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  1. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Spitzenhund in Can we have slightly more sub-forums?   
    I have a suggestion to make navigating for information slightly easier.

    1. Under the Maps and Mods subforum can we have one section for complete maps and mods and another section for incomplete maps and mods (so people can present what they have so far)

    2. A Multiplayer subforum, so that it's easier to find matchups.

    3. A Strategy and Tactics / AAR subforum. I find it a shame when AAR's or Strategy questions get buried by general user questions or statements.
  2. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Any guidance for newbies? Have no idea how to play :(   
    Check out the armchair general tactics videos, here is part 1 of 6:

    This may also be helpful...

    and this also of course:
    Then there is this:
    None of these videos is specifically about CMBS, but they should help you with getting startedn anyways.
  3. Upvote
    agusto reacted to apoll in Quick Battle: Very Strange Choices???   
    Ok...crisis resolved. Thanks MarkEzra...reloaded it and it was ok...only because I extracted the BS files into a different directory than my Red Thunder dir. Somehow the BS files were being mixed with the RT files, and producing a monster.
  4. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from Iris in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Chaos in the woods...

    Run Forrest, run....!

    Turn ended with ATGM 50 cm over my tank...what a cliffhanger! No, wait, it is a Javelin, we all know what is going to happen ...

  5. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from gunnersman in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    From Russia with love....

  6. Upvote
    agusto reacted to LUCASWILLEN05 in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    Skinfaxi A number of people, including the forum admnistrator have kindly requested that you drop it. Please do so. I could very easily pick holes in your last post if I were so minded and so could any of the other very well forum members here. However' this forum is intended for discussion of the CMBS wargame, not for discussion of the real world politics behind it. Everyone, including you, are, of course, entitled to hold poltiical views and I am sure you have some interestiing, if hightly controversial insightson the subject but that discussion is better helld somewhere else
    I am sure you have a lot of valuable insight from the Russian perspective but perhaps it is better to confine comments to the military and wargame spheres. It would be a real shame if you ignored the friendly advice you have been given and got your account suspended or banned by the forum adminstrator - which he can do!
    Let us hope that my country and yours never end up fighting this (or any other) war for real.
    Thank you for your courtesy.
  7. Downvote
    agusto reacted to Skinfaxi in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    One can set his clock after it:
    As soon as a good initiative brings progress, the USA is becoming extremely active to sabotage it. This time Kerry immediately jumped into a plane, flew to Kiev and is now even offering a bancrupt country direct weapon deliveries, while this good initiative is gaining momentum. What a ruthless politics of destabilization in such a phase!
    I still remember well what had happened hours before the Ukrainian persident was ousted: an agreement with all involved parties, all opposition parties signed - the ink was not dry, the members from the meeting had not yet returned and the agent provocateurs already had started shooting.
    For almost 18 months I observe this evil scheme now and I hope, that this time the European vassals have enough courage to reject the devastating US politics for Europe. A little hope may be that they no longer accept the US being part of their initiatives.
  8. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Melchior in Future modules ideas (unofficial topic)   
    Cold War gone hot, 1980. 
    Probably would need a whole series to do that though. 
  9. Upvote
    agusto reacted to tyrspawn in Walkthrough and let's play of the BLACK SEA CAMPAIGN!   
    I hope this is in the right place - I don't see an appropriate subforum
    Hey folks, Chris "tyrspawn" Krause here! some of you might remember me from my walkthrough/let's play of the original CMSF, CMSF: Nato and my beta video AARs of Normandy:
    CMSF NATO videos
    CMSF videos
    Combat Mission Battle for Normandy Beta videos
    I am now making a series of videos on Black Sea! My videos will focus on:
    1. Discussion of doctrine, military tactics, systems and military history
    2. Unedited gameplay footage in WEGO (turn based) - my other videos were real time, but I discovered how cool WEGO is during my Normandy AARs
    3. An ongoing review and commentary on the game itself - i'm playing everything for the first time as you see me do it
    4. Blackboard style discussions of what went wrong - essentially an after acton report
    The new video series will be posted here:
    The first video is a campaign introduction and tutorial on how to properly perform a terrain analysis and operations order (in brief) for the TASKFORCE 3-69 campaign:

    You can look forward to the mission playthrough being posted within the next couple days
  10. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from LUCASWILLEN05 in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    You got a warning saying that you are not to supposed to make political comments anymore unless the thread is specifically about the political topic you want to talk about. You just made a political statement that was not on topic. Furthermore i have the very strong impression that your previous post was made with the clear intent to provoke, possibly even solely for that purpose.
    But lets keep it there.
  11. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from LUCASWILLEN05 in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    Skinfaxi what do you expect to happen if you post things like that? Well, anyways, goodbye, i think Steve will ban you.
  12. Upvote
    agusto reacted to dutchman55555 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    I'm getting a real Fulda Gap feel from this game sometimes.

  13. Upvote
    agusto reacted to dutchman55555 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    My first QB. BMPs were the first casualties:

    Russian MBTs soon evened the score:

  14. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Tomcat84 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Finally got the game downloaded. First screen from the tutorial

    Is there any way to completely hide the UI for screens? I disabled Icons and Locations and hit text for this one but would be nice to hide everything.

  15. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Sublime in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    Its not a double standard skinfaxi - he's one of the owners of the game company and hence the website. So you're posting on HIS message forum essentially. And you were warned.  And US had posession of Russia and its wealth in the 90's?? Can you mail me some of what you've been smoking?  I'll tell you one thing, I lived in Western Europe during the Cold War and the US in the 90s.  In the 90s Russia was a joke in the US. We didnt want anything made in Russia, or Russian at all. This trend of people not wanting things Russian seems to extend back decades. Thousands of people were shot, imprisoned and detained for trying to flee Russian controlled areas in Europe.  One of the great jokes of history is the Russian statement that the Berlin Wall was made to keep people out of the Socialist Paradise. In fact I seem to remember the US paying the Russian military just to guard its own friggin nuclear weapons.
  16. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Bil Hardenberger in Sweeping woods for enemies   
    You only need superiority at the point of contact... find him, then concentrate against each enemy position with overwhelming firepower to suppress the enemy unit (fix him), maneuver to his flanks (flank him), then assault the position (finish him).  
    Eat the elephant one bite at a time.  You do not need 4:1 odds to accomplish this.. especially for a defending enemy that is probably spread out to cover all avenues of approach.
  17. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Macisle in Sweeping woods for enemies   
    Or, you could try the Iron Broom technique by massing your vehicles with infantry just behind, blowing the crap out of each line of action squares as you advance  (pause for 15-30 sec, target for that long, advance 1-2 action squares, repeat). I used it a few times in CMRT and was trading 1-2 men for whole platoons of Soviet infantry. -Not sure if it would work as well with modern gear--but it is FUN to do (if a bit tedious)!



  18. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from mvp7 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Americans and Russians meet in a forrest, a grenade throwing duel ensues.

    Note how the russian on the left side gets killed while throwing his grenade and drops it on his buddy to the left .
  19. Upvote
    agusto reacted to nik mond in I'm changing my name to .. .. TUNGUSKA!   
    Nothing flattens a building faster than the beast.
  20. Upvote
    agusto reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Asian   
    I'm not from battlefront, but if you look how long the CMSF game was drawn out in terms of modules, and the longevity of the other CMs, I think it'll be a few years before we see a CM: Pacific Rim.  Also I've seen the horror of when a company starts cranking out sequels without taking time to perfect the last release.  I'd rather see Black Sea done up with all them NATO and Russian modules to the max, and then maybe another release.
    That said I'd love to see a Combat Mission: Korea and would pay Steel Beasts level prices for it.  Same deal with Combat Mission: Pacific for a World War Two setting (although only if it was both USMC and US Army forces, tired of WW2 Pacific stuff that assumes only the Marines showed up).
  21. Upvote
    agusto got a reaction from Rinaldi in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    The truth is that the reptilians from alpha centauri are behind everything. Didnt you know?
  22. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Thunder in Question about trenches and barbed wire   
    First of all thank you for this nice game. I already enjoyed Combat Mission Shock Force, but Black Sea is an awesome improvement to see and play! I noticed something though when I played Quick Battles:
    While playing as a defender, I noticed that I cannot turn trenches and barbed wire, but I am able to turn sandbag walls. Am I doing something wrong here? Are these just abstractions and work just fine without turning them?
    Also, I find it highly inconvenient that these defenses are scattered all over the map in the beginning of the mission. I think it would be better to pack them together like unit formations in the planning phase. What do you think?
  23. Upvote
    agusto reacted to Peter Panzer in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Here are a few images from my first scenario. As good as Battle for Normandy is, I can't help but wonder if Black Sea will soon mature and surpass it as BFC's masterpiece. What an embarassment of riches.

    Wary of possible UAV observation and the threat of precision fire, a RUS assault recon unit coils its way through a tree line in order to mask its movement. Their task in the Stara Basan countryside is threefold: identify enemy strongpoints, direct friendy CAS and pathfind for the follow on assault company.

    A RUS BRM-3K bolts from concealment enroute to taking up a new position. Exhaustive observation must be measured against the need for high tempo operations. Mobility is survival. 900 meters to the south of the RUS probe, a weary UKR platoon debuses in a shallow defilade and hastily prepares for the hammer blow about to befall them.

  24. Downvote
    agusto reacted to Skinfaxi in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    The conflict did start in Ukraine?
    In 1989 Russia accepted the German reuinification. For that to happen they had to withdraw their troops and NATO promised not to expand torwards Russia. Interestingly the Russians withdrew their troops but US and UK occupation troops stayed in Germany. Also no peace treaty with Germany has been signed. Fact is, the Russians also disbanded the Warshaw Pact. NATO was not disbanded.
    Afterwards NATO broke all promises it had given to Russia and has been expanding since. Isn't it strange, that NATO was not disbanded, too, since the reason for it's foundation, the Communist empire, had disappeared?
    NATO expansion (in western media it is even called enlargement, not expansion) since 1989 torwards Russia:  
    Czech Republic
    Further expansion planned torwards
    Bosnia Herzegowina
    Victoria Nuland is the wife of radical Zionist Robert Kagan, who founded the zionist lobby organization PNAC (Project for the New American Century), a leading force behind the Iraq war. For a few years now, Kagan's Zionist warmonger friends have been lobbying for another US wars: their new "Foreign Policy Initiative" has been lobbying for attacking Syria and Iran. His wife Victoria Nuland admitted that the USA had spent 5 BILLION dollars for the coup in Ukraine! That's also clearly a hostile act against a souvereign country (Ukraine) and a breach of international law!
    A leaked telephone call between Catherine Ashton and a Baltic minister showed, that the EU knew, that in Ukraine on Maidan very strange things happened, and that certain forces were shooting at both sides to make them clash. Israeli soldiers even openly bragged for leading militant groups on Maidan.  
    This video is extremely elightening to understand how blatantly Western mainstream media and politicians turned things upside down when they reported about the protests in Ukraine:  
    Recently the US foreign minister John Kerry admitted, that the USA had to force and blackmail the EU to support the economic warfare against Russia.  
    American politicians are openly admitting they want a regime change in Russia. Is that friendly? That's also against international law.  
    Even after Putin's first term, the Russians under Medvedev were still naive enough to fall victim to this trick:  

    And they allowed the aggression against and destruction of Lybia to happen.
    Who is the betrayer and aggressor?  

    And last but not least the shooting down of MH17 which was blamed on Russia by Western media and politicians without offering the slightest evidences. By looking closer to the downing of MH17 many strange facts are coming to light. I find it strange, that you, as interested and well informed about modern weaponry, did not notice, that a BUG system consists of three vehicles and needs months of training of specialists.  

    This story was not only spread in Ukraine but hugely in the EU, too:
    I can not understand, how anyone who takes a closer look at the developments in Ukraine can believe in the mainstream media narrative.

    That things in the area could become dangerous was not that hard to recognize with some basic knowledge about NATO aggression and the status of Sevastopol in the Black Sea.
    ps: I am sorry, somehow I cannot make certain links to appear as the others
  25. Upvote
    agusto reacted to LUCASWILLEN05 in 1980's;Modding potential?   
    I would love to see a Combat Mission Fulda Gap game. In the meantime however we can take iinspiration from hypothetical 1980s scenarios and transplant them to 2017 Ukraine. There are a number of very interesting scenarios in Red Storm Rising for instance
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