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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. wow, Computer Ambush -- that is bringing back some memories. And Mech Brigade was another I used to love, had a great manual showing all the vehicles. I want to get the new Operational Art of War but I think I still have a couple years of Combat Mission campaigns to finish.
  2. Having said all that, I am still pretty bad at this whole thing sometimes!
  3. This is an aspect of the game that definitely takes some learning. In Normandy battles there's not much high ground and short LOS due to hedgerows. I noticed I was finishing battles with most of my artillery leftover. So I started plotting fire during setup phase -- I assume this was registered by spotter plane? I set for light or harrass and maximum for rear areas so I don't burn up all the ammo right away. That way if I do get LOS/observation on solid target, I can cancel the original fires and make new ones. If I never get a good LOS, at least I am pounding the rearward defenders that I will face sooner or later.
  4. I agree. It sure seems to be about gunner behavior and not accounting well for shielding, if present. I would really like to find some accounts from veterans on this.
  5. Coding complex things is a very nasty world of everything that can go wrong will go wrong, typically, and all the wrongs have to be tracked down & worked around or some such. So hopefully at this point our fine game designer can go back to work on the game we all love. There is little as underappreciated in this world as the complexity of coding something that actually works properly 99.99% of the time.
  6. you mean it can get harder?!? I am on veteran level after over a year and am just now getting 'good' at winning. I agree w folks it would be great to have new engine, new things. But I am mainly just grateful that we have such a great game series as this. I still have dozens and dozens of campaign battles to fight out, plus the standalone scenarios. And I haven't yet gotten Black Sea. I have years of content right now with the limited time I have to play. Of course, the graphics refresh is very choppy (is it the hedgerows & trees?) and I would like that to be better (I need to take a look at some of the tips here & adjust NVidia settings) Having said all that, I sure would like some 1980s Nato vs Warsaw Pact action.
  7. When I started with the game I was playing realtime. But I noticed that I would miss so much of the action, even in relatively small battles. So I started using WeGo and started enjoying the game much more. And had more success, since I could replay the action and see what happened to each unit that was under fire. There's nothing better than replaying a tank shootout from both sides, watching the rounds fly past. Now I would only use realtime in very small battles, if then.
  8. indeed, heavy tanks were very rare. And on a 1000 mile front the russians would be only sometimes be facing significant numbers of tigers or even panthers -- that's why the germans ended up reeling backwards over & over again. The russians were stopped as much by supplies as by the germans in many of the major campaigns of 1944-45.
  9. indeed! we've all lost plenty of the 'superior' equipment to know that superior is an edge, not a guarantee. I like stuarts. like little nasty fast hornets.
  10. also need to just play. If you've got cromwells/churchills vs tigers, you have to use flanks and/or get lucky. I hit a tiger b/w turret & chassis & jammed turret when surprised by head-on tiger. Another time hit tiger's gun -- then chased him like wolves after a buffalo until I got in the killing shot into his rear plate. Nothing in the game is invincible. All things are vulnerable. Makes it dangerous and fun no matter what battle you are in.
  11. quite lovely. thanks for the work in putting that together. I gotta go fight that battle myself now.
  12. Interesting but I am a bit suspicious as to whether it's real. The intense heat and high forces, I would think, would not leave the shell looking so unblemished. But perhaps it's real. I actually hope it's real because it's so very, very cool.
  13. I really love these battlefront games overall. Been playing for a few months. I am wondering how can I edit the campaign battles? I am really sick of the too-strict (for me) time limits on everything and I want to give myself a little more time. I do this all the time in scenarios. Anyone know how to do this in campaigns?
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