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  1. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Again, whats the point of "Constructive feedback" if BFC seems to ignore this forum and has left many things the players complained about unfixed in nearly 8 years ?
  2. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to antaress73 in Test number2: ABrams vs ATGM   
    Kornet and kryzanthema will penetrate M1 frontally on : gun mount, turret ring. When firing from an elevated position you will achieve penetrations (and hard kills) on a non negligible basis on top frontal Hull and top turret, especially if the tank is driving down a slope or sitting immobile on a downward slope. The launcher will be spotted and die from other assets but hey, one less M1 to deal with.
  3. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in CMBS License/Activation   
    Thewood1 is 100% correct, the DRM for the CMx2 games is unfair and way to restrictive, they need to do something about that !
  4. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to c3k in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    Looking forward to trying this out!

  5. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to rocketman in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    Great mod, already enhancing my CMBS playing experience. Thanks!
  6. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to agusto in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    Thanks AKD. Loved your sound mods for CMSF. I am going to try out this one immediately. I would give a +1 but i ve used mine up for the day already.
  7. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Sim1943 in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    Mentioned this in the other thread, but thanks again for putting this out today AKD. Went to immediate use!
    By the way, does this include WWII Soviet sounds?
  8. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to sburke in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    Cool, thanks akd, will grab shortly
  9. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to akd in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    As promised, here is a BETA version of my sound mod combining all previous work into one universal mod for CMx2 titles. There may also be a few small updates since my last release, but don't expect big changes if you have previously used my mod in CMSF or the WWII titles. There are specific modules for modern sounds so you can pull them out for the WWII titles, although any problematic overlaps should be minimal.
    (edit: PM me for dropbox link.)
    Hope it helps with enjoyment of Combat Mission: Black Sea! I am very proud to have participated in development of this title. Black Sea is one of BFC's best yet.
  10. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Tank Hunter in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Is it me or do the graphics look like a step back compared to other CMx2 titles?
  11. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to LukeFF in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    And, that said, I am one of those who's tried and then discarded Aris's mods. I frankly find his style of weathering to be way overdone, and I don't want to constantly check the forums to see if he's released something new or to find out why a certain mod doesn't work with another one. And yes, I do find the stock textures to be just fine. 
  12. Downvote
    Lacroix reacted to mjkerner in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    It looks like the tanks were shown as an example of how they will come with the game...snow camouflaged. If I were BFC, i wouldn't even bother showing or telling anything until release day. They just get incessant whining and baseless speculation when they throw bones.

    Don't like it, don't buy it. What's so difficult about that concept?
  13. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Glubokii Boy in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Yes...Some peolpe complaine about these pictures, including me....That's sort of what i meant with my last post...Why show these pictures when they have nothing to show...No improvements...Nothing new...This is just asking for negative comments.
    I  realize that they are WIP pictures but my point is that it might have been better to not have shown them at all at this stage...Can you guys honestly say that you weren't dissapointed and a bit concerned when you saw those Pictures..?
  14. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to bisu in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Well I am not so sure. According to Chris's preliminary info no imortant changes/improvements to the gameplay will be introduced. The screenshots provided look no better than something you could achieve by a decent modding work basing on existing vehicles/terrain (e.g. kohlenklaus excellent mod). And here people are already wetting their pants because a couple of vehicles will be added in the new/separate/full priced release. Yeah and of course the 2 campaigns, some scenarios and new OOB. Well, CM is my favorite game title and I hardly play anything else, but if things remain as they are now in alpha and nothing will be added in later stages of development CM Bulge will be the first WWII title from BF I will not buy.
    Just my two cents. Sorry that my opinion is not in line with those generally presented in this thread.
  15. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Aurelius in t90 vs Abrams(test1: open field,armour)   
    i played multiplayer qbs, tested this and in every case,except some rare cases, t90 sucks, in comparison to abrams at least. i compare it with sherman and panther,sometimes sherman will get lucky hit, and sometimes sherman will survive panther, but in general, abrams(or panther) is far superior to sherman (t90)
    you are talking about lucky/unlucky shots, we were testing raw power of the tanks.sure skill matters,but skilled abrams will kill skilled t90 many times more than skilled t90 will kill skilled abrams
  16. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in t90 vs Abrams(test1: open field,armour)   
    One Abrams actually took 4 hits on front armor from ~20 meters and then managed to destroy 4 T90 in quick succession.
  17. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Aurelius in t90 vs Abrams (test 1:open terrain,armour)   
    Edit: posted in wrong forum,please delete. 
    reposted in general section
  18. Downvote
    Lacroix reacted to Mord in Best music for menu   
    Will make you wanna punch babies and bounce checks.


  19. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Thewood1 in CMBS License/Activation   
    btw, sburke...that response is a terrible response from someone who is associated with the company.  If that is an official recommendation, I expect it to be on the purchase page.  Its that kind of response that gives DRM a bad name.
  20. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from ident in CMBS License/Activation   
    they are improving,but they are still lagging alot. if i run 5kilometers under 30 minutes  @2013 and my friends run 10 km for that same time, i am lagging 5 kms. next year, i am running 7kms, but my friends are now running 13kms @2013. apply this analogy for battlefront's improvement.that is core. graphics are beautifull but old fashioned,i could write wall of text about this but theres no point. i personally love the graphics, but still there are shadows problem (BIIIIIIIIIIG PROBLEMS,sometimes they make the game look like complete ****) and animations are horrific,our bias towards CM is making it less awful ,in reality,objectively they are horrible (running annimations primarly) . they are ok , but for 90s , not 2010-2015. 
    you say gameplay is important, as if i dont know that and as if i didnt say exactly that. but facts are facts.
  21. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Thewood1 in CMBS License/Activation   
    I can tell you in emails to me from support, they freely admit their DRM has some issues with being fairly oversensitive to minor changes to a PC config.  I think they have made attempts to fix it and my last go around was less troublesome.  The problem right now is I have used up all my activations with everything except CMBS...through no fault of my own.  I probably have 15 versions of gsclean on my drive.  My main gripe is I have no activations left.  BFC won't reset them.  Every time I get a new PC, I have to submit a ticket and beg for a new activation.  There are others of us in the same situation.  Their poor DRM implementation has taken those activations away, never to return.
    Any company that wants to put DRM in their products, all the power to them.  But use one that works.  My gaming time is limited.  I get 4-5 hour spots to play.  I have lost track of the number of times I have gone to fire CM up after adding RAM, a video driver, and even a USB headset, and gotten a DRM kill on my system.  Support usually has it squared away in 24 hours, but by then, I don't have time any more.
  22. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in CMBS License/Activation   
    this drm sucks hard.its worse than pure evil,but so far i think helpdesk.mojo will give you as many keys as you want, for example you get new mobo, bam , key lost (yes,it could take 1hour or 10 days to get one,your pbem games or other scheduled wego games will wait), you go to help desk and get another one (yes, you ll need to write wall of text ,cd key and other technical info). after 10 days you reinstall windows 7 cos you wathced too many porns and now you need to clean that, bam , key lost. Repeat above.
    long story short: they ll give you keys, but you need to beg for it (write as if they are doing you a favor) and its not guarantieed 100%
    edit: so far they were were professional and fast tho. cant complain on that!
  23. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from ident in CMBS License/Activation   
    i am not saying their customer service is bad,its excelent.they are faster than most people and eveythings quality,
    i am saying DRM is Psycopathic
    Some people, belive it or not, can spend those 4 keys in 1month or 1 year.
    customer service has nothing to do with DRM.
    yes steam asks you to login every time you want to play (theres offline mode tho) , but that is common in this day and age,i dont see how pressing 1 button and waiting 5 seconds to get all your games on 1 screen with nice quality UI/colors is bad?
    Steam also gives you 1-2 click install , everythings automatic and intuitive, on other hand installing CM (and specially in my case after buying MG and then* buying CW) was PAIN. and everytime i want to reinstall ,its kinda painful. specially CMBN with tons of modules
    simply put,battlefront is 10 years behind ,but they still make better games than any steam game, even with this 90s technology.and thats why people play it
    but face it , they are 10 years behind in graphics,animations,website(love those downloads ),instalations,multiplayer features and interface/accessibility
    nothing can change that,no matter how good or bad the game is
  24. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Thewood1 in CMBS License/Activation   
    I buy a new laptop every year, sometimes sooner.  I am also upgrading things like RAM and video drivers.  I have had the DRM kick off for simple audio driver update.  I have a first name relationship with the help desk.  I am always hesitant when doing anything with my PC.  It has gotten better with the latest versions of the DRM, but I was at a point of using 3-4 activations a year.
  25. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from ident in CMBS License/Activation   
    i'd preffer to press 1 button that will automatically login me into UI/game than this/ infact steam is awesome
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