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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Fast identification signs on vehicles chaged during ATO. At the start of war Ground forces have one white stripe, VDV units - two, later many Ground forces also have two stripes, further were two V-type stripes (especially VDV), two narrow white stripes and thick in the middle with white round, now mostly only white round is in use, though also appear vehicles with old type stripes. Because position war now and no maneuver clashes, there is no need in good seen signs.
  2. CM artillery FO system for Ukrainian and Russian forces is not reflects real situation. In real world the system is the same as in CM1 - "1spotter can targets 1 artillery unit". Mayby this is bug, but it match to reality. Mortar spotters can call fire only for own battery. Their communication system hasn't access to brigade level artillery. Of course, theoretically, they can call brigade artillery strike, but for it they need to connect with battalion commander, commander send request via HQ vehicle to commander of attached battery or if battery is not atatched, then he communicates with brigade's chieff of artillery and... so, this take looooong time. Since 2015 only for corps level artilley could provide combat information system, which allow one spotter team to mark targets for different artillery batteries. On brigade and battalion level, despite on mass using of PDAs inside their units, a principle "one spotter for one battery" still remains. PS: Two 1V14 in UKR mortar battery is mistake in UKR tactical book, which crossed to the game TO&E. This should be corrected in next modules.
  3. According to Fofanov HEAT has less dispersion then APFSDS , but because its muzzle velocity 900-1000 m/s, they are not so good for firing on moving targets with relatively big angle speed.
  4. ATGM launch has a sence from well covered position and as a rule on long range (where APFSDS significantly lost own penetration capabilities). By soviet doctrine, tank ATGMs are "long hand" with ranges of launch over 2 km and more. Of course, real combat has different situation, but even on Donbas with mostly flat/small hills terrain, tank ATGM launches were too rare.
  5. All 49 already done, last party is preparing to final tests before shipping. First Oplot company will be in Ukrainain army at the end of 2017. Very want to believe. There is rumors, that on Tank Challenge-2018 our team will participate on BM Oplot. About bug, yes, I also have been spotting this sometime on Bulats too, but I didn't check statistic how much per 100 shots. Looks like AI in some situations is chose more strong ammunition, especially against tanks.
  6. Crimson cross application never uses on frontline. This is parade feature. Here is more realistic field variant, but in most cases vehecles havn't any crosses. Only fast identification signs and often own names on aside a hull
  7. Real fun is Maxims, even pre-WWII production, are working on frontline more reliably, than KM-7.62 UKR clones of PKM by "Mayak" factory...
  8. This 208th regiment has S-300, so they are already protecting Kherson in 50-70 km area, while Russians advance in city direction. So, in scenario probability of Russian strike aircraft appearing should be low.
  9. Then let the author will paste photo with BMP-1 and T-72AV and irony about "new". This will be more fair. Not every non-ukrainian, LA for example quite normal, but GurKhan is ridiculos propagandist, known devotee of UVZ and "Russian world"
  10. KRAZ trucks and medical "Bohdans" on photo are really new vehicles %) GurKhan is known Russian propagandist with biased articles %)
  11. Oh! I just proposed another bigger scenario, but not instead this one You can continue this DAR with current. Ok, then I will try to make update as soon as possible.
  12. Alas, our MoD considers, that junk upgrading is cheapest way to increase ground forces capability. And when developers are proposing new vehicles, MoD says: "Sorry guys, this is cool, but we have only xx of money for new equipment, we can't to buy it in proper quantities. You should develop something like BTR-4/ Oplot/etc on the base of mathballed T-64A/R, MTLB, BTR-60 and BMP-1". Ok, engineers answering - they are making demonstrators for next exhibition, MoD and UOP officials are walking between "new" APCs, saying "well, this is interesting... but too much expensive anyway". In result army received only badly repaired and good-painted junk, which failing in critical situations. How much were happens, when tasks were failing because of engine overheatings, gun jam etc... Thogh even in this situation some Ukrainian private companies make interest upgrades, like NPO Praktyka, which have developed apposite armored cars Kozak-2/2M, which already going to Army (mostly like FO vehicles and UAV control stations) and National Guard. On current exposition they are presenting new version of Otaman 8x8 vehicle - with RWS and Otoman 6x6 with turret of BMP-1 (bacause they can't receive three need RWS, they mount BMP -1 turret on Otaman and BTR turret on BMP-1 upgrading). Otaman series (6x6 and 8x8) are deep upgrade of BTR-60 About "Guardian". I don't understang agiotage around it. This is just demonstrator with RWS, developed for UAE need (I say about RWS). Developers just say "well MoD, what about THIS conception?" Alas, interest models from Arey design bureau have frozen because of formal conflict with Azov - deeply we can see desire of some high-ranked politics put own hand on possible new armored vehicles manufacturing - even SBU can't to do nothing, because this will be conflict of inetersts between pro-president force and force of Internal affairs minister. This is Ukraine, babe... If you can make some interest thinhs and havn't influence protection, you became a victim of raiders.
  13. Video from Ka-52 S-8 rockets damaged command vehicle of Leer-3 EW station (for GSM suppression/imitation). Three men got light wounds. Video with vehicles after strike:
  14. @HerrTom There is railway bridge on real map. Or you have changed it for playability, havn't you ?
  15. @HerrTom Can we play H2H this at the same time?
  16. I think, yes. But positions on these photos are also too dense as for usual position layout. Maybe because its defending big city from tank-hazard direction. Looks like its just main line (second of third) of defense behind of forward chain of VOPs. While enemy with big forces will assault first line, reserve troops will occupy this defensive area.
  17. Crossing the Dniper During maneuvers "Unshakable firmness-2017" mechanized, marines, air-assault, engineer and chemical units have conducted a forcing of 600 m part of Dnieper in Kherson region and Bilhorod-Dniester liman in Odesa region
  18. Well... Here another one example of heavy defended position, but for linear defense. Looks like ROP (company strongpoint), thouh may by it's a part of ROP. 750 m along 210 in wide (not counting trenches for BMP in the rear). System of trenches organized aside a tree-palnt. In 460 m in front of trenches you can see continuos anti-tank ditch with ebbankment On other example - at once three types of positions - triangle, solid line and separate angle trances for (half)squad. Pay attention on old craters of bombardment, shells have impacted in a place between trenches in ellipse 300 x 145 m
  19. I think, to locate personnel on the road is bad idea.
  20. Man, theese "classified materials" are in almost each soldier's twitter - main source of REAL picture of Ukrainian army and war in whole Of course, situation form USA is seen better, then from inside Example of real VOP with dimensions is not refers ? Well, sorry. Your topic - your rules.
  21. @Sgt.Squarehead Because of troops mostly move on top of armor there is no problems with places on available 6 vehicles. But if we say about "real life very bad case", that many of companies havn't full mencount. Abscence of 30-50 % of personnel in companies is normal situation for Ukranian infantry now. From oppose side situation is the same of even much worth. ______________ Just example of VOP (ukr. Vzvodnyi Opornyi Punkt or eng. platoon strongpoint) on the hill. Main body of position is 350 x 250 m. System of trenches for circle defense and for fast and cover pass to treeplant,when possibly guard position situates. Main and reserve positions for armored vehicles of platoon and some for added forces (as a rule tank and ZU-23-2) - its placed on a distance in 70-75 m each from other.
  22. Never heard about that. I will say more, many companies now in real have 6 APC/IFV becaue of lack of light armor for all brigades...
  23. I guess you are placing own platoon too dense. Even by Soviet field manuals platoon should defend 300 m of front. In real conditions it's often forced to control in two times more. Alas, CM doesn't allow to split squad more than on two parts in order a squad wasn't hit at once by mortar or artillery shell. Especially, when no blindages. I tried to dig in small hut with flat roof in the "terrain pit" instead blindage. But it is a problem - your opponent will spot digged house during observation of the map and uncovear that there is your fortification.
  24. Like in real life too. "TRP" is created by many prelimainary shots, but must be re-adjusted by new shots every four hours due to atmospheric conditions changes. So, battery can't has 100500 TRPs - then they will continuolsly waste own ammunition to support of existing TRPs.
  25. TRPs is your remedy , especailly if you play on small and medium maps, when enemy advancing can not give a time for artillery targeting. Like in real life. Good example Donetsk airport defense. Artillery/mortars has many "TRPs", so fire was calling much faster and suppressing enemy. If enemy is advancing fast and you havn't TRPs on some line, your only way is to delay their advance, to tie with heavy fire and to target artillery in that place. Also you can use linear protective barrage of different intensivity.
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