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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. The pollsters have expressed surprise at the fact that none of The Chosen have yet to vote for themselves. They can only surmise that: a.) Brian has had his internet service cut off and b.) Emrys does not exist.
  2. For those of you keeping score at home, we have a couple of write-in ballots. Our current tally stands at: Michael Emrys 4 1/2 Bwian...er Brian 1 Roger 1/2 Roderick 1/2 The Bulge 1/2 (Somewhat disappointing, considering the resources available. Not to mention the amount of press it has received.)
  3. The Godsmakers in Vegas are now taking bets on A Man Named Brian...
  4. The Godsmakers in Vegas are now taking bets on A Man Named Brian: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121076-bfc-office-pool-which-will-appear-first-the-savior-or-the-bulge/ And what of Mr. Emrys you ask? Vegas says: "All bets are off". But then, have you ever seen Michael and The Messiah in the same room at the same time? Sort of makes you wonder.
  5. But then, have you ever seen Michael and The Messiah in the same room at the same time? Sort of makes you wonder.
  6. And what of Mr. Emrys you ask? Vegas says: "All bets are off".
  7. Ok. I admit it doesn't come close to the anticipation of Groundhog Day. But it'll just have to do.
  8. Better quit while you're behind. (OK. I'll admit that last one was a little over the top.)
  9. What is Russian for: "Mommy, I believe I need a change of undergarment."?
  10. And my comment about under-inflated pigskins still stands. Cheating is sooo not cool. And sooo below anyone aspiring to be "Champion".
  11. The joke's on you, SUB-lemon. If you check my previous posts you would know that I am not only the world's biggest Red Sox fan but a supporter of all things New England. After all, "We Are All Patriots". So, hardee-har to you!
  12. Does this mean the Reputation Feature will now be taking up all the choice parking spots? Sorry. I couldn't help myself.
  13. Heinrich505 wrote: "BLSTK, Had to laugh. Not sure who was imitating whom. Baneman, maybe a Newfie, eh?" EDIT: I had the good fortune of spending two weeks on "The Rock" (no, not Alcatraz, though I've been there too - as a tourist, in case anyone was wondering. That's what the locals lovingly call "Newfoundland"). There is not a more hospitable people to be found on God's Green Earth. (And I don't even believe in Him). But the "newfie dialect" is closer to Irish than either Canadian/American or The Queen's English. (Long May She Rule).
  14. Which begs the deeply philosophical question: Who wins if neither one shows up?
  15. Damn you, SLIM. I never did particularly well at fractions, so here goes: Emrys 4 1/2, Bulge 1/2
  16. I couldn't help but think: what would happen if we built tanks out of the same material as that of the sole surviving cardboard box? You won't want to miss the last ten seconds of this video. And you thought your fellow workers were a "pain in the a*s*s".
  17. What is this virtual world coming to? 'Tis a sad, sad day when BFC has to disable its Reputation-0-Meter. After all, I was starting to think that some of you actually liked me for who I am. I mean, my reputation is all I've got...
  18. Well then, for those of you keeping score, we have: Michael Emrys 3, Bulge 0.
  19. Ok. I admit it doesn't come close to the anticipation of Groundhog Day. But it'll just have to do.
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