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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. I think assault might not tire out units that are not under fire. When they come under fire during assault I believe they sprint. Of course, I believe a lot of false things, so be sure to test this one out
  2. Ouch! that sounds very painful. Like I said, I think I got lucky in mine. The last panther and the Jpz4 I did not get so lucky, that was a fight. I am putting campaign on hold for a short bit. I think I want to fight the Seelow Heights battle having just seen good video on the subject.
  3. My vote: I don't want civilians in my wargames. Never ever. I respect that others disagree in that they want missions where they need to navigate that (it is realistic). I'm not wanting to disparage anyone on this, I just personally don't want it.
  4. dang, Codreanu, you lit them up! My pics were from battle #6, whatever it was called.
  5. There's a war, you are an officer up to ~battalion or so command, and you gets orders. You tells yer fellers where to go and what to do to meet those orders. That's all you get in real life mostly I think, cuz most folks is usually confused by why they are fighting, based on lots of lying -- the list of that is endless -- and even decades after lots of folks still don't see the real reason even when it's proven beyond a doubt. So why overthink it here? You signed up and you have a duty. Your commanding officer is not interested in your feelings or thoughts or concerns at the national political level. Here's a big pile of men in funny clothes and steel hats w lots of cool gear. Now get your men moving and get the job done, and that is an order. At least here you get to chose who's side your fighting for, don't get much of that in real world.
  6. Finished, only a tactical victory. I thought I did better than that, but I guess there's a computer somewhere keeping score. Briefing said I didn't need to get the center of the town so I didn't. That would've probably moved me up one victory level. On to battle #7 and urban warfare w my somewhat depleted infantry.
  7. wait a minute, what the heck? One of my destroyed shermans was not destroyed. It took a round from less than 200m right thru the hull and only two minor wounds??????? Luckiest tankers ever.
  8. I don't know art but I know what I like. FINALLY got this guy. My ambush got ambushed by panzerfaust/panzershreks, careless of me, but I was having trouble getting panther spotted and ventured too close to some tree/bush cover w/o infantry support. Then panther lit up another couple shermans. So I lost 3 shermans plus a damaged T34. Finally holed him from 800m when he had pivoted to take on the shermans coming from behind. Two nice holes in the turret, good shooting. Below shows view from T34, then bottom shows zoom from T34 viewpoint. Can barely see the panther, w brown turret tracks & white paint, hulldown behind the brown wooden fence.
  9. I did have three lucky shots that helped. I knocked out a bunker using area fire, w infantry having spotted it. Then managed to put a hole in panther gun. Then got two hits just at the top of the nashorn. The rest of the battle was less lucky in my shooting, unfortunately. But I do have lots of shermans.
  10. good luck Sid_burn. I hope I didn't spoil anything. I was stuck for a while then used dead ground to get in position for coordinated attack. And the infantry have been great, as they were able to advance and spot when the shermans were all hiding. Here's the immortal jpzIV, with more lives than Voldemort, now under attack at close range from multiple shermans and a T34/85 -- and it is still operating, trying to retreat!
  11. I'm not mentioning location of anything to avoid spoilers. Situation: an 88, a jpzIV, and a panther are widely separated and in good hull down positions, very hard to get at. But I've got lots of free shermans from my good friend Franklin D. and I've maneuvered into three main tank assault groups. The 88 is suppressed by sherman MG fire from elements of two of the groups, though main guns unable to get shot on target. The JpzIV took traded shots w sherman and some hits from ~1500m but eventually damaged sherman w two casualties, crew bailed though I hope to re-crew later. Bunch of shermans and one T34 are alloted to attack the jpzIV, two shermans and two T34s for the panther. Every tank available has been positioned for a coordinated attack. above, 88 suppressed by MG fire from 4 shermans at 0 and 90 deg to the gun direction. Below, the devil spawn tank destroyer from hell that is wrecking my hopes for promotion. Everything attacks at once and this demon knocks out 3 shermans. The panther knocks out on of my precious T34-85s and takes no damage, the other tanks can't seem to spot him yet. YES!!!!!!!! ah, I know y'all know that feeling! T34-85 just holed the gun mantlet and I am in business! Toothless jpzIV retreats! and I order general advance! My infantry pours forward! I can skirt the panther and get him from behind later. SW objective just a few buildings away, infantry supported by two shermans will make short work of any remaining resistance in that sector in a few minutes
  12. The march to Berlin continues. I was starting to think this battle would be easy. Then two shermans get lit up. There's an AT gun and something else that hit anything that leaves the dead ground. I've ordered infantry to start moving forward. Arty observer getting in position to call strike on AT gun position. This all takes a while, big map & lots of units, but getting there. And I get my first encounter with the weird little 37mm-PZfaust thing. He has the jump on my sherman but first round hits tree and second goes high. He doesn't get a 3rd chance: Meanwhile, some folks need to work on their peripheral awareness: but the russians spot first and the PPsh is at it's best at this short range The advance slows as the armor hides in dead ground. The infantry push forward across a wide front while arty is called in. Hopefully I don't have many more surprises, I am ready to clear up the remaining Germans and move on to the next battle.
  13. yo all, why hostility to young people? It just makes you look foolish. YOU WERE ALL YOUNG ONCE TOO and not endowed with the decades of experience and wisdom you now possess. I bet many of you smoked pot, binge drank, watched way too much TV, wore nylon pants and danced to michael jackson, or banged your heads to crap like Kiss (I did like Kiss in ~7th grade, but one day realized "these guys kinda suck musically" -- fortunately moved on to Allman Brothers multi-year binge (I genuflect and make sign of cross here, blessed be Thine Allmans, may they jam in peace w good soundman)). So yes, you once looked silly to an older generation back in the day. So maybe we let the kids do their thing while they can -- they'll all have kids and mortgages and endless bills and be grumpy soon enough.
  14. At 71 I hope to be playing cm3 and checking the forum where folks are complaining the cm3 is dated and when is cm4 coming out. Oh, and Barbarossa and AK will be out by then on cm3 . Along w all our current cm2 faves. And best of all no day job robbing me of my time & staring-at-computer mental budget. 71 is a ways off for me but it's sounding kinda good right now...
  15. does SlySniper actually know any young people? The ones I know are working their asses off. And last time I checked, it wasn't the young people who've so massively F-up up the world. And here we are on a gaming site, dedicated to the fine art of sitting in front of a screen and playing w pixel armymen, and someone is saying OTHERS sit around all day? This is some of the finest chutzpah I've seen in a while, well done. Every generation things the next generation is worthless. There was a ~40 yr old reporter on a boat w a bunch of young people saying how these kids weren't tough enough, were useless, were immature. Know where that boat was going? -- Tarawa. Same thing, over & over & over, where previous totally F-up generation thinks the next generation is somehow more totally F-ed up. How is it older people completely forget what they were like when they themselves were young? Of course, when I was young all I wanted to do was go to church, do chores, and study. Didn't want to party at all. Or play computer wargames. We're leaving the next generation a really F-ing mess, so we have no room to criticize anyone.
  16. Disabled panther chooses to not flee, more sherman hits bounce off mantlet. Then the big round hole lower right, where I brought up a T34-85. I am keeping my 3 T34s back since they are my best AT assets. Meanwhile, a nashorn shows up at ~1000m sitting the grass. But my shermans have buildings and walls and make short work of what should have been a powerful german asset. The loss of skilled officers at this late stage of the war is showing for the germans. They'd never have sited this vehicle in this way earlier in war. Mighty fine shooting by the sherman, I must say -- two holes on the little bit of the nashorn that could be seen over the sherman's wall cover. (I'm trying to avoid spoilers by not showing where these vehicles are located.)
  17. ahhh, I do love me some professional looking AARs. Thanks for this, it looks like a lot of effort and is much appreciated. Do you use artificial night brightness when you take screenshots? I've noticed in some youtube AARs at night that I can't see anything.
  18. dbsapp: I spotted them early on and was avoiding until I could at least have a chance. Funny watching sherman gun vs panther gun velocity at that range. Like a slingshot vs a laser. I got the one to my left and hopefully that will open things up. I knocked out the bunker on the right by area fire from a sherman that was sitting next to spotting team in house. So far so good. Slow battle w all the units to move through the town. I just took the buildings holding the prisoners.
  19. F&R berlin campaign russian side, battle 5 or 6. I spotted a panther hull down behind a railroad embankment, worked my way up through built-up area to 800m w shermans hull down behind a wall. Panther taking lots of low velocity hits which fortunately are mostly on the weapon mount, with one finally holing the gun -- if ya can't beat, knock out the gun . Lost one sherman, cheap price for a huge gain, as the panther was holding up my entire advance. Big nasty panther now nothing but a rolling machine gun, watching the reds advance unimpeded.
  20. I just finished Tank Action but some british tank 'leftanent', on audio. Quite good.
  21. I've been eyeing 2034. Might be a fun one
  22. c'mon, Amedeo, let us dream a little. It's gonna be 100F (38C) here again today and fighting in the snow is looking kinda good right now
  23. it sure seems that CW is popular, so hopefully all these wishes will come true. "Battle for Scandinavia" module, with all the above forces. Heck yes. Probably a bit lighter forces than in fulda gap, we'd get more infantry/AFV and less MBTs. In the snow! W forest & hills & frozen rivers. campaign where beleaguered force (danes, nords, swedes, or some such) fighting it out in defense/delaying actions w soviet paras & amphib forces, then USMC shows up to help out. I gotta have that. I guess could do same kinda thing in Black Sea also, please
  24. well, that went pretty badly pretty quickly I thought this was fun speculation thread
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