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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Yes, I used to enjoy the sound of the punches and yells etc that you got with the original game.
  2. I didn't know that. It's been a good few years since I played it. What was the variant you have in mind called?
  3. It was the M36 Jackson in Beyond Overlord, and that's good enough for me.
  4. The millers set the brakes to "on" and legged it as soon as the bullets started flying.
  5. I really don't know what BFC have in mind for the future. Of course, the Vehicle Pack included Bunkers, so there is always a chance of more obstacles and fortifications becoming available.
  6. Crashed gliders would certainly look good. But I'm not sure how they could be included in the game. I've not seen any fields containing obstacles other than barbed wire. I agree with you it would be nice to have "Rommel's asparagus" and such like in the game.
  7. If you are going to introduce para drops into the game, where do you begin? When they leave the plane? When they hit the ground? Or somewhere in between? I really don't see the point of a whole new pack taking in transport planes, gliders, a "Remove parachute" command etc... The scenario editor allows us to replicate the randomness of parachute operations if we wish. And that seems fine to me.
  8. I tried playing this as the Germans. The AI dropped a few smoke rounds during the 1st turn, then nothing happened. I waited,for the Amis to attack for 50 minutes and still nothing, so I gave up. It's a shame cuz I really enjoy fighting battles from both sides.
  9. I have to admit that despite having this game for about 8 months, I didn't know until yesterday that Panzerfaust had instruction labels on them, let alone that the labels come in different colours. I'm a novice when it comes to posting screenshots. So I hope it works.
  10. I've lost count of the times I've yelled at my tank commanders in somewhat more expletive-laden language than Slim's when the lead has started flying. It would be nice if the moment the words "Hit, front turret" appeared on screen the commander buttoned up. Although I suspect if that was built into the game, we would then get people complaining that commanders were buttoning-up too quickly.
  11. I've seen spent cartridges being ejected from MGs and rifles quite often. And I do like to capture vehicle crews in mid-air when they are bailing out. But seeing printing on mortar rounds and smoke grenades is something totally new to me. I will certainly be looking harder in the future, providing I'm not spending the "Replay Phase" watching my men getting killed. Haha.
  12. Brilliant pictures. I think I might have to start zooming in a bit closer in the future.
  13. "Replay mode", and recording the game are two different things. Replay mode is the games way of allowing you to watch the turn you have just played over and over again. And works much like any other video, dvd cd etc... using the same standard "arrow" and "pause", "stop" symbols. To actually "record" your game so that you can watch it when you are not playing it, or so that you can post a video of your game on youtube or some similar public channel, you would need to use video capture software, such as "Bandicam" or "FRAPS". A lot of forum members make great videos and I'm sure one of them will soon be able to give you a more detailed answer.
  14. Very helpful diagrams. I try to use "Pause" commands when handling "Convoys" of vehicles, and try to keep in mind the different speeds that vehicles travel at. And bear in mind that turning circles will vary from vehicle type to vehicle type. I think that "Ubique" is something of a "one-off" as a traffic jam inducing battle, at least, I hope it is.
  15. If you really want to experience one hell of a traffic jam try playing the battle "Ubique" as the British. It is hard enough trying to move your vehicles let alone keeping an eye out for the Germans. And I certainly agree it really does pay if you monitor your vehicles each and every turn.
  16. I rant and rave at my comp when "my" tanks get their tracks ruined by one infantryman with a single grenade. And, I cheer like crazy when "my" men do it to the enemy. Tanks getting disabled or knocked out by hand grenades isn't down to bad game design. It is down to "us" not using our tanks properly. Remember the bocage country was a rotten place to fight in, especially for tank crews who didn't know what was on the other side of "that hedge". So, "if in doubt, flush 'em out", with your infantry.
  17. There was a fairly extensive discussion about this in a recent thread. And for what my Limey opinion is worth I feel it is beyond the scope of CM. The game since it's inception has always been about those 30, 45, 60 odd minutes of action that take place during a "days" fighting. Digging foxholes, eating food, cleaning weapons etc are all assumed to take place either before or after combat.
  18. A great looking map. It differs quite a bit from some of the other scenarios representing this battle that I've seen and played. Just a shame that this seems to be playable H2H only.
  19. I've played it from both sides against the AI. Really enjoyable scenario.
  20. I did a bit of a re-jig of this mission too. Mainly replacing the "Bocage" tiles with a mixture of trees and hedges to try and give the map more of a Dutch look to it. That is about as far as my map making skills stretch.
  21. I will certainly bear it in mind. Although having bought the "Big Bundle" and been working my way chronologically through the Historical/semi-historical battles it will certainly be a long time before I take on any of the fictional battles.
  22. I'm not an expert on Dutch railways. But the stretch in this scenario is the main line that runs from Arnhem all the way down to Maastricht via Nijmegen. Given the size of the rail bridges over the Neder Rijn, Waal and Maas I imagine that it was double tracked all the way.
  23. From what I've seen none of the Rail Bridges in the Scenario Editor replicate what there is on this road at this particular point. Rather than a free-standing bridge with arches etc. It is a cut, or break in the rail embankment to allow the road through. Maybe in time the scenario editor will give the map makers a tool to create such a feature. In the meantime I admire anyone who can create such good looking maps as we have in the game.
  24. If they give an award for worst CM Video of the Year this has to be in the running. I managed about a minute before switching it off, if that.
  25. I didn't realise that it was 7KM long.. Must have been the lure of Trappist Beer at the end of my walk that made it seem shorter.
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