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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. More great story telling. I'm with the guy on the far left closest to the building. Keeping my mouth shut, and hoping that someone in front of me cops it instead of me.
  2. So no avenue in Paris named after you then. Ne'er mind, I'm sure your day will come. Happy gaming.
  3. All I could find was a few stories over the weekend on their website.
  4. I think this is what is meant a crop mod.... Or
  5. Yes, I have watched the footage of his tandem jump on the BBC a couple of times. An old girlfriend of mine emigrated to The Netherlands in the 1980's. During the 1990's she ran a restaurant in a village just off of "Hell's Highway", every September she would have veterans in there.
  6. I really want CMWVS.... Whingers vs Satisfied.. In it I will be able to deploy my Witchfinder squads to horribly torture the moaners. Just joking.
  7. Just spent my Sunday lunch watching the brilliant "Market Garden 60 years on" produced by TV Gelderland.
  8. I've heard of the Bois de Lebisey, it's near Caen. But I don't know where Fanbois is.
  9. Which begs the question, what advantage did you gain from fighting in Telegraphpoleland as opposed to fighting in Italy?
  10. I've never heard it called "telephone" before. We used to call it "Chinese Whispers". Heads off to brekky humming "Limehouse Blues".
  11. I don't often stick up for the B's. But, I had a Martin Niemoller moment.
  12. Getting your men to throw grenades can be a bit tricky. In case of hedgerows and walls, I tend to use area fire i.e. a grey line target.
  13. Perhaps he is hinting that he would like an early war CM set in Pole-land. Well, someone had to say it.
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