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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by antaress73

  1. It has 0% effectiveness according to one report. -35 celcius with the wind outside and 4 inches of snow falling, blizzard like conditions. Not working today . Time for some battles hehe
  2. Sorry for spamming.. The post button was stuck on my phone again
  3. I think his point was that the T-90 was so quick and accurate that his overwatch Javelins did not have time to react and save his striker platoon before they could kill the T-90
  4. Artillery and mortar deployed smoke is not multispectrum blocking. It's good old WP. Only the vehicule's smoke grenades are IR blocking.
  5. I drink myself to sleep. Thinking of all the lives I wasted because of my incompetence
  6. It is a difficult scenario for the Russians. Im not bragging but in contrast to the others I had a pretty good success , that was the point. I played it with my 9 years old son at my side and he did give me one or two good pieces of advice
  7. The russians would not probably use it "on call" .. but following reconnaissance (they are very good at it) , they would use it on force concentrations. They used Iskander's with DCIPM in Georgia with great success. They would locate defensive positions and use MASS smerch fire on them using DCIPM... that would ruin your day even before making direct contact with russian forces.
  8. I have a question.. when they say in the victory conditions that you get X number of points for keeping your casualties under 30%, does it count only the killed or does it include killed and wounded (total incapacitated soldiers). I ask this because in my last battle, I received the Bonus for keeping casualties under 30% but in the AAR, when I calculated the killed and wounded, it added up to 41% casualties by my calculations. Also, It would be logical to buddy aid to reduce the number of dead soldiers if only the dead is counted for the score. I'm a very heartless commander, I never deliberately move units to buddy aid severely wounded soldiers because i'm a methodical player and I would not have time to seize the objectives if I did that.. that's why my killed/wounded ratio is almost always equal. I'm a bastard If I do it, it's only to recover an important and scarce weapon, like an RPG launcher or squad machinegun.
  9. *******WARNING SPOILER ********** I played this scenario as the Russians, I dont want to brag but I got a Total victory. 750-100. The Ukrainians were down to 16 men holed up in the apartment complex. I lost 17 killed and 17 wounded along with 3 BTRs (2 on fire and another damaged and abandoned) . It's a challenging scenario for the Russians, no wonder people playing Ukraine against the AI are trashing the Russians. I used what little mortar rounds I had on the grenade launcher on the rooftop, using airbursts. I also killed an RPG team I detected on a rooftop on the other side of the bridge with my sniper team. BMP-2s are better than in Shock force BTW, they detected and killed some of my guys at long range. The Oplot tank almost ruined my day but I detected it in time and managed to move two of my BTRs to a safe location. It ran into the other two at extreme close range (my BTRs were on a reverse slope) and it got raked pretty good by the two 30mm cannons (1 partial and I complete penetration). It nonetheless managed to kill one BTR and damage the other, with the surviving BTR's driver fleeing in panic. The Oplot then retreated because of too much damage and I finished it later with a dismounted RPG team from the infantry. Plenty of great nail biting moments in that battle. Best fun I've ever had in Combat mission. I was about to kill the tank when I first detected it (with an RPG team) but after staying still for two turns at a crossroad, the sucker decided to move out of sight as my RPG man was going to press the trigger hehe (costed me a BTR later) The snipers that I sneaked in the little warehouse taking out the RPG team on the rooftop on the other side of the bridge was great too. I took out the last BMP at the corner of the map near the apartment complex using an antitank team I separated from the company HQ squad. I had loaded the squad with 4 RPG-26s acquired from the BTR and the team crawled its way to a nice flanking position on the BMP and nailed it on the second shot (they had two). Ammo expenditures for covering fire were extreme and for the first time in a game I had to bring forward the BTRs to resplenish my infantry.
  10. russia against Ukraine is similar to the US forces against the syrians in shock force. I played the US and Russia. (first two scenarios) . Got a major victory as the US in the first scenario and a total victory as the Russians in "Going to town", which is challenging for the Russians.
  11. an Oplot coming from nowhere tried to do the same thing to my BTR-82As, it got zapped with some penetrations by two 30mm cannons at close range.. he got one of the BTRs, damaged another but had to retreat because it took too much damage ... I finished it later with a dismounted RPG team from the infantry
  12. No casualties.. Great ! Russian mortars killed the lieutenant's HQ unit and a few guys from the squad .. I couldnt locate the FO until late in the game . You couldnt stay put more than one turn unless you wanted accurate airburst mortar rounds down your throat. Made setting up a base of fire with the MGs problematic. To add insult to injury, once located, the lone survivor of the russian FO unit survived close range supressive fire and a few hand grenades directly on top of him to kill two of my guys with his AK
  13. At-9 ataka has top attack capability (35 degrees) and its also not modeled in game.. Trophy intercepts it just fine
  14. Similar to WWII ..even then . the size of the armies made things much worse. Modern armies are much smaller even compared to the cold war.. That would have been an horrific carnage
  15. I played the first scenario as the americans (as intended). Got a minor victory but my god, this is NOT the Syrians. Took 50% casualties and I was very careful. A reckless approach will get you slaughtered. The russians are not dying as quickly as the syrians in a firefight and are more resistant to arty (better body armor and helmet). Keeping up a base of fire to cover your advancing troops is not easy
  16. at 3500 meters a lucky hit on the gun mantlet by a snivets-2 round could ruin an M1A2's day even if hull down.
  17. I bypassed my router and plugged my cable modem directly in the computer and it's fine now.. 50%
  18. if it's unlimited bandwidth how come i'm not hitting max ? been trying to download since this afternoon.. my dlink piece of $%/$?%"/$?% router kept losing the network.. now i'm direct from cable modem to computer so it should be okay. My kids lost the wireless for now and they give me dirty looks LOL
  19. russians have night vision on their rifles but are not expected to fight without APC or BMP support which has thermals.. different doctrines. US is geared more towards counter-insurgency and avoiding losses in such a setting. So foot patrols are more likely so that's why every soldier has the thermal/night vision hybrid googles. Arghh... I can only write in the forums for now... still downloading.. the kids will get supper afterall
  20. body armor for the russian ratnik is at least equal. Probably for the night thermals. Is your scenario at night ? Every US soldier has one.
  21. I have my kids tonite... here's some frozen stuff... leave me alone LOL
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