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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. To be honest, i am not sure if that is really unrealistic in terms of whether the gun is capable of hitting with such accuracy or not. Keep in mind that these weapons were high quality products fitted with magnifying sights that were quite sophisticated for their time. Under firing range conditions for example, the Tiger Is 88 had a hit probability above 90% at 1200 meters, AFAIK. Directly hitting a prone static soldier at 400m with a PaK 38 under firing range conditions seems legit to me. But i agree with you on that the gun crew should rather be trying to hit the ground next to the prone soldiers with HE shells rather than trying to score direct hits.
  2. Pretty far away for an attack with RPGs. Another RPG video i think we havent had yet: A brave way to engage a tank, i wouldnt even expect my troops in CMSF do that sucessfuly. Almost Hollywood style. EDIT: Missile hits helicopter, helicopter apparently survives: And another ATGM video, this time it appears to be a 9K115-2 Metis-M: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1-Jit5BRgY
  3. Something that looks like a 9K111 Fagot or a 9M113 Konkurs ATGM vs T-72, long range shot. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=df4_1367599643
  4. At 150 meters this isnt unrealistic to happen from a thoretical point of view, although i think IRL it was more likely that the tank gunner would fire an HE shell aimed at the ground next to the infantry target or use the MG.
  5. All OPFOR tanks and bmps do IIRC. The Warrior IFV and that british ATGM vehicle of wich i cant remeber the name too, IIRC.
  6. More of the battle of the construction site (parts 5 & 6, english subs, 1080 HD): SAA artillery and aircraft prepare rebel positions for the assault: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz3HhwBPS30 The assault: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_oKe_JXKPM
  7. I remember we once had a thread in the CMx2 section of this forum that was about how old everybody is. It turned out that the average CM players is male and aged around 45 years, with the youngst beeing around 20 and the oldest beeing in their late 60s.
  8. That rifle is for those among the hunters who mistook the Godzilla movie for a documentary. There is a nother video about it btw:
  9. btw @ OP: check this out: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=21&Itemid=26 I dont own any of these books myself but it sure looks intersting and probably also contains some info on WW2 MOUT tactics.
  10. In my experience it only surpresses everybody in the room.
  11. Luckily the commanders head got ripped off when his APC got hit, i dont want to know how mad his superior officer would have been if he came back without his hat.
  12. Found in the german Wikipedia article on the attack on Stalingrad*: „Um einen Häuserblock zu nehmen, können sie keine 10 Mann einsetzen, um den Eingang zu nehmen. Sie brauchen aber so viele Leute, die Feuerschutz gewähren, 2 bis 3 Leute, die den Mut haben, auf den Eingang zuzuspringen. Und dann springen die rein. Einer hat eine Handgranate und die anderen Maschinenpistolen. Mehr Leute brauche ich nicht. Die anderen müssen von außen Feuerschutz geben. Und das ist das Komplizierte. Und das mußten wir erst einmal lernen, vor Ort.“ – Hauptmann Gerhard Münch, III Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 194, 71. Infanterie-Division Direct translation: "In order to take a block of buildings, you cant send 10 men to take the entrance. But you need that many men to provide overwatch/surpressive fire and 2 to 3 brave men who jump towards the entrance. And then they jump in. One of them has a hand grenade and the others have SMGs. I dont need more men. The others [the mentioned 10 men overwatch element] must provide overwatch/surpressive fire from the outside of the building. And that is what is so complicated about it. And we had to learn this by doing, during the battle." *https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angriff_auf_Stalingrad
  13. Lucky rebel camera man films a SAF aircraft dropping slowly descending parachute bombs at his position and stays until they impact just to get us some great HD footage: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3ea_1367229422 T72s lurking around and shooting stuff in the ruins of a rural area around Darayaa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkfxRSB0JKg Note the brick at 00:08 that is used to replace a destroyed ERA pack.
  14. I believe one of the major reasons why wargames dont drop in price as fast as FPSes do for example is because graphics dont matter that much in that genre. Take Call of Duty 1, for example: When it came out, its graphics were looking awesome and probably were one of te major reasons why people were expected to buy the game at a high price. Today, the CoD 1 graphics are almost a decade behind what is expected by the customers of such games, so it needs to be cheap to be attractive to potental buyers. On the other hand, in wargames like Harpoon 3 for example, the graphics simple dont matter and so does the age of the game. Harpoon 1: http://www.myabandonware.com/media/captures/H/harpoon/harpoon_4.png Harpoon 3: http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6011/harpoon3screenshot1tf9.png Cod1: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QLhNr3plChE/T8obKQc-UVI/AAAAAAAAAok/QecfD-HkRfM/s1600/call-of-duty-1_00321791.jpg Cod6: http://www.giga.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-II_Standoff_Kill-Confirmed.jpg
  15. This is not true. I just tested it and the game launches without an internet connection after beeing licensed. You only need an internet connection during the process of licensing or unlicensing but once that has been done, you dont. This means you can run CMSF on 2 different machines simultaniously with a single license.
  16. phil180, afaik you can install a single copy on several different machines (never tried it though). In the CMSF manual it says: "eLicense allows you to license, un-license and re-license the game as often as you wish. This allows you to use CM:SF on several computers if you like (up to two at the same time) without reinstallation, and gives you the right to re-sell the game after you’ve had your fun with it (as long as you un-license your copy)."
  17. Conscript in CM terms means that you either have to use those troops with great care or in great numbers.
  18. I also really enjoyed Competent Incompetence, more than the stock campaigns that come with the game.
  19. On the other hand: If there is a risk, even only a small one, it is not unwise to to avoid it if that can be done without too much effort. Keep in mind that lots of independent small risks too can significantly increase the overall chance of something going wrong. I think that if of those 50.000.000 flights all passengers on board had constantly been on the phone with someone during their flights, the statistics could look different. Same principle as it is with ALFs planet: it blew up when all inhabitants simultaniously used their hair dryers. But whats the chance again that all passengers on a flight with several hundered persons aboard are simultaniously getting a call? Besides that it would be totally enerving if everybody was constantly talking in the confined space of an airplane, probably the plane would be in risk of crashing due to the pilots beeing unable to bear the noise.
  20. Quote from the ABC news report: "A report by the International Air Transport Association, a trade group representing more 230 passenger and cargo airlines worldwide, documents 75 separate incidents of possible electronic interference that airline pilots and other crew members believed were linked to mobile phones and other electronic devices. The report covers the years 2003 to 2009 and is based on survey responses from 125 airlines that account for a quarter of the world's air traffic." This means were are talking about 75 incidents out of estimated 50.000.000* flights or a 1,5*10^-6 % probability of such an event occuring within 6 years. Additionally, it is not even certain that those apearent electronic interferences in those 75 incidents were caused by passengers personal electronic devices. So IMO, the danger of an aircraft having problems due to electronic interference created by mobile phones is so low that it is neglectable, even if if it was technically possible. Of course i am setting my mobile phone to "flight-mode" when i fly though, i mean i wouldnt get a signal anyways and if it makes the person sitting next to me feel safer, why not? *estimated from the data i found here: http://www.flixxy.com/scheduled-airline-flights-worldwide.htm
  21. I hope were going to have soft kill/hard kill active protection systems in CMSF2.
  22. I would recommend you to get a big, large wide screen too if you dont already own one. I had always been playing CMBN on a small 4:3 monitor until i got myself a 22" 16:9 widescreen 2 months ago and i really just can describe it with one word: wow. A completely different gaming experience, i had no idea how good the game would look when displayed on a proper monitor.
  23. Some really good footage of SAA tanks and infantry working togather: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mBngMh7LVw
  24. What worries me most about the "Tired" status is that it is next to "Exhausted" and exhausted units really almost litterally need to lie down and take nap in order to recover.
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