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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I think that's as good a plan as any. Your southern force is forcing Ian to retain some forces opposite them. If you concentrate too much his superior firepower will wreak havoc.
  2. Not CMFI specific but much is the same between the games, so you may find this useful http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119135-environment-book-for-download-trees-flavor-buildings-bridges/ Initial stuff is CMSF, but scroll down on his link and you will see CMBS and CMRT flavour Object info. (As well as many other handy bits of info.
  3. I think back to when I was a beginner and I was glad I started in WEGO rather than real time. Even with a platoon sized force if you're really new to the game there is a lot to do in giving orders and managing your forces. Having time to sit back and think is helpful I think as a beginner so I think your friend may find it a lot less frustrating to at least initially use WEGO. Just a thought. Also, the H2H Helper program is now called CMHelper. Easier to find in a search if you look for the right name.
  4. Yep, in my game I put two and two together what was happening, just didn't expect it. Such lovely Katyushas waiting to slam my opponent!!
  5. Just had this happen in a game in CMRT. Observer was the casualty, and despite tHe radioman picking up the binoculars from buddy aid, he could not call arty. Which means, as the Russians MUST use observers for off nap arty, that I have a lot of wasted points!
  6. That's awesome; I'm very glad things got sorted out quickly and to your satisfaction. Hope you stick around the forums and have fun.
  7. That's smashing! I really love QB maps so the more the merrier, especially what I've seen of your work, Jon.
  8. Due to circumstances beyond my control, The Soft Underbelly of Europe is still in German hands Actually, it's because I'm still trying to be remotely competent using the Canadians and their kit. If we started this now, Operation Husky would be a disaster for the allies! But it's not forgotten, I'm eager to do it and if Kohl is willing we will! The thread will be in the CMFI sub-forum.
  9. I played that game a lot some years ago...before I discovered CM. In it you have squads but can give direct orders to individuals. I found it of limited utility in an RTS game. A friend of mine used to want to manage everything down to the individual man, and lost every game to me because it simply was so much work he could not focus on situational awareness of what was going on everywhere other than that one farmhouse, or tree line, etc. It was fun, but I enjoy CM much more.
  10. Ah, yes, I see. The site is supposed to be totally revamped, I'm sure it will be more functional in the future, and more clear what channel to use for this sort of inquiry. Please to advise us how it went. Typically turnaround times for helpdesk have been excellent, 1- 3 days.
  11. Perhaps I'm reading more into what you wrote than I should, but it seems that you're saying you emailed three times? That is not the same as opening a help desk ticket. To do that you have to go to the link sburke provided and click the blue "New Ticket" button. That will open this http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/login/create_request#/ticket-form/19756 You should be able to submit that, track it (the system will email you with progress and responses, etc).
  12. Thank, Ian. I wasn't sure about how it worked but this clears it up for me.
  13. The ones left standing after the thread is closed.
  14. Mark mines does not remove any, it just shows you what action squares you need to avoid?
  15. Brutal. This is when people complain the game is broken. But exceptional events like this happened in the war, crazy accidents and stunning miracles are the fodder of countless WW2 bios found in books. Bad luck for DJ indeed, but incredible to watch.
  16. Sold!! Take my money! The effort Jon put into his scenario design DAAR makes it easy to convince me this will be truly a rich experience.
  17. Thanks, Delliejonut. Posted in your thread!
  18. Thanks, DJ, for posting in my Skinning Cats thread about this. Ugh, that looks like a really frustrating battle! Does one have to do anything to activate the Nahverteidighngswaffe or does the unit just use it when appropriate? I assume that Doug didn't actually specifically target your assaulting infantry?
  19. He did very well against my boys. I've never had that much success with a sniper, but thats probably because I've failed to find a place to park their asses and leave them to do their work.
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