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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Not videos but a good source to get free books in PDF format. PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free.
  2. Thank you, you gave me that tip and it is actually my experience too.
  3. Thank you I like my post processing and I don't hide the fact that I see a basic screenshot like a picture negative.
  4. Can't agree more just the fact that you have a God's view of the battlefield is just the most unrealistic situation I can think off. You can bypass the C2 system anytime you feel like it is a second one.
  5. Similar if we get spies. Standing on the beach in the middle of the night could be suspicious behaviour.
  6. I watched it and heard only a 'Bang'. (2 APC's approaching and a Blue Scout is also in the location. I have Elite Sniper miss a 500 mtr shot. I recall a regular British rifleman hitting a CO of a Tiger tank under similar circumstances.
  7. How many shooters were engaging? We only notice the hits but not the misses. Coming to a stop whilst not being situation aware. (LDZ and ODZ) is dangerous for your APC.
  8. Sighting was easy, open the breach look through the barrel and if you see a German Panzer at the end load AP otherwise HE.
  9. I think it is the forest tile and not the single tree. It could be the designer put a single tree on a heavy forest tile. But to find it out we need to test it.
  10. Yes my method of keeping a log is not good enough. Is nice if some guide is available of how to do a test. Hull down is finnicky as hell even I followed all the instructions to the letter.
  11. It is called developing from a negative anyway that's the way I see it. Kind regards
  12. Different one the TacAir unit to communicate with the HQ of the ground forces. I put the XO in the vehicle of the TacAir FO's Warrior but this shouldn't be necessary but the game for what it is they don't share the C2. Little ridiculous they need an XO to switch channels. The XO has the VUDT of the TacAir Warrior to communicate with his Company HQ. I have the feeling I overlook something. I think in SF2 we are dealing with a IED mine which engineers can't locate too?
  13. Thank you the screenshots themselves are not all that great they need a little work. My adjustments are automated.
  14. Not a photoshop type program? By nature screenshots are a little blurry by design. Here s my last screenshot developed with affinity photo. Sharpening and a Curve Adjustment layer applied. Screenshot was taken with the Xbox Gamebar which comes with Windows.
  15. Throwing grenades at least according to a man who knows how to design a game. Experiment and develop your own techniques. What we know we know from somebody else. https://battledrill.blogspot.com/2017/05/battle-technique-throw-grenades-over.html
  16. I played CM since Beyond Overlord besides the throwing grenades tip doesn't come from me but from one of the designers here. I would suggest cool it and test it for yourself. I lost count of how many screenshots I saved to prove it.
  17. Not very so far, I think it may depend on the electronic warfare settings.
  18. Coming late how effective are the IED Jammers on the Warrior IFV?
  19. Yes the assault troops will use the grenades they need the troops with the longarms to protect them. This is what you see here. Bolt rifles are not suitable at close range, the engine let them use their grenades. Here is another example a wall. The only weapon with which you can plot a LOF in this case is a grenade. You use grenades by deduction in a situation. If there is a command it must take into account combat stress.
  20. It has been tested if you select an assault team they have on the average 15 grenades spread over 3 men. Once inside 16 meters they throw them and don't use their longarms. Don't take my word for it find out for your self. You can do that too, some throw their grenades it depends how you split.
  21. Grenades become the primary weapon inside two action squares. This was pointed out by a scenario designer. M203 grenade launchers Like to specify the distance once they toss them all over the place it is a waste.
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