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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Yes. I can't remember Skoda having plants in Poland. Of course we didn't have tanks in my day.
  2. Such a headline would never have appeared, in any kind of history, one would much rather have read, "Baldwin drives Musso out of Abyssinia". Although, I suspect that The Daily Fascist would have been loath to have printed such a headline. Doesn't quite have the same ring as "Hurrah for the Blackshirts".
  3. He, and his brother Austin had the same choice that their father's ex girlfriend Sylvia Pankhurst had.
  4. He sold the only democracy in central Europe down the river. Allowed Mad Addy to walk in without having to fight through it's defences. And gave him all their tanks, which he then used to invade Poland, France et al.
  5. Perhaps his commanding officer should have ordered him to clear the Scheldt on September 5th, and given him and the Canadians the tools to do the job. But, who knows he might have been having too much fun singing "I wish I could shimmy like my driver Kay".
  6. As Paddy said to him, "That's the problem with you bloody Anglicans, you think you know everything. Why not have a drink with me and Mr Jorrocks, it might loosen you up a bit".
  7. You could well be right, but as head of the M.O.D. he would have had final say in the matter, even if he didn't dream up the name. He did joke to Smuts that it was named after him because it was "no bloody good".
  8. I'd only want to play that if they include Private Pike.
  9. What is British slang? Now try answering that and keeping it CM related.
  10. Sorry, I was trying to confine my answer to vehicles that currently appear in the game. Exits stage right, quart of Elizabeth's (tax exempt) Whitehall Extra Stout in hand --------->
  11. I was just suggesting why he would have had a tank named after him.
  12. This is a game forum, so let's keep it both simple and relevant. The answer can be found in tank names. Cromwell - Great war leader, useless as Lord Protector, and loathed by his own comrades such as the Diggers and the Levellers. Churchill - Great war leader, the worst occupant of No. 11 ever, and as a floor crosser loathed by many in both the Liberal, and Conservative parties. We don't have a tank called the .... Atlee - Christian cadet corps leader, coalition builder, defeater of Halifax's attempts to bring down Churchill in 1940, and as Lord Privy Seal and de facto Leader of the House of Commons he "ran" the country, leaving Churchill free to run the M.O.D. and boost the morale of the people.
  13. I think that you'll find that it was Atlee who ran Limeyland during WW2, and it was Eleanor who ran USAtia. Meanwhile, Elizabeth says I can't even run a whelk stall down the Mile End Road
  14. Perhaps one of the scenario designers might see this thread, and pick up the gauntlet.
  15. You might want to reread that page. It doesn't include the phrase "commonwealth campaign". It says that the Commonwealth side are represented in "stunning detail". Sadly, in regards to "Husky," that is confined to stand alone battles, and the Fallschirmjager campaign where you are playing against the British.
  16. The wall thing can be a bit of a pain in the 'arris. I think that it happens because walls, fences, etc are placed running down the middle of an AS, or diagonally across them. Whereas movement paths go from AS to AS. Perhaps someone with map editing skills can offer a fuller explanation in due course. As for Stuarts, in my book the only good Stuart, is a dead Stuart.
  17. Looks like a Dog Training Course.... "Walkieeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss". (You have to be a Limey to get that one)
  18. I always thought that they rioted in Trumpton, rather than crashed.
  19. Despite my reputation as being just a tad puritanical, I can't help but think that the ** should be in the H-word, rather than the one beginning with f.
  20. With The Bullingdon Buffoon in power perhaps you might want to reconsider your involvement with our government. I'd hate to see heads roll.
  21. Lucky for him he never got to Antwerp. He'd have had my Granddad Paddy to deal with, and would have died under a hail of empty John Martin's Gunness bottles.
  22. That is very true. We have a lot of Ghurkas in my home town and very few of them are taller than me, and I'm only 5ft8. Although what they lack in inches they make up for in politeness.
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