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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. OMG YOU PLAYED W ED KING!!!! that is a crazy, wonderful story!!!!! he was such a tasteful, melodic lead player. When I was young I learned i Know a Little, which I thought I could play properly until every time when I tried to play it along w record at proper tempo and would end up fumbling it. I think that needs to be my next guitar project
  2. I hear ya, Landser. That lack of semi-hollow definitely drove my recent choice. And I bought online, which hurt my soul. But there were none of what I wanted in Oregon anywhere. The Jag buyer bought local off craigslist so he was able to play it, fortunately. My local music store shut down some years ago. there's still a small outfit in town that I use but not much selection. So I end up online buying more than I'd prefer. Explorer & Skynrd, that is cool indeed. I remember when they had the plane accident, killing singer & the new guitarist (who I thought was great!).
  3. Guitar is a very personal choice. I coached my son's band starting in 3rd grade. They were all in some rock school and I told some other parents that we could do this for free at my house, I've got PA, everything, and I'd coach. The band was together until high school graduation, even let me in the band for their "farewell tour" gigs as they approached graduation. By high school they would use me as a consultant sometimes as practice, not needing coaching anymore, but I was still soundman, gear slave & roadie, which was work but fun. The guitar choices were interesting. The ACDC-loving kid chose a black SG, which being so light was a great choice for the skinny little fella. The other guitar player didn't like my Vox S33 guitar and never wanted to use it at practice, preferring his gawd-awful squire, but then he saw a grey tiger-stripe kinda guitar that he fell in love with and had to have it. He didn't even know it was same model as my Vox except double cutaway and different color. Guitars are so much about personal look & feel. So a month ago the kid band bass player wanted my input on a used fender jaguar he saw online, light blue, very surfer. I started suggesting other similar sounding guitars that might be better for the money, going through all kinds of choices. Then I realized what he really wanted was my support for his choice, because he had already fallen in love with that specific guitar. So what he needed was to hear "you are not getting ripped off, this is a good choice" which it was, and he got it and is happy. Amps for me are more about numbers almost -- it does this, does that, has these tubes, this kind of breakup, etc. But a guitar is not just an instrument, it's something you wear. It is as much a fashion choice as a practical choice. I don't like SGs, but they sure are loved by the SG folks. I don't like pointy edged metal-band guitars, but the metals folks wouldn't be caught dead playing my new vox bobcat. Even though these all play really well and sound really good. This is totally off track from CM but at least it's a nice discussion. Elvis will have to shut it down due to lack of controversy. So does anyone actually like flying Vs? So uncomfortable to me. Yeah, they look kinda cool, but really are a goofy creature.
  4. Yeah, I was thinking you would need an attenuator when I read "100 watt marshall" I hear you on the champ, I had one also. But my biggest regret is selling my "57 tweed vibrolux -- WTF was I think all those years ago?????? These days I have a valve-state marshall (is just ok) but my real amp is vox ac15. Plus I got a vox mini superbeetle for free recently, which sounds amazing. And I've got some amp modeling pedals I run thru a PA speaker for getting good tone while staying pretty quiet.
  5. Those two LPs are absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen that 'woody' one on the left before, very very very nice! Thanks for the corrections. Maybe you should send pics of your whole collection, including amps
  6. BeyondTheGrave: Dude, so sorry, that was really painful and I'm not even an eagles fan though they're my fave in that division. I was hoping Jalen would have his great breakout career-launching game. I'm a bengal fan so 31 years of losses broken yesterday.
  7. seriously, give Elvis a F-ING break and drop the political stuff. This is a thread about an imaginary CMBS or CMCW NATO expansion to include soldiers who talk like Aragorn. And hopefully it will become a reality.
  8. anyway, moving on. I am sad that the Dutch don't look like they are coming 2022. We all saw the plans. Unless maybe the dutch are the surprise Steve mentioned.....
  9. I sincerely hope this isn't going to turn gay-bashing and woman-bashing on this Holiest of all Holy Days in the Elvis calender. His Philiadelphia Eagles are playing in the NFL playoffs at this very moment and he doesn't need to be bothered having to babysit the forum at this special, deeply spiritual time. The eagles are basically the american engineers against Peiper's armored behemoth right now.
  10. what, are you playing on your phone? wtf. we can all read things fine. Do you have a really small screen or something? This is not world of tanks.
  11. On to mission #6. Peiper again delayed by what in english is called "my day job", also my new guitar and NFL football, all conspiring to suck the time away. Which reminds me, I hope BFC shows some compassion and releases some new stuff before the playoffs end. Anyway, battle #6. Says I start w a Spitze group with reinforcements coming later. Usual great big map, which again THANKS to the author for the effort in making it really feel right. I send two PZ4s (on hunt) a little ahead of the main column, thinking I won't get hit until I reach more defensible terrain later. But it's 1900 hours, very dark, so anywhere is liable to provide an ambush. And it does.... Where is all this coming from?? someone is tossing grenades onto my engine deck. Kinda wish I had those side skirts, maybe would block the low throws. And what is this? Satchel charge? --- dang Ami engineers! (note artificial brightness turned on here, alt-B for new folks, you don't have to play in the dark the whole time) Tank #2 moves up to support, not understanding the threat is RIGHT THERE IN THE BUSHES! It's knocked out also. This is not a good start, to say the least. I don't have cheap armored cars or other recon assets so I am very vulnerable to this sort of thing. And did I mention it's really dark out? Most WW2 armies did not like night ops unless they had a good reason or no choice, here's great example of why. Few engineers in the bushes just knocked out two expensive vehicles and killed most of the expensive crewmen. I don't mind losing the Ardennes as the germans because I actually should lose considering the whole thing had zero (less than zero?) chance of success. But I don't want to lose just 36 hours into the fight!
  12. That is some fine optimism right there, Aragorn. May all your wishes come true. Soon!
  13. USMC vs russia, airborne forces!!!!! That will be great! Get some more infantry-based fighting. so BFC is working to get all its content updated to the same level and up on steam. That's great, it has a cost but it has to be done. There's a CMBS module coming, plus they ARE working on engine5! And Steve said there'd be new content to go along w the steam releases. Not bad. Plus he promised a surprise. I like surprises, though I still haven't recovered emotionally from wetting my pants when CM was announced out of the blue. I get that it's not barbarossa or the other stuff many of us are clamoring for, but getting everything updated to same level is important going forward I think, and knowing engine5 is in active dev is heartening for sure.
  14. I don't know art but I know what I like. and this is art. nicely done.
  15. I keep hoping the reason for the delay is they are working on something big and are just waiting until they have it all ready before dropping one or more bombs on us. But maybe they are just too busy w bigger customers. Which is OK I just wish I knew. If there's nothing coming for 6 months, I'd rather know than wonder. However, I am still betting that there is something coming.
  16. The French would be fun also, I agree, they have unique gear. Always fun to have a whole new set of toys.
  17. Heck yes Dutch should be in!! Why should they be spared from my ongoing tactical blunders
  18. If I may paraphrase someone's post from when I got going w CM ~2015 (I had the old version ~20 years ago but never got it figured out). Someone said ~this game is not 'hard', it's 'realistic', and will punish the player for not using proper, realistic tactics. And it takes a while to understand what tactics are available and what to use. The BFC top dog once said "use smoke, lots of smoke" -- true words. Send out scouts. Use hull down. Use shoot & scoot (drive up, pause for ~10 seconds to fire, then pull back to cover again). Lots to learn. Like MontyMM above said, get the theater you like the best. And then watch lots of youtube videos, there's tons of them.
  19. A. Dvorack -- I couldn't afford a 1950s goldtop, of course, so bought this ~10 years ago as next best thing. Vox series 33 gold top, w tele-single coil / P90 sounds available via the top switch. The series 55 had 3rd choice of humbucker. A GREAT guitar for the money. And now my new guitar is delayed due to shipping, stuck in distribution center a few hours away, should arrive Wednesday. Torture.
  20. OK, let's blame covid. I got covid a couple weeks ago, kid came back from college in Montana, a decidedly covid-carefree state, infected everyone in sight. I suppose everyone just about in the US will get exposed to omicron, it's crazy contagious. Vaxxed and boosted (I am 'sheeple' according to Qanon types), fortunately. Was sick one day, half sick another, then just some fatigue for a few days. Fortunately my sick day was NFL football sunday, so spent all day watching, pretty good deal. It did help to delay my rampage in ardennes for a few days though. I just did solid 45 minutes on my ski machine, so lungs are quite unaffected.
  21. whoa, that is messed up. So is it FB or The Google that is doing this I wonder?
  22. I am deeply concerned by the lack of conspiracy theories on this subject. Where is the creativity? I expected some "Steve took all the pre-order money and left for Brazil" (note, there's no pre-orders and hence no pre-order money right now -- the impossibility makes it perfect for a conspiracy theory)
  23. Battle continues. 0430 hours, advancing along forest track through forest, no maneuver options, just have to follow the road. But it's dark and surprise is still on my side as the Amis probably think it's some american units approaching in the dark. I am guessing they are half asleep, cold, wet, miserable and have no idea Germans would be coming down this crappy road that goes nowhere. Scouts forward, don't want to blunder into Ami position. Someone yells "KRAUTS! Hundreds of them!!". The bleary eyed Amis stare in shock for a second, then let loose with their rifles & BARs! A couple mad minutes of night firing ensues, I lose a few but knock out the platoon in the foxholes and the house. The column moves forward, knocking out any opposition, but taking more infantry casualties that I probably can't afford. And on to battle #5, as Spitze group tries to skirt past Honsfeld. Again in the pitch dark. At a road junction, the column collides with some US vehicles entering the same road out of nowhere. The jeep is destroyed but the fire lights up my vehicles, which immediately take fire from M8s positioned nearby. The M8s are taken out, but I lose a tank crewman and a 75mm SPW is immobilized. Every burning vehicle creates a potential death zone of light around it, so I try to avoid those areas as best I can. I am confident there's no one in the houses ahead so I don't send out separate scouts, surely anyone there would've fired by now -- how many times must I do the same incredibly stupid thing before I learn my lesson?? and the cost of stupid: What an excellent campaign, just feels so much like what I've read about those first days of the offensive. Bad terrain, small groups of nasty GIs, a constant whittling down of my infantry & vehicles.
  24. Vast majority of rock/pop stuff uses some mix of 1-4-5 chords and maybe a 6 and/or a 3 thrown in. Bowie typically would break that formula, changing keys here & there and back again, throwing in a minor where one expects a major. Only really good songwriters can do this and actually make it work into a something that fits together.
  25. That Ziggy Stardust distortion + les paul sound, absolutely epic
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