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Everything posted by gnarly

  1. I'm happy to help with Installer testing Chris; got VM's for most every OS known to man.. heehee Looking forward to it. And looking forward to the demo to bide the time!
  2. Noted if I ever play you in the WW2 era...
  3. As per IanL's comment, in the initial screen, you have 'Unit Purchase' set to 'Human' for both the Russians and Ukrainians. So you will see an army purchase screen for both (as you have chosen to manually select both armys); in your screenshots case, you are first being shown the Ukrainian 'Defenders'. Once you have completed the Ukrainian Defenders purchase, you should next be presented with the Russian Attackers Army Purchase screen?
  4. I say, I think Bud is off having tea & scones himself. Well deserved old chap, well deserved!
  5. Those silly Brits, not having their MG pre-deployed..... Too much tea and skittles.....
  6. I'd just like to put my money down before the AUS$ drops 5 cents again against the US$..... (=14% price difference!!)
  7. +1 I noticed that, and was immediately curious as to whether you'd spent hours Photoshopping it in, or whether it was actually in-game already... Superb work!
  8. Good to know, but I guess I'd personally feel more comfortable sending off a couple of less 'valuable' halftracks for pure recon, and keep the best firepower at home. If the AC gets picked off by say an 88, no-one will know (unless they spot the smoke plume in 30 minutes!), and there goes the recce groups most powerful (and only) AC... If the group had say 3 AC's I'd be more comfortable. But then, everyone has their style/approach! And I don't own a CM WW2 game yet, so take my opinions with a pork barrel of salt!
  9. I'm quite enjoying the black and white TBH. BTW, I did see the motion blur of the armored car wheels this time... Not sure if I'm a fan of sending the armoured car off by itself like that though...... I do love the 'wide angle' shot of the whole recce group hull down in the wadi; it really immerses you in the North Africa environment (I only just watched 'Sahara' (1943) a month ago for the first time!).
  10. Very nice; I totally missed it; I think because that panel had a 'conversation pane' (old friends reminiscing) I wasn't looking at the detail, because my mind wasn't expecting 'action'... Though I do remember being surprised that you didn't have a 'Grrrr' noise to enunciate the tank rotating into position.
  11. Excellent! The hint was in the into...
  12. Once you get the full game, you'll be too busy playing PBEM's to want to revisit Scenarios in single player! On topic; I don't think it is included, but you can easily download it and add it from here: specifically: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3549
  13. Kieme's reskins are the bee knees... Also Juju's semi-transparent trees And Waclaw's sound mod are my baseline. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2659
  14. Best thing since sliced bread! This works for Red Thunder and BS, not sure about the others: Juju's semi-transparent trees I like #2
  15. Many thanks for the detailed reply Womble. Good to know; I was aware that in BS, moving crew-served weapons (such as AGS) a short distance (one or two action squares??) did not invoke the pack-up/deploy times, so I assume it is the same mechanism/logic implemented for ATG's (being a crew-served weapon). I will remember! Thanks again for the info.
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