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Everything posted by antaress73

  1. Russian official doctrine didnt require a javelinski because NATO wasnt a potential adversary and Russia didnt expect to fight western tanks. What they had was good enough for potential adversaries. Now that has changed and priorities in programs and fund allocations will change.
  2. it explains it... because with a commander manning the panoramic sight they spot first .. usually.. the MGS were facing me and tried to pop smoke and back off before the Kornets slammed into them.. at 400 meters
  3. hehehe well.. in objective delta.. two of my strikers MGS were killed by RPGs at more than 200 meters so yeah... I wont buy a lottery ticket anytime soon
  4. So motor rifle troop leaders should be issued day optics (1P63) .. Leader and assistant much like handless radios presently on the game.
  5. yup the russians look way nastier with your mod... it closely matches the little polite green men we saw in Crimea
  6. Be sure to leave an infantry leader in your BMP-2Ms to act as commander or else that little panoramic sight for the commander wont be of any use and you wont appreciate how deadly this thing is. With only the crew it is not nearly as efficient. Do this and that thing is nasty as hell with a good crew. It spots first 95% of the time and it has more firepower than almost anything else in the game. It killed a few MGS and TOW strikers without any losses in my last game.
  7. It's against the A.I so same thing . i wouldnt do that in real life. I was a bit ticked off by my RPG teams who fired 7 Rockets at it undetected .. All @#$%% missing at ranges if 150-200 meters lol
  8. The BMP-2M has good optics..the panoramic independent sight for the commander gives it a hunter-killer capability. One was killed by the Bradley when the pair moved into view (spotted it a half-second too late)but the second one did spot the Bradley fast and pumped it full of 30mm at the same time
  9. From what i understand.. If you have a contact being communicated to a unit when that unit gets in LOS of the "spotted by someone else" contact you get a spotting bonus.. They know where to look.. In red thunder my infantry spots tanks then when I bring m'y own tanks to engage it, I send the infantry unit that spotted the enemy tank near my tank to share the info. My tank now has a possible contact showing when i select it and using a hunt command I bring it in LOS of the contact and it usually spots it much quicker and engages it
  10. You know why I've been playing Combat Mission since 2000 ? It has a soul, character, its detailed and historically accurate without feeling like a shore to play and best of all, it's fun and it let me explore a subject i've always been interested in without risking life, limb and my conscience
  11. We need to have that T-72BZ with the commander's panoramic sight in a future module or patch. It would greatly help in spotting faster (the T-72b3 is already a quick draw) and give the russians another tank with hunter-killer capabilities to balance things out.
  12. Facemasks in summer .. Watch out for heat exhaustion
  13. I guess that thé fact that the BMPs are moving and the Bradley is not negates their spotting bonus provided by the panoramic sight and also their crew is green and regular and the Bradley is vétéran. I'll lose one but the other will kill it.
  14. If it can fight western tanks on equal terms and be javelin proof (new APS)/that will be a success.
  15. Thats why the two on one attack ... Three Rpg teams fired 7 ..yes 7 RPGs at the Brad from well concealed positions at a range of 168 meters.. All missing ! Talk about bad luck !
  16. I find funny that the russian infantry is probably more accurate at night than during the day because of the night sights on their weapons. Is it light intensifiers or thermals ? Why no optics on daytime russians ? From what i've read, it is now common even among run of the mill motor rifle troops.
  17. I have two questions: the BMP-2M has a panoramic day/night sight for the commander, is that modeled ? Spotting bonus ? Can The older APDS 30mm round penetrate the front of a Bradley with ERA at ranges of 200 meters ? I want to know because i'm about to commit two BMP-2M to a frontal attack on a BRadley FIST (no flanking opportunities )
  18. It can also fly and take on the F-22 in a dogfight so it will also replace all fighters in the Russian air force, achieving maximum standardisation.
  19. The at-4c produces as much fire as a dragon lol
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