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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Nice link. I'd also point new comers to the top post in the list on the main page entitled "BATTLE DRILL".
  2. So far, I'm finding them very useful in their indirect role. Buildings being brought down, or hit hard enough for there to be dead Amis inside when my blokes occupy them.
  3. So far I am enjoying v.2, even the unpleasant surprises thrown up by a different AI plan.
  4. Can't go through February 14th without sending someone a Valentine's.
  5. Yes, it is. My joking directions to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal were a reference to the OP being from The Netherlands.
  6. @umlaut Interesting video, I've not seen anything quite like that before. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Nah, the "conker" is the fruit, not the leaf.
  8. @umlaut In my view you are better off without Reshade. Your stuff looks great as it is. From what I have seen of Reshade it makes CM look ugly, in fact almost unwatchable.
  9. Shame that we don't have the original commentary from British Pathe. As for the German tanks they were all knocked out on the day by tanks and an AT gun from 7th Armoured. Just to make sure that they couldn't be recovered if the Limeys had to withdraw they were set alight with petrol soaked rags. Over the next few days there were hit again by both fighter bombers whose pilots didn't know that they had been knocked out, as well as in the heavy bomber raid on the town.
  10. Thanks for your efforts. Looking forward to giving this version a go.
  11. Happy to oblige. I hope things go OK for you and yours soon.
  12. Oh dear. Our resident neo-nazi is having one of those days. Let's please get back to Red Thunder.
  13. Walk south down Whitehall Street, and keep going when you reach the end.
  14. FFS talk about Red Thunder of shut the F up.
  15. When someone calls Steve and Charles "Motherf*ckers" should we even have to tolerate him on this forum?
  16. It worked OK. Although it was a fairly easy Total Victory for the Limeys.
  17. I haven't been able to find "Tiger by the Tail" in cmmods.
  18. I am minded to think of a certain tune by Miles Davis. But, I will instead suggest that you read the post directly above mine. I was agreeing with the good General that we don't have borg-spotting in CMx2.
  19. I can just imagine having the Horse Chestnut in game. "Ooh, Uncle Arthur can we have a game of conkers?" "Not now Frank, I think that it might be best if we concentrate on the Germans."
  20. Thanks for the reply. And don't worry about your English, it's far better than my French.
  21. I see a weathered British face every time I look in the mirror.
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