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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. After June 7th the antipathy was mutual, with the Canadians even being called "Tommie SS". It wouldn't be surprising if some of the Canadians who arrived here in the summer of '40 heard stories about Wormhout, and passed those stories on to later arrivals. And the Canadians were therefore determined to get their revenge in first. Perhaps IanL or another of our Canadian forumites, might be able to confirm or disprove that notion.
  2. If you do a quick search you find that this has been discussed quite a bit on the Final Blitzkrieg section of the forum.
  3. An interesting video, albeit flawed in certain respects e.g the Nazis view of "socialism" being the same as other socialists. But, that is for another forum, not this one. For me, it only took one advert to know that this movie wasn't going to be my cup of tea.
  4. Having just moved home, whilst unpacking I found my copy of Beyond Overlord and took a look at the contents of the Bonus Disc, without actually re-installing the game. Judging by the names and the dates there are 6 or 7 scenarios based in the South of France. Whilst the good old Operations covered a period from Market Garden through to Mid-January. There is even a couple of folders of Mods which I don't remember seeing at the time.
  5. Ithikial often says in his videos that he has a beer on hand whenever playing CM. Of course, being a 400 year old Puritan I disapprove of the use of both beer and Rizlas (or The Devil's Papers as we call them). And I have no use for such things. The Lord always guides me in battle. .... Exits stage right Limey tongue firmly in cheek --------------->
  6. When it comes to the "Heebee jeebees" you really can't beat Satchmo's version.
  7. I've never seen anyone with a gun in a Dutch church. Although me and a couple of mates did make the mistake of walking into a church not far from Hell's Highway whilst there was a funeral going on back in 1993... Ooops!
  8. Don't worry Holman, at 418 years old I don't think the army will take me back.
  9. Just play in the dark, and hum Nat Cole's "Let there be love" as you slaughter the foe.
  10. If I was a Belgian Catholic priest I'd be just a tad annoyed if the crew left the engine running during Mass. Of course, as a Puritan cavalry officer and general, I think, "Oh gosh. I could have done with the few of those, Rupert's boys would have found our God's wrath over whelming and the war would have been over in a flash".
  11. Although you can toggle as described by Holman. The guys on the ground in the winter of '44/45 couldn't do it, so I don't either. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment.
  12. I do have a fondness for people down that way. Just a shame I keep killing them in Normandy, with my useless tactics.
  13. No, these guys aren't looking for beer. They're from "Somerzet where dee cider ahples grow". Would be nice if we could have a west country voice mod for when playing as the 43rd (Wessex) Divison
  14. It says that they are crossing the Muehl, there is a Little Muehl and a Great Muehl. They are tributaries of the Donau/Danube not far from the Austrian border. So this picture might show one of those. Exits stage right, singing "Jeeps and Guns and Tanks" to the tune of "Trains and Boats and Planes" ------------------>
  15. What a great shoot out. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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