generous we can't split a single officer. I give Captain Winters maybe one minute.
  19. We have one very well done scenario. But not this one I think.
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