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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I think I may have discovered why some minefields have become more difficult to spot. In CMSF, in addition to AT, AP and mixed minefield, there is the IED minefield. The IED minefield has nothing to do with the wire, cell & radio IEDs. It seems to be single AT mine. I think it is hard to detect because it contains only one AT mine. Since it only has one AT mine there is also less of a chance a vehicle will hit it while crossing. (I moved infantry at Fast across the minefield many times with no detonations so I believe it is an AT mine. Also it goes to neutralized after one detonation so just one mine.) I did some testing with regular engineers and it took an average of seven minutes for the engineers to detect the minefield. One team of engineers took 30 minutes and never detected the minefield when I stopped testing. I suspect the opening scenario of the Task Force Thunder campaign as these IED minefields at the opening in the berm. Since it is a campaign I can't look in the editor to check. This may explain the behavior about mines that so many players are commenting on.
  2. This. I seldom have problems with getting troops to go through doors or breaches. But when I do it is almost always because of an elevation change. It makes me wonder if the reason some troops are having this problem is because of the size of the unit and maybe the movement command? This is about the only thing I can think of besides the elevation deal. From watching the AI attempt to carry out orders on scenario author test mode I can see why the AI might try to use a second door. If the AI was trying to get a full squad into a building quickly (Fast or Quick movement commands) and a second door was within three or four action spots it might use both doors. I almost always split my squads into fire teams and, with the exception of the elevation difference, never have teams using an unwanted door. So maybe using teams and having one team enter through one doorway at a time when on Quick or Fast might solve this??? Not sure.
  3. +1 Very cool!! I really like these. The African one literally opens up a new area of operations for scenario designers.
  4. The configuration of the aircraft (strafe, light, medium, etc.) refer to the ordinance the aircraft carry. This varies some with the CM titles. A generic way of thinking about it is light equals bullets and heavy equals big bombs. Everything else falls somewhere in between. If you order your light configured aircraft to target a tank it will target said tank with the light ordinance. If you have the aircraft set to a large area target (700 meters) I'm not sure how the AI of the aircraft selects targets within that 700 meter area. I've not tested but suspect it's a combination of soft factors and what it can actually spot. Moving vehicles seem to draw a lot of attention. Of course sometimes a friendly vehicle 100 meters outside the target area also draws attention . Hate when that happens . Depends. Especially on the US side (maybe not so much for Ukraine?) If a spotter has a satellite link, via PDA or vehicle, the spotter can call for artillery fire on any area observed by any friendly UAV.
  5. In July 2018 Steve posted something about game engines which I'm paraphrasing below: Eventually we will have a new game engine. Obviously it will be written with contemporary technology in mind and won't be OpenGL as we view it as a dead end. It will also benefit from 20 years of experience with how best to simulate tactical warfare on a computer. It's only a matter of when, not if.
  6. Interesting topic. Below is a thread where some of these issues were discussed. IMO the Experience of the spotter and artillery are the most important. Same for any UAV that might be involved. In CMBS a command vehicle can also help with call times. I have not tested for CMSF2 but I suspect it is the same. IIRC a JTAC can get a UAV on station quicker than an FO but, with all things equal (experience), I could not detect any difference in artillery accuracy between a JTAC and an FO. With artillery in general an FO has quicker call times than a JTAC. A light Hellfire mission is two missiles. A heavy Hellfire mission is four missiles. Reference a linear pattern. The more experienced the UAV the better at observation & detection within the linear area. I don't know how far off the sides of the linear pattern a UAV observes. However that's a good question. In TOC the target vehicle controlled by the AI stayed on the linear road. We were just trying to destroy it on the road (so within the pattern) before it reached a trigger and triggered another tactical situation.........
  7. I was about to say, you missed a spot . Beautiful countryside. Can't wait to maneuver a unit through it.
  8. Excellent. This worked out very well in CMSF1 and will also be good for CMSF2. Yep. Very cool mod by @MikeyD. I hope someday we get an updated one for CMSF2.
  9. @ctcharger Retired USA Colonel Jeffrey Paulding put together about six u-tube videos on Combat Missions and tactics. Don't know if you have seen them but they are very good. Below is a link to the first video. Enjoy.
  10. About a year ago Steve made a post that I summarized below: Rome to Victory - this project got sidetracked due to a bunch of issues, but it's getting a lot of attention these days. When completed, CMFI will have a big list of new forces and the timeframe extended to the end of the war. It will likely be our next release Untitled Eastern Front Module - active work has been going on since the Spring and it's shaping up quite nicely. This will take CMRT up to the end of the war, including some huge Berlin maps. Existing TO&E expanded to April 45, Germans get access to a range of non-Heer forces, new weather stuff, and a couple new Regions. Waffen SS and rag-tag forces will be available for the Red Thunder Module. New Zealand Defense Forces training aid - pretty much that's all there is to say about it. CMBS is owed a Module. CMBS is theoretically next after CMRT. Marines are an obvious selection for the first Module and the work being done for CMSF2 is going to pave the way for that to happen. Then in November 2018 he made a post specific to CMRT which I summarized below: For the CMRT module no Polish Home Guard, Hungarians, or other “Axis minor” nations. The CMRT module will have German and Soviet TO&E updated through to the end of the war, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe (including scratch forces), Volkssturm, Kriegmarine, and most like 1944 Partisans. This not only extends the timeframe of CMRT through to the end of the war, but it also fills out the Bagration timeframe. Obviously new weather, a Germany Region (terrain), new textures, and highly detailed Master Maps as well.
  11. @Pete Wenman's squalor mod on a modified @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi map looks very cool. Should go to Beta in a few weeks my friend. I'll let you know.
  12. Defiance!! Or sending armor on a flanking move through side streets and alleys without infantry support..........
  13. Interesting conversation. Just to make sure I understand, by "it" we are talking about the in-game 3D quality and 3D texture settings under options? I'm not a tech type but I've read on this forum that 3D (don't know if they meant 3D quality or 3D texture or both) affects how many textures are loaded into the pregame cache. Fastest settings load only texture 1 and 2 to save virtual drive space whereas Best quality loads everything. Does this sound accurate to you? Reference the hit decals does that apply to Nvidia also or just ATI/AMD?
  14. Hey, now ............ I'm just sitting here, minding my own business, reading the forums. Why ya'll got to drag me into this?
  15. I think immobilized also is an abstract for other mechanical problems, thrown tracks, broken suspension etc. but yes, frustrating. When a vehicle is bogged it will transition to un-bogged or to immobilized. Once immobilized it will remain so for the remainder of the mission.
  16. It seems the civilian density may not have been enabled. Hopefully, if that's the problem, it will be corrected with the first patch.
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